Treatment of pancreatitis in dogs: how and what to treat the pancreas?

The question of how to treat pancreatic inflammation in dogs is relevant for many hosts. What to do in the event that the pet suffers from such a disease as pancreatitis, and what treatment will be relevant?

First of all, it is urgent to transfer the dog to a dietary diet consisting of excluding from foods that are easy to digest, and also do not create an additional burden on the digestive tract. It is equally important to compensate for the lost fluid in the animal body, as vomiting and diarrhea threatens with possible dehydration, resulting in the animal's state of serious deterioration.

Medically or surgically?

If pancreatitis is in mild form, then it is likely that after several days of fasting the condition of the dog will be eased and the need for additional medication, in addition to the appointment of enzyme preparations, will disappear. If, after this, the vomiting of the pet does not stop, then it will be necessary to treat the animal from pancreatitis with the use of medicines. First of all, dogs are prescribed antibiotics that prevent the development of infection, and, accordingly, and prevent deterioration of the condition and exacerbation of inflammation of the pancreas.

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As a rule, in the treatment of pancreatitis in dogs, it is possible to do without hospitalization, much less without surgical intervention. However, this is only if the owners take all the necessary measures in a timely manner. If you do not start to treat inflammation of the pancreas, then the probability of peritonitis development is high, as a result of which it will not be possible to manage without surgery, since it will be necessary to remove dead tissues from the abdominal cavity. In some cases, with acute pancreatitis, a decision may be made about surgical intervention if, despite intensive medication in a dog's condition, there is no positive dynamics. However, the question of the appropriateness of such measures should be decided by the veterinarian.

Thus, the basis for the treatment of pancreatitis in dogs is primarily a complete refusal of food for at least one or two days, as well as the selection of a suitable diet that does not create an additional burden on the gastrointestinal tract in general and the pancreas in particular. As a rule, if pancreatitis is presented in a mild form, further treatment will not be required. However, in cases where relief does not occur, it makes sense to prescribe medication or surgical intervention.

How and what to treat pancreatitis in dogs?

After a physical examination and confirming the diagnosis, it is necessary to begin a full medical examination of the animal to identify the stage of the disease and the appointment of a full-fledged treatment.

Biochemical analysis and a general clinical blood test are performed in the veterinary laboratory. And since these markers are not always reliable factors in pancreas problems and diseases, veterinarians recommend passing mandatory x-ray of the abdominal cavity and ultrasound examination of all internal organs.

The main task for a doctor in the treatment of acute or chronic pancreatitis in dogs is the elimination and elimination of pathology, thus preventing surgical intervention. For the collection of histological material for analysis, biopsy or laparoscopy may be necessary, but the first procedure does not fit all dogs, which should be remembered.

For a complete recovery of the animal, long-term maintenance therapy and a stabilization phase are required, which is most often recommended in a hospital. The first stage is connected with the selection of necessary medications and the beginning of treatment. First of all, these are antibiotics, gastroprotecters and antiemetics. At the same time, blood glucose levels are closely monitored.

For surgical intervention, a sufficiently strong indication is required - constriction of the bile ducts, abscesses, cysts. Uncomplicated forms and stages of pancreatitis in dogs are treated, mainly, by therapeutic means.

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