Gastroduodenitis, duodenal gastric reflux( GDR), chronic, superficial, GERD - symptoms and treatment

When is gastroduodenitis reflux diagnosed? The gastrointestinal tract consists of separate sections, along which food is advancing. In them, it is digested and digested, and the offal products are then removed from the body in a natural way. When such a process is disrupted and there is a reverse flow of food, reflux occurs. If food from the stomach gets back into the esophagus, a reflux gastritis or gastroesophageal reflux disease( GERD) is diagnosed, if the contents of the duodenum get back into the stomach, reflux-gastroduodenitis occurs.

Clinical picture of duodenal gastro-reflux

Until recently, reflux gastroduodenitis was considered official medicine only as a symptom that accompanies other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. And only in 30% of patients it arises independently, without showing any clinical signs. In such cases, pathology does not adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, few know who gastroduodenitis GDR( duodeno-gastral reflux), its symptoms are similar to those of other pathological conditions that arise in the stomach or in the duodenum. Here are the most common of them:

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  • Spastic pain that appears one hour after eating.
  • Constant feeling of bursting in the abdomen, its swelling after eating.
  • Heartburn.
  • Sour belching.
  • Bitter taste in the mouth, giving off the taste of metal.
  • Yellow coating on the tongue.

Similar signs are present in both gastritis and duodenitis. Identify gastroduodenitis reflux only helps fibrogastroduodenoscopy. If the described phenomenon proceeds independently, its treatment is reduced to observance of a strict sparing diet. It is built on the basis of several rules, which should be discussed separately.

Treatment of reflux-gastroduodenitis

There are diseases that are easy to treat. One of them is gastroduodenitis reflux, treatment of it is a long process. The patient will need to change his way of life, learn to eat right, eat five times a day in small portions, completely give up alcohol, forget and gastronomic excesses.

In the menu for DGR and GERD it is necessary to include only digestible dishes. The bulk of food should be divided into three parts, between them it is important to organize snacks. They will prevent starvation - the main provocateur. For snacks, it is better to choose foods that help to eliminate bile. These are crackers, rye crunches, bran and oat liver.

If the patient has gastroduodenitis DGR, all food must be thoroughly chewed during the meal, make sure that the food on the table was warm.

These are general recommendations, but there are special rules that should also be understood by all those with chronic reflux-gastroduodenitis:

  • You can not take a horizontal position for an hour after the main meal.
  • You can not exercise for an hour after lunch and dinner and exercise hard physical activities.
  • You should not wear clothes that can create high intrauterine pressure( clothes with wide tight belts) for a long time.
  • It is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, more to walk in the fresh air.
  • Fans of alcohol and smoking will need to forget about their bad habits in the chronic form of the disease.

What can I eat with reflux-gastroduodenitis?

When choosing products, it is necessary to understand that gastroduodenitis duodenal gastric reflux is a pathology combining two diseases: gastritis and duodenitis. Therefore, observing the diet, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the two ailments and look for the moments that unite them.

So, for example, both there, and here you can eat only lean types of meat and fish, they need to be cooked for a couple. Prohibited sour-milk products, as well as sour juices. From dairy products are allowed: milk, skim curd and yogurt. You can create a menu by studying the diet "Table 1" and "Table № 2", and all incomprehensible moments to coordinate with the gastroenterologist.

It is important to understand that a diet can not help if the causes of the disease have not been eliminated. Almost all symptoms will return right after it ends. Therefore, it is so important not to engage in self-medication. It should always be remembered that the first easy stages of pathology, such as superficial reflux-gastroduodenitis, are easily treated. If you do not take any steps to recovery, the superficial form of the disease quickly develops into a chronic one, which is characterized by a protracted course.

Coping with them will be much more difficult. To help you have to call for medication. It is complex. The doctor will advise taking prokinetics, antacids, histamine receptor blockers. Well helps physiotherapy, traditional medicine. But they must necessarily go paired with medicines.

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