An allergy to the sun - what to do? Symptoms and treatment.

Allergy to the sun is not quite correctly called the reaction manifested in certain people under the influence of sunlight. Correctly it or her to name - a photodermatosis, or a solar dermatitis.

There is an assumption that this allergy does not appear due to sun exposure, because it does not contain protein in its beam.

In this case, the sun's rays are attributed only to a certain factor. It is believed that the sun can affect only a certain type of people who suffer from diseases of system organs and have accumulated a large number of allergens in their body.

In this article we will talk about allergy to the sun - its symptoms and treatment methods, and also consider detailed photos.

Causes of

Allergic or toxic effects of ultraviolet( solar) rays are manifested when they are combined with substances already on the skin - exogenous photodermatitis, with substances found in skin cells - endogenous photodermatitis.

Sunlight in principle can not be an allergen, but it can provoke several types of aggressive reactions not only of the immune system, but of the whole organism:

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  1. Photoallergy or sun allergy is photosensitization.
  2. Phototractive reaction - an elementary sunburn from too "zealous" sunburn.
  3. Phototoxic reaction - photodermatosis, caused by the interaction of ultraviolet radiation and certain types of medicines, plants.

All kinds of reactions are manifested by varying degrees of skin pigmentation, in addition, people who are allergic, even seemingly safe, a half-hour stay in the sun can cause severe allergies.

To , the internal factors of for the development of photodermatitis include:

  1. The intake of a number of pharmacological preparations, for example, hormonal contraceptive tablets with a high estrogen content, some antibiotics, diuretics, antidepressants, etc.;
  2. Vitamin deficiency in the body;
  3. Reduced immunity.

To external reasons is customary to refer to the use of various creams and other cosmetic products, which contain certain components such as sandalwood oil, musk, etc.

Prone to the emergence of photodermatosis:

  • small children;
  • people with fair skin;
  • pregnant women;
  • those who had been exposed to cosmetic procedures on the eve of using cadmium salts( chemical peeling, tattooing).
  • persons who abuse tanning beds;

There are also substances that, when ingested, may develop photodermatitis. This group includes individual medicines and certain foods.

  • antibiotics( doxycycline, tetracycline);
  • preparations for the treatment of cardiac diseases;
  • aspirin;
  • preparations of antibacterial action;
  • ibuprofen;
  • antidepressants;
  • diuretics;
  • tranquilizers;
  • oral contraceptives having a high estrogen content.

Therefore, if you can not interrupt the taking of any medications, consult a doctor about the risk of photodermatitis when taking them.

Symptoms of sun allergy

Allergy to the sun, like any other pathology, has a number of its symptoms and signs. Conventionally, it is possible to identify local and general manifestations.

The main symptoms of photodermatism:

  • redness and inflammation of the skin;
  • skin peeling;
  • often accompanied by intense itching and burning;
  • rashes can be in the form of folliculitis( pustules) or papules.

Often this state does not develop immediately. Unlike the burn, it can occur several hours after you left the beach, and in some cases after the return from the resort. A phototoxic reaction can occur a few hours after exposure to the sun, while photoallergic may occur even a few days after exposure to the sun.

General Symptoms :

  1. Increased temperature indicates the ingress of toxic compounds from the skin into the bloodstream;
  2. Dizziness;
  3. Reducing blood pressure due to ingestion of an allergen leads to syncope.

It should be noted that the defeat of minor skin lesions rarely leads to general symptoms of allergy to the sun. What to do, if you found yourself in this symptomatology, we'll look at just below.

See also: how to smear sunburn at home.

Allergy to the sun Photo

How does a solar allergy look at the photo data:

What to do in this case?

Before treating sun allergy it is necessary to exclude other factors of influence. Tablets from allergies to the sun also help. These are antihistamines, which relieve itching and eliminate puffiness. Buy them at the nearest pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

However, the recommended dosage should be carefully observed. In case of allergic urticaria, or, as the sun allergy also calls, photodermatitis, special measures should be taken that will not allow the development of complications.

Treatment of sun allergies

There is no universal cure for allergies to sunlight. In therapy, it is important to adhere to an individual approach. How to treat an allergy in the sun will depend on the localization of inflammation on the skin, the severity of the rash and the presence of common symptoms.

In most cases, the treatment program includes the following components:

  1. Non-hormonal creams and ointments for external use: fenistil gel, desithin, etc.
  2. Corticosteroids: prescribed for severe forms of photodermatitis and only for the doctor's prescription.
  3. Ointments based on zinc, methyluracil, hydrocortisone.
  4. Antihistamines: Suprastin, Tavegil, Eryus, Cetrin and others( see tablets from the latest generation of allergies).
  5. Vitaminotherapy, immunotherapy: the doctor prescribes immunostimulating drugs that will help strengthen the body's defenses.
  6. Enterosorbents: Polysorb MP, Polyphepan, Enterosgel. Helps to quickly cleanse the body of toxins and allergens.
  7. To restore liver function, the doctor prescribes hepatoprotectors: "Karsil", "Glutargin", "Silibor", Gepabene "and other herbal preparations.

Treatment depends on the specific type of allergic reaction. In mild cases, simply avoid appearing in the sun for several days, this may be enough to get rid of the symptoms.


If there is an allergy to the sun, what to do, how to fight it? First of all, it is important to understand that any disease is better to prevent than treat. Therefore:

  1. It is necessary to use with caution medications containing photosensitizing substances.
  2. Begin sunbathing with short-term arrivals in the open sun, in the early days it should be only 10-15 minutes.
  3. If you are predisposed to sun allergy, it is recommended to wear clothes made of natural fabrics, the cut covering the body from direct UV light.
  4. If the allergy is chronic before the beginning of the spring-summer season, you can start taking drugs with photoprotective properties, naturally after consulting a doctor.

How to treat allergy with folk remedies?

If it is impossible to consult a doctor, you can try using folk remedies, which will help at first soften the pain and itching of the skin.

  1. For example, use juice from cucumbers, potatoes or cabbage leaves, since they have softening properties and contribute to the rapid healing of wounds and skin lesions.
  2. You use infusion of celandine and calendula, with which you make cold compresses.

Many do not know how to properly treat allergies and in most cases are engaged in self-medication, but this should in no case be allowed. After finding the first signs of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. Disregarding the treatment, you can provoke the appearance of eczema, which is treated much more difficultly.

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