Barrett's esophagus - symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, surgery, ICD-10 code, how to treat, can it be cured?

One of the most terrible diseases of the digestive organs, Barrett's esophagus, which is for the most part a harbinger of oncology, requires immediate and long-term treatment. Only with timely diagnosis and conducted according to all the rules of therapy can achieve positive results.

Its purpose in this disease is not only to rid the patient of a gastroesophageal reflux disease, the main cause of Barrett's disease, but also the elimination of all the signs of metaplasia that appear on the histological level.

In addition, a person suffering from this pathology will need to constantly maintain the mucosa in a restored state. This is done in compliance with certain conditions necessary for this disease.

Symptoms of Barrett's esophagus

It is very difficult to identify Barrett's esophagus at the initial stage, since he has almost no specific symptomatology. Therefore, starting a timely treatment of this pathology is usually quite difficult.

But still there are signs that should make a person prick up their ears. As soon as they manifest, you should immediately consult a doctor to get the necessary diagnosis and begin treatment. The main ones can be considered the following:

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  • Heartburn. It is preceded by factors such as the abuse of strong alcoholic beverages and excessive smoking, increased physical activity, overeating and inaccuracies in the diet. The burning sensation in the Barrett's esophagus is usually accompanied by strong salivation;
  • Belching, which has a sour or bitter taste;
  • Pain localized in the epigastric region and not dependent on food intake;
  • Odynophagia. Painful sensations that arise when food passes through the esophagus. When this symptom appears, it is necessary to diagnose not only Barrett's metaplasia, but also possible oncology.

Any of these symptoms require immediate diagnosis to clarify the diagnosis and choose the most appropriate method of treatment.

Treatment methods for Barrett's esophagus

Treatment of Barrett's esophagus almost completely corresponds to the therapy of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Until now, the question of the most suitable method has not been completely solved, therefore, the development of methods for the management of diseases continues.

The choice of method of treatment of the disease depends mainly on the degree and severity of dysplasia. Since the main reason for the development of this pathology is the casting of acid contents of the stomach into the esophagus, the basis of medical therapy for this disease is the patient's acceptance of acid-forming inhibitors in the stomach( antisecretory drugs).

In addition to this method, the following are also used to treat Barrett's esophagus:

  • Surgery. Barrett's esophagus operation is performed in the presence of absolute indications to her. Among them, the presence in peptic ulcers, a significant narrowing of it, reflux-esophagitis, located in the III or IV stage of development, the continuing significant development of metaplasia;
  • Plasma argon coagulation. This technique is promising, but data on the long-term nature of this method has not yet been obtained. Treatment of Barrett's esophagus with argon is not only easy to use, but also allows you to handle a fairly large area of ​​damage;
  • Radiofrequency ablation. This method is quite effective and is performed during a short and uncomplicated outpatient procedure. The method of radiofrequency ablation of Barrett's esophagus is by far the most effective method of therapy;
  • Folk remedies. This method has been tested by generations, but it should not be replaced by completely medical treatment. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the reception of any folk remedies should be carried out only after consulting a specialist.

It follows from the foregoing that if any signs indicating the development of a patient's Barrett's esophagus are present, an immediate diagnostic study with a mandatory biopsy is necessary, as well as choosing the appropriate treatment method appropriate for the stage at which the development of the disease occurs.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of Barrett's esophagus

Folk remedies used to treat this pathology of the digestive system are used not only as a separate therapeutic method, but also as an addition to other medication methods.

Their use has proved itself well enough not only in the postoperative period, but also after ablation and coagulation with argon. Also, they display themselves well when the symptoms accompanying Barrett's esophagus are removed during the treatment.

Traditional medicine is recommended for the removal of the inflammatory process to use a decoction prepared from equal parts of elecampane, St. John's wort, flax seeds, sage, marigold and chamomile flowers. Also, in the treatment with this method, a remedy such as freshly squeezed potato juice is useful for relieving the patient of the symptoms present in this disease.

But do not forget that without agreement with a specialist, any folk remunerated by all can not only save the patient from the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, but also lead to very serious complications.

Barrett esophagus - ICD-10 classification

This disease is included in the International Classification of Diseases( ICD-10) under the code 22.9( esophageal disease, unspecified).If the patient has a complete history of the disease, this ICD code is classified, and the symptoms are present, then an additional diagnostic examination( biopsy) must be performed to identify the presence or absence of Barrett's metaplasia and promptly begin appropriate treatment.

With this pathology, every day aggravates the development of the disease and leads to the formation of such a terrible pathology, as malignant neoplasm in the digestive organs.

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