Diet №5 with symptoms of pancreatitis and treatment of diseases( illness, inflammation) of the pancreas

Pancreatitis is chronic and acute. In the first case, the organ function is disrupted, in the second case it can not function normally( to excrete the enzyme into the duodenum) because of poisonings, infections, and duct closures. The sick pancreas has symptoms in the form of diarrhea, back pain, abdomen, vomiting. The diet is prescribed from the first day, however, the initial 48 hours are characterized by a complete lack of food( with any form of disease).The acute form of the disease combines the treatment of pancreatitis with medicines with a simultaneous diet, without which progress is impossible.

In the absence of a chronic stage of pancreatitis, symptoms only occur with exacerbation, the diet can stop the disease, the attacks stop. Very important is the patient's tolerability of fermented milk products, since after two days after an exacerbation of the disease dietary treatment is best started with curdled milk( 100 g every half hour, but not more than a liter a day).Then comes the turn of homemade fresh cottage cheese. The pancreas does not yet have a normal outflow of juice, therefore, the rest of the products are banned. There are some differences in diets:

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  • exacerbation of the disease in chronic pancreatitis - first steam food, then combining with boiled, mashed, completely eliminated stew and roast, fractional six meals, 70% of animal protein
  • acute pancreatitis - nutrition similar to the previous, only 70% of vegetable proteins, abundance of cottage cheese and dairy products, six-time
  • remission of the disease in the chronic form of pancreatitis - the appearance of baked dishes, tea with sugar, jam, honey, meat and fish are allowed inarenas, porridges, including milk, some white bread, fruit, juices

The production of juice from a sick organ provokes bile acids, and the choleretic effect has fat coming from food. Cutting it in the diet, doctors spare the pancreas, the symptoms of the disease disappear, thanks to a diet. During the illness treatment aims not to cause recurrence of pancreatitis, which is possible with increased pressure in the intestines. This pressure can increase with fermentation reactions when carbohydrates contained in honey, sugar and sugar-containing foods enter the body, reducing treatment to nothing.

Disrupted pancreatic function in pancreatitis leads to the beginning of digestion by the body itself, the symptoms allow you to immediately begin treatment with medications and diet. Nutrition becomes unattractive, but, often, the disease imposes a ban on certain foods. Gastroenterologists do not just ban products, but justify the patient's reasons, it allows you to determine similar products, do not cause an exacerbation of the disease.

The pancreas has symptoms that automatically prescribe a diet and treatment. Among the fifteen diets created, the fifth serves specifically for this disease. Unhealthy pancreas with symptoms of the disease has strict limitations in the intake of protein and carbohydrates, as well as fats. The diet takes all this into account when leaving remission, after which fresh fruits are allowed in small amounts.

The disease should not contribute to the emergence of new foci, which is quite possible in the absence of vitamins and trace elements. Treatment should be reasonable, then, the patient will always be in remission, feeling the absence of certain dishes is minimal. If the pancreas is sick, the symptoms usually manifest with the use of prohibited foods, tobacco, alcohol. The chronic form is dangerous because a crisis can occur, even, due to the usual overeating. Diet treatment is used by gastroenterologists, as the most effective for today.

Diet for symptoms of pancreatic inflammation

Pancreatitis is accompanied by symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. The patient feels very strong girdling pains in the abdomen and waist, a headache, the lagging of the tongue is observed. However, all these symptoms of inflammation of the pancreas are manifested in other diseases of the digestive tract, because "in medicine everything looks like everything."Given this, the final diagnosis can only be made by the doctor after the examination.

