Nothing helps with constipation, what to do if it hurts and does not pass the stool delay?

Many people are familiar with the situation when it suffers from constipation, it does not go away for a long time and nothing helps to eliminate it, to make the intestine work properly. What to do in this case? Experts are sure that the problem is psychological. Many causes can provoke congestion, the resumption of defecation is directly related to their elimination.

When there is no constipation and nothing helps to eliminate stools, it is necessary to change the tactics of treatment. It is always symptomatic, but to solve the problem it is important to carry out complex therapy. It consists in observing a certain diet, in increasing the drinking regime, in activating the motor activity. If all the recommendations are strictly observed, but the constipation does not pass, what should I do? Search for mistakes made in the fight. If they are not there, you need to consult a doctor and decide together with him why nothing helps with constipation, what to do in order to restore intestinal motility?

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As a rule, a doctor( gastroenterologist or proctologist), when nothing is helped from traditional medicine and the syndrome does not pass, to first identify the patient very carefully and ask him certain questions. It is important for him to know:

  1. How often a patient suffers from constipation.
  2. What is the consistency of the feces( lacerated, lumps, balls or homogeneous)?
  3. Are there situations when the urge to defecate is, but it for some reason is ignored and nothing happens.
  4. How much you have to push so that the feces come out.
  5. What food intake is met.
  6. Is there any time for sports?
  7. Are there any painful sensations when they occur, before or after the defecation passes.
  8. How long constipation is being tormented, what means have not helped to get rid of it.

The results of the survey in many cases make it possible to understand why the malaise does not pass, what to do next. Then follow the detailed recommendations that should allow to restore the intestinal microflora. For treatment is determined by the time when it ends, the adult patient should again go to the doctor and tell whether the chosen therapy tactics help or not help, in case the constipation continues to torment and nothing changes in the patient's life, to understand what to do will help instrumental diagnostics.

Why does not constipation go away?

When nothing helps and the constipation does not go away after adjusting the nutrition and the motor regime, taking laxatives, the instrumental diagnosis helps to identify the cause of the malaise:

  • The simplest method is digital rectal examination. With the help of him, the proctologist receives the necessary information about the state of the anus, how the anal sphincter functions. Such a survey can detect fecal matter in the rectum, and determine by its condition why the constipation does not help. If there is mucus or traces of blood in the stool, then a dangerous inflammatory process develops inside the large intestine. Seeking an answer to the question of what to do, in this case, it is first necessary to eliminate the provoking factor( to treat inflammation or invasion), and only then to restore the intestinal microflora.
  • In the presence of chronic constipation necessarily carried out a colonoscopy, during it under local anesthesia through the anus in the rectum is inserted a hollow tube, at the end of which is fixed a miniature chamber. Through it, an image is fed to the monitor, which allows you to see what condition the large intestine is in, what pathological processes inside it are flowing, why the cal. An analysis of what you see helps to understand why constipation does not help, what to do in order to eliminate the described syndrome.
  • Colonoscopy is always preceded by laboratory tests. They also help to make a picture of the condition of an adult patient, and to identify existing abnormalities. For example, a blood test can confirm or exclude the possibility of developing thyroid diseases. Another laboratory test - the colonizer - is used to understand how long the chyme moves along the intestine, why nothing helps to eliminate the syndrome.

Often, treatment does not help and constipation does not go away because the cause is a mental or neurological factor. What if this is so? Strictly follow the recommendations of the attending physician, just live and feel a healthy person, able to lead a full life. If tortured with constipation, consult a manual therapist. Their knowledge and experience can be useful in the treatment of the described syndrome, if nothing helps.

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