Treatment and diverticulitis of the intestine, sigmoid, thick, duodenal ulcer, surgery, antibiotic preparations, how to treat, prevention, can I take Arthra?

According to statistics, every 4 people suffer from diverticulitis. In most cases, the disease manifests itself in people of advanced age. When a person reaches 70 years of age, the likelihood of getting sick increases several times.

If a diagnosis of diverticulitis has been made, treatment should be performed immediately. The faster the patient turns to the doctor, the more effective the therapy will be.

Having found the sigmoid colon diverticulitis and specifying the diagnosis, it will be necessary to choose the treatment. Everything depends on what stage the disease is at, the risk of complications, the way of life performed by the patient and the features of his nutrition are important. Age is also a very important factor.

Therapy can be divided into two types:

  1. Medication;
  2. Surgical intervention( operation).

Therapy will directly depend on the complexity of the course of the disease. If uncomplicated intestinal diverticulitis occurs, treatment can be effective in 80% of cases. Such an ailment appears in people with weakened immunity, as well as in patients suffering from kidney failure and diabetes.

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Since it is better to treat diverticulitis immediately after detection, it is necessary to make a diet with your doctor right away. If a patient has a serious condition, urgent hospitalization is necessary.

Medication for diverticulitis

When the disease was discovered by chance, the main treatment is a diet. Every day you need to consume a large number of vegetables, cereals and liquids, but only if there are no contraindications. When the esophageal diverticulitis is asymptomatic, the treatment consists of taking probiotics and enzyme preparations.

If the inflammatory process develops and studies confirm the diverticulitis, treatment with antibiotics is the best way to eliminate the disease. Perhaps outpatient treatment, while observing a strict diet. The therapy should be divided into the following stages:

  • The patient is prescribed antibiotics for sigmoid colon diverticulitis, as well as butyric acid and preparations of 5-aminosalicylic acid;
  • Enzymes are used to improve digestion;
  • Stimulant motility of the gastrointestinal tract with diverticulitis is also necessary. Most often appointed Motilium or Motilak;
  • Sometimes diverticulitis of the duodenum causes spasms, then treatment requires additional means, such as No-shpa, Spasmol or Drotaverin;
  • Do not forget about a difficult bowel movement. Often doctors prescribe Mukofalk diverticulitis, since it can cause constipation. This remedy is for herbal remedies;
  • Chlorophyllipt is used to normalize the intestinal microflora in the treatment of diverticulitis. This drug refers to antimicrobials.

Sometimes patients ask a doctor if it is possible to drink Artra with diverticulitis? Since this remedy is anti-inflammatory, it is sometimes prescribed if there is no individual intolerance. Treatment of diverticulitis of the sigmoid colon with antibiotics requires a careful approach, so the specialist should not only identify the disease, but also become familiar with the diet and lifestyle of the patient. Only after this should be prescribed antibiotics and other medications. When the diagnosis is completed, the patient will know whether Arthra can be taken with diverticulitis.

Operation with diverticulitis

When antibiotics are impotent in diverticulitis, the patient is prescribed an operation. This happens when complications occur, when a threat to human life appears.

There are several tactics for performing surgical intervention. The method is selected depending on the following factors:

  • Nature of complications;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Changes in intestinal wall;
  • Presence of peritonitis.

If a patient has not only a colon diverticulitis, treatment may be difficult. This is more common in people in old age. Doctors prefer the resection of the large intestine in a planned manner.

Percutaneous drainage is also possible, but this is possible only with a pericardial abscess. Peritonitis, pelvic and retroperitoneal abscess are indications for surgery.

After the operation is completed, the patient should be under medical supervision for some time. This is necessary in order that there are no other inflammatory processes or unforeseen situations. During the whole observation, the patient is going to have tests. Similarly, specialists ensure that the patient is eating properly, this will allow them to recover more quickly after surgery.

Prevention of diverticulitis

Many people do not know how to avoid diverticulitis. For this, certain requirements must be met. First of all, you should consume at least 35 grams of fiber daily. Thanks to natural fiber, the passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract is facilitated. The stool becomes volumetric, and the intestine does not strain to move it, also the load on the intestinal walls decreases. A lot of fiber is found in the following products:

  • In potatoes and spinach;
  • Apples, pears and prunes;Beans and other pulses;Oat and brown rice.

Prevention of diverticulitis is important for every person. If this is not done, health problems may arise.

It is mandatory to maintain the water balance. Daily fluid rate may vary. It all depends on the human body and physical activity. Due to abundant drinking, the intestines are cleared. If there is insufficient fluid intake, constipation may occur.

Regular exercises are especially important. Due to the constant physical activity of the intestinal muscles are constantly reduced. Exercises contribute to the normalization of the stool, and the risk of diverticulitis is reduced.

It is strongly recommended to avoid during the defecation of tension. When there is constipation, you do not need to strain too much. This can contribute to the penetration of particles of stool between the already existing protrusions.

For prevention of diverticulitis to be more effective, you can consult a doctor who will help you understand some of the subtleties of the disease.

An important element is the diet. The food should be regular and not heavy. You should avoid fermentation in the intestines. From your diet you need to exclude the following products:

  • Spicy food;
  • Fatty meats;
  • Hot or cold dishes;
  • Canned food;
  • Smoked products;
  • Baking.

It is best to eat porridges cooked on milk or water. Perfectly suits porridge oats. You can eat chicken and turkey from meat. All food should be cooked for a couple. All ingredients must be ground to make the intestines easier to handle.

If inflammation occurs, it is recommended that you stop eating for a few days. It is best to drink caraway tea, which will calm the intestines. With pain, you need to take antispasmodics.

If prophylaxis is performed, the likelihood that pathological formations will become inflamed is close to zero and it will not be necessary to ask whether diverticulitis can be cured.

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