Ultrasound and pancreatic cancer

Experts developed an algorithm for examining ultrasound in pancreatic cancer, in which it is detected with a high probability. The research package includes:

  • transdermal - the first stage in online B-mode, which allows to see the contour, localization, stage of the tumor( is one of the methods for screening the pancreas)
  • color - according to the Doppler method in B-mode, the contrast medium is carbon dioxide, the quality of the substanceaffects the effectiveness of detection of cancer
  • color - the last level in EDC and CDC regimens, allows to understand the relationship of the tumor of the gland with branches of the aorta and vein

According to the results of ultrasound, pancreatic cancer is confirmedfollowing biopsy( current setting neoplasm) or extends further confirmation any method tomography. The method is also used to control other operations, in parallel with them( in-flow studies, endoscopic).

Advantages of ultrasound in diagnosing pancreatic cancer

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Cancer center studies confirm the effectiveness of the procedure: the

  • process in the head of the ultrasound organ showed total lesions( in several parts simultaneously) in 60% of
  • in 2% of
  • , the tumor was detected in the tail in 25% of
  • , the localization of neoplasm in the bodyaccounted for 13% of the
  • in the hook-shaped process in the early stages does not allow detecting a tumor that allows it to operate

Sequence of the procedure for examination for cancer

SoundA new ultrasound signal is enhanced by the introduction of echocontrast agents, for example, the left-leavist. This requires preliminary preparation of the subject. The procedure lasts ten minutes, consists of the following stages: the

  • patient is exposed to the waist, lies on the back
  • the study takes place online, pictures can be taken and the
  • record is taken. The area of ​​the ultrasound examination is covered with a gel that provides airless contact of the tip of the device with the skin
  • breathing is delayed by inhalationdeep)
  • in rare cases, the patient is turned on his side or put on his feet
  • preliminary preparation for ultrasound is to receive activated carbon the night before( gas formation interferes with the testedovaniyu)

Increases the quality of the survey on the appointment of pancreatic cancer three days bezshlakovoy diet morning laxatives the day before. Dinner on the eve should not contain raw vegetables, milk, fruit, eaten for twelve hours. In the morning, it is forbidden to take medicines and smoking, food and liquids.

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