Gastroduodenitis and herbal treatment( herbal medicine), herbal preparations, flax( seed), chamomile, aloe, chicory

Today successfully treated gastroduodenitis is carried out with phytotherapy. Of course, a greater effect can be achieved by combining the therapy prescribed by gastroenterologists, with the collection of herbs. When gastroduodenitis is detected, herbs are treated only with a parallel diet, diet and other advice of doctors. In this case, any method of treatment is necessarily consistent with the clinical form of the disease. As a rule, the most effective medicinal herbs are chamomile and chicory.

How to take aloe in gastroduodenitis?

Specialists give different recommendations on the treatment of the disease with the help of aloe. One of the most famous schemes of reception is the following: 1 tsp. A mixture of aloe and honey is used three times a day before meals. The course of admission is approximately three weeks.

Another, no less famous method, involves the use of red wine. Here in 150 ml. Aloe juice is poured honey and wine( 200 and 500 ml respectively).The scheme of reception is similar to the previous one.

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With reduced gastric secretion, aloe juice is mixed with dandelion 2: 1.

To reduce the pain syndrome with gastroduodenitis, a mixture of aloe juice and mint infusion will help. To prepare the solution, take 300 g of hot water and pour 50 g of leaves. Then mint is insisted for half an hour and mixed with juice. The received means take 1 glass before eating.

Gastroduodenitis and miracle chamomile

If you start treating gastroduodenitis with herbal remedies, preference should be given to the chamomile, which is famous for its disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties. In folk medicine, this herb takes a leading position due to the fact that it enhances the secretion of bile, eliminates spasms, improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and stimulates appetite.

With gastroduodenitis from chamomile, you can prepare a cold infusion, which is obtained from a spoonful of inflorescences filled with a glass of water.

An excellent remedy for diarrhea and vomiting is the infusion of flowers of chamomile, mint and 1 tsp.peel of pomegranate. Infusion should be kept for about two hours and drain. Due to this collection, patients are able to get rid of gas generation and infection of the intestine, and also to increase the secretion of the stomach.

Flax with gastroduodenitis

Today there is a whole range of different methods and medications that alleviate pain in gastroduodenitis, but often they give side effects and temporary relief. That is why, it is best to resort to the treatment of herbs, and in particular the flax seed.

As is known, flax seeds in phytotherapy are used since ancient times. No wonder our ancestors treated them all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Their value for the human body lies in the content of a variety of nutrients and compounds.

Thanks to the content of polysaccharides, the seed of flax has an enveloping property and, penetrating into the body, attracts harmful elements to itself and takes them out. This effect is the most important during the therapy of gastroduodenitis.

How to use flax seeds with gastroduodenitis?

  1. Given that when their broth is formed mucus, which has an enveloping effect on the stomach and relieving inflammation, you can use the following recipe: 3 tablespoons. Seeds are brewed in a liter of boiling water and covered with a lid, leaving for the night. In the morning on a hungry stomach half a glass of broth is drunk, and the rest is consumed throughout the day.
  2. One liter of boiling water is taken 70 g of flax and boiled for two hours on low heat. The resulting broth is filtered and cooled. Keep it in the cold and take it three times a day before meals.
  3. If a heartburn occurs, the plant should be rubbed to make a spoon. The resulting mixture is brewed and taken twice a day before meals.

Phytotherapy of gastroduodenitis and chicory

As a rule, chicory is often used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and in particular to improve digestion. Substances that are contained in the grass and roots of chicory, make it possible to reduce the process of inflammation of the mucous membrane. Due to this property of grass, it is actively used to treat gastroduodenitis and prevent ulcers and stool disorders.

Herbal preparations for the treatment of gastroduodenitis

Traditional medicine in addition to the use of individual plants during the treatment of the disease offers and many effective herbal dues, which include only suitable ingredients.

  • Kalina( fruit) 0.5 cups, aloe juice( 100ml), mushroom chaga( 2 cups) mix and pour 3 liters of water to bring to a boil. The resulting infusion is kept for three days, then decant and add honey. The course of treatment gastroduodenitis such a collection is a month, and take the drug 3 times a day before meals.
  • 1 part of celandine( grass), 2 parts of chamomile inflorescence, 2 parts of yarrow herb, 2 parts of St. John's wort. Mix and cook according to the above scheme.
  • In equal parts, yarrow, mint, chamomile flowers, spores, cucumber, cumin, dill, valerian and hops are mixed. Then 2 tbsp.l mixture of herbs are put in a thermos bottle and poured with boiling water( 0.5 liters).Insist the collection should be no less than eight hours. Take infusion should be twenty minutes before meals throughout the day.
  • For the prevention of gastroduodenitis - plantain, silver silverback, cumin, St. John's wort, and hyssop are mixed, and 1 spoonful of composition is steamed with a glass of boiling water. Insist about twenty minutes and take the remedy for half an hour before eating. In a day it is advisable to consume up to six servings.

I would like to note that the treatment of gastroduodenitis with herbal remedies gives its result after the expiration of three weeks after the start of the course.

So, the best preventative way to prevent gastroduodenitis is a proper diet, and, of course, medicinal herbs. Of course, you also need to take care of the prevention of stressful situations and the use of harmful food, during the reception of herbal dues for gastroduodenitis.

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