Treatment of intestinal dolichosigma in adults, types of operations( removal, resection), what to do, which doctor, how to cure?

When the diagnosis of dolichosigma is made, the treatment is complex. In two cases out of three, the disease succumbs to conservative therapy, and only in the most advanced stages surgical treatment of dolichosigma is indicated. Ignore pathology is impossible, and all because long constipations contribute to the formation of strong intoxication. The formation of fecal stones in adults leads to decompensation of the intestinal wall, motor functions gradually atrophy. Such a condition does not lend itself to conservative treatment. Therefore, the question of how to cure is very acute.

The development of dolichosigma in adults goes through three stages, at the initial stage, when constipation can still be treated with mild laxatives, and then when defecation becomes possible only with the use of cleansing enemas, conservative therapy is used to treat the pathology of the sigmoid intestine. It consists of:

  1. Manipulation components( classic visceral massage).
  2. Therapeutic physical training( LFK).
  3. Special diet.
  4. Cleansing and siphon enemas.
  5. Medication taking.
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Today visceral massage with dolichosigma is actively used to restore intestinal motility. It involves exposure to the abdominal wall with the help of hands. Manual correction includes different types of movements. This is both punching, shifting, vibrational manipulation. With the help of them, the ligamentous apparatus of internal organs is restored, blood circulation improves, and the work of the intestine is stimulated, among other things. To many patients visceral massage helps to do without cleaning procedures. The main thing is that the doctor must make an appointment.

When a patient begins to use laxatives for dolichosigma, intestinal motility slowly atrophies, the large intestine does not want to work independently. To force him to work again can special physical exercises( physiotherapy with dolichosigma - an extended complex exercise therapy).To achieve the expected effect, gymnastics should be performed regularly, but the load should be even. During the first month, the proposed exercises are performed five times six times each, during the second month the amount increases to ten. To conduct gymnastics or attend exercise therapy at dolichosigma it is better in the morning on an empty stomach, before carrying out the cleaning procedures.

Diet specialties in the treatment of dolichosigma

If dolichosigma is diagnosed, treatment in adults and children is necessarily based on the application of a diet. The patient will have to stick to uncomplicated rules all his life, they will help to restrain many pathological processes. What to do with dolichosigma, and what should I look for:

  • First, it is useful to include a daily diet of more fresh fruits and vegetables, dishes made from cereals.
  • Secondly, it is worth to love all sour-milk products and start your day with them.
  • Third, patients are advised to completely abandon fatty varieties of meat and fish, from fried foods cooked with them. Eating steamed, baked in the oven, seasoned with olive oil - that's what you need to take as a basis for therapeutic nutrition.
  • Fourth, the diet for dolichosigma in adults implies the inclusion of fruit and vegetable juices in the diet.

Under the ban, all that can increase the irritation of the intestines and stomach, so the salty, spicy, canned will have to be forgotten once and for all. You can not drink coffee, lemonades, carbonated drinks, there are flour products. The doctor will give accurate recommendations.

Endometrial enemas

Cleansers and siphon enemas are often used in the treatment of dolichosigma in adults. The former help to eliminate long constipation, while the latter are intended for complete cleansing of the large intestine, removal of toxins and putrefactive deposits from it. Unlike purification, siphon enemas can eliminate even obstructive obstruction of the large intestine. Purification procedures are used together with laxatives at the first stages of lengthening of the colon, siphon enemas are used in the second stage, when stank rubble gives impetus to the development of intoxication of the body. But all this is decided by the doctor.

Drugs for dolichosigma

If dolichosigma in adults is not complicated by nod formation, the formation of a large number of loops, curvature, and other similar phenomena, drug therapy is also actively used in the treatment. To correction with the help of diet add laxatives, fast and delayed action. Their long reception causes loss of vitamins and minerals, therefore at this stage, homeopathy is actively used. Polizim with dolichosigme is prescribed most often. This is a natural multivitamin complex - a living source of enzymes and biologically active substances. In the production of Polyshim, extracts of Crimean grasses are used, which are actively used in folk medicine.

With decreasing muscle tone during treatment, dolichosigma is recommended to drink Proserin and Reglan, actively used at this stage and physiotherapy. Effective is the electrical stimulation of the intestine, as well as sanatorium treatment.

Operative treatment of dolichosigma

In the absence of proper treatment, stool masses become very dense, they increase in size and harden. Passing through the large intestine and anus, the fecal masses injure the mucous membrane of the hollow organ, scratches appear on it, the cracks on the anus cause strong pain sensations. As a result of this process, a negative reflex to defecation is formed, it significantly aggravates the situation. To correct the situation in this case, only the removal of dolichosigma will help, that is, surgical intervention is necessary. Indications for surgery are emergency cases when the patient has symptoms and signs of intestinal obstruction, which is increasing despite the use of conservative treatment of dolichosigma.

During the operation, extra loops are removed, in which the blood supply is broken. The surgical removal of dolichosigma undergoes anesthesia, the duration of the operation is one hour and a half. Resection of the pathologically altered part of the intestine through the incision of the peritoneum is performed. Modern materials and techniques allow to do this with minimal losses and health risks, so after the operation the patient very quickly recovers.

In the postoperative period after resection of dolichosigma intensive rehabilitative therapy is carried out. The patient spends the day in intensive care, after which he is transferred to a regular ward. It must be remembered that the removal of the sigmoid colon in adults is a rather complicated operation, but on the third day the patient is allowed to get up, and on the fifth day to walk. All this time, intensive treatment is carried out, that is, droplets are injected with blood-restoring, antibacterial compounds, drugs that help to detoxify and improve blood coagulability. Parallel to this, drugs are prescribed that allow the prevention of wound infection( antibiotics).

The sutures are removed on the 10th day after the operation, a month after it the patient becomes fully able-bodied. During the first four months he will be forced to adhere to a strict diet. If everything goes without complications, forecasts are always the most positive. You can talk about full recovery when all the signs of dolichosigma, which were mentioned above, completely disappear. Knowing how to treat dolichosigma in adults, what kinds of operations are used in the most severe cases, when surgical intervention may be necessary, what indications exist for it, what to do and how to treat the first initial stages, many will take care of their health and will not allow the occurrence of dangerous complications, which will lead to prolonged treatment, and possibly to bowel resection.

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