GERD with esophagitis - treatment, diet, nutrition menu with signs of disease

Gastroesophageal reflux disease( GERD) is characterized by reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus. In this case, the esophagus is damaged by hydrochloric acid and an enzyme that takes part in the digestion of proteins - pepsin. If reflactant in esophagitis becomes the contents of the duodenum, the esophagus membrane is damaged by alkali.

Approximately 2/3 of patients diagnosed with GERD have clinical symptoms, but no inflammation or erosion is detected during the course of FGDD.In the rest of the patients, experts note the presence of visual signs in the form of swelling and redness of the mucosa, the presence of erosions and ulcers. In this situation, they diagnose "GERD with esophagitis" and prescribe a treatment with the selection of a suitable nutrition menu.

Among the main possible complications are called:

  • Substitution of the epithelium of the esophagus by that which normally covers the intestinal membrane. A similar condition of the mucosa is called "Barrett's esophagus";
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  • Reflux esophagitis;
  • Swelling of the esophagus, requiring immediate treatment.

In addition to the formation of tumors, GERD is dangerous by the occurrence of bleeding and ulceration, perforation of the esophagus and the process of inflammation with a violation of the swallowing function. In addition, doctors have demonstrated the formation of signs of aspiration pneumonia due to the ingestion of the contents of the stomach into the mouth and the respiratory tract in a dream.

Diagnosis, treatment of GERD and esophagitis

The study of reflux in the esophagus involves an assessment of the symptoms of the disease, then to choose the right course of therapy and diet. The main symptom is heartburn, the basis of which is the casting of gastric contents back into the esophagus. Also, in the case of esophagitis, a voice can hoist, cervical matter stiffen, cough and hiccough develop.

Depending on the severity of the signs of GERD and esophagitis, specialists use different hardware types of diagnosis:

  • A doctor can make more accurate treatment and compiling a suitable menu for the patient after an esophagogastroduodenoscopy;
  • An x-ray study using barium suspension provides an opportunity to establish a GAP and designate an appropriate diet;
  • Establish a level of purification of the esophagus due to pH-metry;
  • Sometimes doctors prescribe an MRI.

In order to determine the qualitative treatment regimen and the selection of an effective diet, gastroenterologists perform a study of the state of the anatomical structures associated with the esophagus directly.

Diet for GERD with esophagitis

As the main goal of any treatment is getting a stable remission as a result, proper nutrition and menu selection plays an important role. For most ailments of the esophagus, treatment requires compliance with certain principles of cooking and eating dishes.

To understand the proper nutrition, you first need to understand what is the focus on diet for this disease. In addition to constant reflux with esophagitis, a complication occurs throughout the course of the disease and the esophagus is inflamed. As a result, in the absence of treatment for a patient with GERD and esophagitis, the pain in the sternum and heartburn often start to worry. That is why, in order to speed up remission, experts advise switching to a therapeutic diet.

Approximate menu for a patient with GERD and esophagitis

Usually, a diet is associated with a person with a restriction of some freedom, so often the need for dietary intake as a treatment is perceived by the patient without enthusiasm. In fact, not everything is so scary, but because even in the minimum list of products allowed for treatment, you can find a lot of useful.

So, an exemplary menu for GERD with esophagitis:

  • In the form of a full meal for breakfast is a sandwich, vinaigrette, baked syrniki or porridge with the addition of dried fruits.
  • For the second breakfast, doctors recommend a snack not with sour yoghurt, boiled fruits and green tea. During dinner try to eat soup puree on vegetable broth with the addition of meat and fresh herbs.
  • You can use mousse of apples and pumpkins for a snack, because it should not be high in calories. Also recommend baked apples and honey.
  • As a supper, eat fish pre-baked with greens and carrots, and use garnish or rice on garnish.

Many patients such a variant of the proposed diet with GERD with esophagitis may seem pretty fresh, but if desired, it easily lends itself to a variety. The choice of products is quite wide, so you need to learn how to properly prepare and serve them. If you have any difficulties, you can contact a dietician for a diet.

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