Diet with diverticulosis of the intestine, food menu for the treatment of diverticula, what can and can not be eaten, what fruits and vegetables to eat?

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Diverticulosis is an inflammatory process in the form of the appearance of pathological protrusions of the walls of the intestine, stomach and esophagus. It arises mainly because of violations admitted by the patient in the diet, so treatment should take place only against a background of a special diet, the menu for which is developed by a specialist individually for each person with this pathology, depending on the place of its localization and the degree of development. The doctor also determines what is possible and what can not be eaten in each specific case. So, with the appearance of diverticula in the throat area, the products that a patient can eat daily, are different from those used in a diet with diverticulosis of the intestine.

At the first stage of pathology development, all treatment consists only in normalizing the diet. It is very often the question of patients about what can be eaten with diverticulosis of the intestine. To fully understand the dietary menu permitted for this disease, it is necessary to find out some general requirements for it. The essence of therapeutic nutrition in the initial uncomplicated stage of pathology consists in the application of the following features:

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  • In order to prevent further progression of the disease, it is necessary to increase the consumption of coarse fibrous food. The diet should be made in such a way that it is balanced and full, containing all the necessary microelements and vitamins;
  • The main place in the menu for diverticulosis should be products containing a large amount of plant fiber in its composition. These are vegetables, fruits and bran. It should not be forgotten when drawing up a diet with diverticula and about the use of an increased amount of liquid, which contributes both to the swelling of the cellulose and to its better advancement along the digestive tract;
  • If the disease is accompanied by permanent constipation, you should use sour-milk products and dried fruits.

If during the first days of dieting abdominal swelling and tenderness, you should not worry, as these phenomena will completely pass some time after changes in diet.

What foods can not be eaten with diverticulosis, and what can be?

Proper dietary intake for diverticulosis of the intestine provides for a ban on eating those foods that provoke a person's constipation or increased gas production. Also, according to most experts, you can not use sunflower seeds, popcorn and nuts in the diet menu with diverticulosis. The fact is that the structure of these products is such that in most cases leads to their jamming in pathological protrusions. This in turn provokes the emergence of an inflammatory process, which is eliminated only through surgery.

Many bakers love the question of whether it is possible to eat pies or pizza with diverticula of digestive organs. In dietary nutrition with this bowel disease, such a dish is not recommended due to the fact that it can provoke constipation, and this is fraught with the emergence of exacerbations. But in the case when the vegetable pizza will be cooked, there is it not only possible, but also necessary. Pizza, containing in its composition a large amount of plant fiber, is indispensable in the treatment of bowel pathology, as it contributes to the normalization of the stool.

It is also often asked about the possibility of drinking alcohol with diverticulosis. Here the opinion of all specialists is that during a diet used both for the treatment of a disease and for its prevention, any alcoholic drinks to patients are strictly contraindicated. The fact that alcohol has a negative effect on peristalsis of the intestine and is capable of provoking the development of exacerbation of pathology.

Fresh fruits and vegetables for diverticulosis should be in the diet menu daily. The only condition is that they must necessarily undergo heat treatment. The correct diet for diverticulosis should be one third of baked, boiled or cooked in the form of puree dishes, rich in plant fiber. Also patients with impaired stool should include in the daily menu compotes of dried fruits and berries. Approximate diet menu with diverticula

In the case where pathological protrusions are located at the junction of the pharynx and esophagus, the requirements for a patient's diet are more serious. The fact is that the anatomical sacs in the throat can easily fill with food remnants, and this will provoke their inflammation. To prevent this, with the appearance of diverticula in the throat should follow a diet and proper diet. An approximate diet should consist of a digestible and unable to get stuck in saccular protrusions, food. Nutrition for this pathology should be fractional( approximately 5-6 times a day in small portions).Eat a lot of vegetables, as well as fresh and pre-soaked dry fruits. Categorically forbidden to eat during a diet with diverticulum esophagus alcohol.

Approximate dietary menu for diverticulosis of the esophagus and intestine is approximately the same. All dishes should be easily assimilated and do not cause any damage to the digestive tract. It is also recommended to strengthen the drinking regime, exclude fruits rich in seeds and any alcohol. The main dish of the approximate diet of the patient with these pathologies should be vegetable mucous soups and compotes from dried fruits containing a large amount of plant fiber.

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