Diet and nutrition in pancreatic cancer, what products can be oncology?

Methods of heat treatment, sparing the gastrointestinal tract( steamed, in the oven, boiled), are used in the nutrition of cancer patients( before and after surgery).The quantity of fats is limited, the share of proteins in plant products increases. In dairy products, low-fat and non-acidic types are recommended, the ingredients of the dishes should be grinded in a convenient way( grinder, grater, knife).

Diet for pancreatic cancer

Prohibition imposed by gastroenterologists and nutritionists on products:

  • drinks - containing gas( sweet and mineral), caffeine, alcohol
  • sweet - the disease is often accompanied by diabetes, carbohydrates are harmful to the pancreatic
  • byproducts - liver, brain, lungs, heart, which contain harmful substances deposited during the life of the animal
  • , a fat, defective organ( operated with chemoradiotherapy) will not cope with fats
  • canned food -(
  • ) - fruit, pears, citrus, dates( fiber-optic fiber), sweet apples, grapes, gooseberries, raspberries
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  • vegetables - white cabbage, radish, radish( coarse fiber), fatty food
  • floury - fresh, with bran,beans( excessive gas generation is dangerous for cancer), garlic
  • cereals - peas, millet, pearl barley

Nutrition for pancreatic cancer

As in the case of pancreatitis, the food becomes frequent, moderate, with the predominance of steam dishes in the diet. There are two breakfasts and two suppers, or instead of an evening table, a snack is added. The early breakfast may contain:

  • kefir or broth of rose hips( dried fruit)
  • liquid porridge with biscuit

These dishes can be changed at the first / second meal, the diet is supplemented with new dishes of own production or ready-made recipes.

Diet for pancreatic tumor

The whole organ does not affect the tumor, therefore, the patient's table is much more diverse than after removal. You can experiment with dangerous products, including their small doses. For example, from the forbidden tomatoes, the inner part and all the skin are removed, pea porridge is boiled in a pressure cooker and so on. Diet accustoms the patient to life after surgery. The most complete of all possible nutrition is allowed by dietitians( treating doctors) with a pancreatic tumor, which does not always mean cancer( although it reduces the quality of life).It is necessary not to allow relapses, to combine the permitted products with medications, courses of therapy according to the doctor's prescription.

Authorized products for pancreatic oncology

  • Protein of animal origin. Diet in oncology of the pancreas should include lean meat without skin. Suitable chicken breast, beef, rabbit.
  • Sour-milk products with reduced fat content: soft curd cheese, yogurt, natural yogurt, fermented baked milk. Nutrition for pancreatic cancer involves not too sour food. Sometimes you can afford to eat a slice of low-fat and lightly hard cheese.
  • Fresh, baked, steamed vegetables( any, except forbidden).To simplify the process of digestion of food, it is recommended to wipe the food through a sieve before use. You can eat soups, mashed potatoes.
  • Protein Omelettes( no more than 2 eggs without yolk for 1 day).
  • Gallet and oatmeal cookies, crackers, yesterday's white bread.
  • Oils: up to 15 g of vegetable( optimally - olive) and up to 30 g of creamy daily.
  • Various cereals: oatmeal, semolina, rice, buckwheat. You can eat pasta.
  • Home-made compotes and jelly without added sugar.
  • Non-resistant and unsweetened tea( green is recommended), herbal infusions, mineral water without sugar.
  • The diet for pancreatic cancer can include a moderate amount of citrus and pomegranate.
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