Before visiting the doctor in the presence of the above symptoms of pancreatitis, the patient necessarily goes to a rigid diet food:

  • The first 24 hours prescribed fasting. Drinking - a pale broth of chamomile or dogrose, mineral water( alkaline) without gas, weak tea - is taken strictly in warm form in unlimited quantities. The sweetening of drinks is excluded.
  • Next day you can eat crackers from white wheat bread. In one day 10-18 small breadcrumbs are eaten in 5-6 receptions. Less is better than more.
  • If the patient's well-being improved, then grinded low-fat fresh curd is allowed, liquid puree without butter, boiled milled lean meat( chicken, beef, rabbit).Vegetable fried soups are allowed on the water without cabbage and onions. All the rest is excluded before the diagnosis is made. Food is taken only warm, 6 small portions a day.
  • If the patient feels bad, only rusks and warm unsweetened drink remain in the diet before the doctor visits.

Once the diagnosis is established, treatment of pancreatic inflammation is accompanied by a strict diet until complete recovery. Unfortunately, pancreatitis, in most cases, is chronic, so even after the disease recedes, the patient should limit the consumption of fatty, fried, spicy, acidic and salty foods.

Diet for the treatment of symptoms of pancreatitis

The patient, without fail, must strictly adhere to the following rules in nutrition:

  • Carbohydrates and fats are reduced to a minimum.
  • Pickles, smoking, canned food, offal, mushrooms, spicy seasonings and buns are prohibited. Coffee, chocolate, cocoa and strong tea are also banned.
  • Bread is only white wheat yesterday.
  • Alcohol is excluded, without options.
  • Food should be cooked or steamed. Other types of cooking - roasting, braising, baking - are not allowed.
  • The intake of coarse food is excluded. All food should be ground or well shredded, in a warm form( thermal shchazhenie).
  • You can not eat raw vegetables and fruits. Vegetables for which a complete ban is set: peas, beans, cucumbers, cabbage, asparagus, radish, garlic and onions.
  • It is necessary to introduce enough vitamins in the diet. Especially important vitamins C, P, group B and retinol.
  • The patient should eat food fractional, 5-6 small servings per day. The food is taken slowly and thoroughly chewed.

Diet №5П with symptoms of pancreatitis

For patients with pancreatitis the main is the dietary table № 5П.Below are listed dishes that can be cooked for the sick. They are enough for a varied and full menu.


  • one-day fat-free cottage cheese;
  • syrups on the sail 1 teaspoon 15% sour cream;
  • vareniki lazy with 1 teaspoon of 15% sour cream;
  • porridge( buckwheat, rice, oats) is milk;
  • boiled potatoes or any pasta( vermicelli, noodles, spaghetti) with 50 g of butter. For the sake of satiety garnish can be supplemented with a piece of white chicken meat, boiled beef, low-fat fish or steam chop;


  • drink with a choice of biscuits or oatmeal biscuits, white bread crumbs or salted straws.


  • vegetable soups or borsch on water( vegetarian).A couple of times a week you can allow a secondary meat broth. For taste in the first dish, it is allowed to add 1 teaspoon of 15% sour cream. Boiled meat, steamed chicken or boiled low-fat fish
  • for garnish boiled potatoes, porridge( buckwheat, oatmeal or rice) or any pasta( vermicelli, noodles, spaghetti) with 50 g of butter. Salad from the boiled beet.


  • hard-boiled egg
  • omelette from 1 egg per pair;
  • carrot and apple puree;
  • 3-4 apples cooked.


  • any permitted garnish with fish or meat;
  • any authorized milk porridge;
  • one-day curd;
  • pair of cheese cakes;
  • vareniki lazy with 1 teaspoon of 15% sour cream.

Before going to bed:

  • any drink to taste. Preference is given by nutritionists to fresh yogurt. It is a little more nutritious and promotes good work of the intestines.


  • weak black or green tea;
  • broths of a camomile or hips of a dogrose;
  • compotes of fresh or dried fruit, jelly;
  • one day kefir.

The proposed dishes of diet No. 5P for inflammation of the pancreas can be varied at their own discretion. The main thing is not to forget that only one dish with a drink is used for breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner, and for lunch - the first, second and drink.

Be Healthy!

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