Sudden acute constipation, what to do, what laxatives( drugs) are used to treat?

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Constipation is a condition that affects all our activities, just like with a headache. When the stool is broken, discomfort and severe pain appear. The main reason for the violation of defecation is a change in lifestyle or disease.

It should be remembered that acute constipation is the absence of defecation for 48 hours. If the stool is not observed during the first 24 hours, this does not mean that the emptying process was violated. A similar violation in the modern world affects about 50% of the world's population. If you take into account the elderly, then they experience acute constipation in 70% of cases. This is due to age-related and revolutionary processes.

Sudden constipation may appear in humans for the following reasons:

  • Neuromuscular coordination of the small or large intestine has been impaired;
  • The process of forming stools is broken;
  • Bowel motility too relaxed;
  • There are tumors or scars that prevent the movement of stool;
  • Cracks or hernias appeared in the rectum;
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  • In rare cases, the delay of defecation appears without a valid reason.

Unfortunately, acute sudden constipation occurs not only in an adult, but also in a child. The causes of the disorder in childhood are slightly different from those in adults:

  • Allergy caused by food;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Congenital bowel anomalies;
  • Disturbance of the feeding process or a small amount of fluid intake.

What to do with acute constipation, many simply do not know. It is best to seek medical help from a doctor. He will carry out a diagnosis, which will make it clear why there are changes in the stool.

Treatment of acute constipation

After the patient has been referred to the hospital, the doctor will do all the tests to identify the cause of the acute constipation. After this, treatment will be prescribed to eliminate this cause. This must be done so that there is no complication.

Sometimes, when it is not possible to completely eliminate the disease, symptomatic therapy is prescribed. Thus, treatment of acute constipation, will improve the quality of life of the patient.

To eliminate the disease the doctor prescribes:

  • Change lifestyle. This may be due to the patient's psychological or physical activity;
  • Changing the power mode. Products should contain only useful substances. Also, the patient must eat a certain number of times, so as not to burden the intestines;
  • Medication therapy;
  • Restorative gymnastics;
  • Phytotherapy;
  • Acupuncture;
  • Mineral water consumption.

If you can not quickly eliminate the acute problem of delayed emptying, drugs are prescribed that can eliminate some of the symptoms. Remember that with some serious ailments, such as inversion of the gut and adhesions, surgical intervention is required.

The following drugs used for acute constipation are prescribed only by a physician:

  • Opiates;
  • Diuretics;
  • Analgesics;
  • Calcium;
  • Antidepressants;
  • Hypotensive;
  • Laxatives.

Laxative for acute constipation

Any person can experience such a nuisance as a sudden acute constipation. To combat it, everyone should have a laxative in the medicine cabinet. Regardless of the reason for the violation, whether it's eating unhealthy foods or stress, doctors prescribe medications that can empty the intestines.

Laxative for acute constipation promotes softening of stool. Thus, the patient will be able to empty his bowel painlessly. All such substances can be classified as follows:

  • Promotes softening of stool;
  • In the form of enemas;
  • Osmotic substances;
  • Contact medication.

Many patients do not know that they should choose a medicine in the form of tablets, or an enema. First of all, choosing a remedy for acute constipation follows depending on the age of the patient and the disease that caused the change in stool. When acute stool retention in infants is recommended to choose glycerin suppositories. It is important to follow the dosage indicated on the package.

It is difficult to choose a medicine when a pregnant woman suffers a sudden constipation. In this situation, it is not recommended to use many medications, but you need to get rid of the disease in the shortest possible time. The ideal medicine is Mikrolaks. He is assigned even to small children. The only thing that is better to remember is that the tip is inserted only to the middle. The microlux starts functioning in 3 minutes. In some cases, with acute constipation, the drug begins to act after 15 minutes.

Traditional medicine for acute constipation

Usually, a person empties his intestines daily, but sometimes problems occur, and sudden constipation occurs. Of course, it is best to go to a medical institution where specialists will be inspected, but there are cases when it is not possible to get to the hospital. In these cases it is recommended to use popular recipes.

To eliminate sudden acute constipation in old age, it is recommended:

  • In the morning, drink a spoonful of vegetable oil;
  • An excellent remedy is aloe. The juice of this plant needs to be mixed with lemon juice and add a little honey;
  • An excellent remedy will be an infusion of althea root, fennel fruits and flax seeds.

In childhood, a plentiful drink is recommended. You can also use the following recommendations:

  • A decoction of raisins works great;
  • You can make a tummy massage;
  • Decoction of flax seeds. To prepare, you need 1 glass of water and 1 tablespoon of flax seeds. Decoction simmer over low heat for 20 minutes;
  • Dill water. You can buy at the pharmacy or cook yourself.1 teaspoon of dill is taken for 1 glass of water. The child is given 1 teaspoon of broth.
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