Diet number 5a and 5p with pancreatitis and nutrition menu for pancreatic diseases

Internal organs responsible for the cleavage of fat, carbohydrates and proteins that come with food, in case of abnormalities of the pancreas, experience severe discomfort. From this body, insulin ceases to be excreted, the content of sugar in the blood is broken. Enzymes begin to destroy the diseased organ. Diet 5 for pancreatitis is designed to reduce the load on all organs, both chemical and mechanical. For the sparing of the chemical from the diet number 5p is removed:

  • broths based on fish, mushrooms, meat
  • baking and fresh bread( white)
  • pickles( tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage)
  • spices( spices of all kinds)
  • spicy sauces
  • fatty sauces
  • dishes, breaded
  • fried dishes, braised

Chemical weakening of the load on the stomach and pancreas diet 5 supplements the way of cooking. Extracts from foods that are prohibited in pancreatitis are removed in a double boiler, there is no crust and when cooking.

A mechanical for feeding with pancreatitis on diet number 5 uses a ban on products:

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  • in which there is a coarse type of fiber - radish, cucumbers, cabbage, turnip, pear
  • crumbly porridge - millet, pearl barley
  • rich in starch legumes - beans, beans, peas
  • coarse bread types
  • meat pieces - instead of it mincemeat is used
  • whole vegetables and cereals - wiped on a sieve( soups, second dishes)

M. Povzner created, at one time, a nutrition menu useful for most diseases, denoting each table with a digit, Mr. Diet for pancreatitis measures corresponds to 5P.Moreover, the number 5n has subspecies: the first - hard for the first two weeks after the crisis, and the second - for later use. Diet number five for pancreatitis is suitable for adult patients, adolescents, and children. The only condition remains the normal tolerability of product categories, in the 5n table used. If "Pancreatitis" is diagnosed, the 5n diet becomes lifelong. Number 5 and 5a are not created for the pancreas gland, but for gallbladder and hepatitis diseases, and have much in common with the table 5p.

The liver, the ways of bile withdrawal, pancreas, intestines, stomach and duodenum in case of damage to any of these organs involve the others in the pathology process. Therefore, the diet for pancreatitis 5p takes care of the rest of the organs, just as the table 5a spares the pancreas. The general characteristics of all these tables, including the diet of 5a in pancreatitis, are:

  • fine shredding, rubbing, chopping products for safety of the gland
  • absence of irritants of the liver, stomach, pancreas
  • moderate use of fat and salt
  • products provoking rot in the intestine andfermentation, absent
  • physiological usefulness of nutrition for pancreatitis, 5a and 5

The diet of 5p in pancreatitis completely coincides with the meal hours in table 5a. The function of the pancreas is then restored, a remission occurs, turning into a stable one( if the organ was not removed during surgery).The infiltration of fats with the liver is prevented, the excitability of the bile is created, a favorable diet for the stomach is created, useful for the intestines.

A feature of the 5p diet with pancreatitis is the ban, just like in 5a, hot food and cold, the body receives daily meals of up to 1.7 thousand calories, one and a half liters of liquid, 40 sugars corresponding to 400 g of carbohydrates, 15 and 65 gramsfat vegetable and animal, respectively, 120 g of proteins, inoffensive for the pancreas gland. Excluded from the menu of patients with pancreatic gland problems using diet 5n, the following products:

  • soda, cocoa, coffee
  • ice cream, chocolate
  • gooseberries, currants red, cranberries
  • horseradish, spices, mustard, sauces
  • brain, goose, kidneys, mushroomspork, duck, lamb, liver, duck, lamb
  • fat smoked fish, salted
  • spicy cheese, cream, kefir fatty and sour
  • pickled vegetables
  • vegetables, with oxalic acid and essential oils
  • sausages, snacks, canned food
  • patties, creams, dough puff andFrom toNoah, bread black, gray, fresh

But, little by little, with remission are allowed in the diet menu of diet number 5 honey, juice, sugar, candy without chocolate, marmalade, pastille, jam.

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