What drugs are prescribed for the treatment of stomach ulcers?

Gastric ulcer is a serious disease that has a chronic nature, is inherited and requires special complex therapy. Very often the disease is marked by relapses and exacerbations. Suffer from the disease in most cases, men aged 30 to 50 years, often began to hurt them and women. Very rarely, the disease can occur in children. In any case, when diagnosing an ulcer in a person, the doctor immediately prescribes a course of therapy, which consists of the appropriate drugs. For the treatment of gastric ulcers, various medicines are used that are divided into several main groups:

- Restoration of the motility. If there is a violation of the contractility of the stomach, it can stagnate food, which often affects the mucous membrane of the digestive organ. The drugs that eliminate this problem include: Metoclopramide, Reglan, Sulpiride, Cerucal. But-shpa and Gladior eliminate spasm.

- Suppression of infections of in the treatment of gastric ulcers. Preparations of this group are indicated for use in case the disease is caused by the influence of harmful bacteria. Such medicines include the following antibiotics: Trichopolum, Clarithromycin, Amoxicilin, Metronidazole.

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- Regenerating preparations for the treatment of peptic ulcer( Reparants).They are prescribed for complex treatment for the restoration of damaged tissues, healing of bleeding wounds, and also for postoperative recovery. Regenerating medicines include Solcoseryl, Atemin, Sea-buckthorn oil, Gastrofarm.

- Antisecretory. These anti-ulcer drugs are designed to reduce the production of hydrochloric acid and pepsin in the cavity of the digestive organ. They have several subgroups:

  • Proton pump blockers( Nolpaza, Lansoprazole, Omeprazole, Reboprazole, Esomeprazole, Omega).
  • H2-receptor blockers( Kwamatel, Nizatidip, Ranitidine, Roxatidine, Zantac, Famotidine).
  • Antacids( Phosphalugel, Maalox, De-Nol, Vicair, Gaviscon, Vis-Nol Almagel A, Vikalin, Magnesium oxide, sodium hydrogen carbonate).
  • M-cholinolytic. Isolate selective( Pirenzepin, Gastrotsepin) and non-selective( Metacin, Atropine sulfate, platyfilin hydrogencarbonate) funds.
  • Antagonists of gastrin receptors.

- Gastrotzitoprotektornye drugs for stomach ulcers. They have enveloping properties. They create a protective film on the mucous membrane, which facilitates the influence of unfavorable factors. The medicines of this group include:

  • Enveloping, astringent - form a protective film( Visnol, Smecta, Vikalin, Venter, Vikair, De-nol,).
  • Cytoprotective - stimulate the formation of mucus( Synthetic prostaglandins, Carbenoxolone).

Each of the funds is assigned by the doctor on an individual basis according to the degree of the disease.

Antibiotics for Stomach Ulcer

Standard antibiotics are potent drugs for the treatment of stomach ulcers that are capable of destroying various microorganisms and harmful cells. When treating drugs with gastric ulcers, there are several schemes that rely on the use of antibiotics in combination with the means to reduce the level of acid in the cavity of the digestive organ. The most commonly used antibiotics are

  • Amoxicillin .Standard antibacterial, acid-fast antibiotic, which has a wide range of action. Belongs to the group of semisynthetic penicillins. Helikobakter Pilori successfully destroys the foci of malicious bacteria. The course of treatment is determined by the gastroenterologist. The cost of this medicine is 109 rubles.
  • Clarithromycin .It is a semi-synthetic penicillin antibiotic that belongs to the macrolide group. The main action - suppresses the synthesis of proteins inside the microbial cell. An effective drug against stomach ulcers, which is caused by the Helicobacter bacteria. Take 1-4 capsules twice a day, depending on the complexity of the disease. The daily dose for adults is 2 g. The cost of medication( 250 mg tablets) is about 150-170 rubles.
  • Metronidazole .Antibiotic of a wide spectrum of action, successfully destroys the bacterium Helicobacter. Also, Metronidazole eliminates the manifestation of edematous processes and has an excellent regenerating effect( allows quickly recovering the damaged tissues of the gastric mucosa).It is prescribed to patients with nausea who have an allergy to penicillin antibiotics. The cost of the medicine is 175 rubles.

Among drugs against stomach ulcers there is another antibiotic - Tetracycline, which is used a little less often.

What drugs are most often prescribed for a stomach ulcer?

One of the most effective and often prescribed drugs for the treatment of peptic ulcer is De-nol. The main active substance is bismuth subcitrate. The advantage of this tool is to stimulate the effects of antibiotics and improve their effect on the treatment of pathological formations in the stomach cavity. The medicine has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for several weeks, and only on the recommendation of the gastroenterologist.

One of the most effective drugs for gastric ulcer, which are used to restore the balance of gastric juice, are PPI( proton pump inhibitors).Their action enhances the effect of antibiotics. The main purpose is to suppress the production of hydrochloric acid. With gastric ulcer, the drugs of the PPI group are used on the recommendation of the doctor and according to the treatment protocol of the disease. Long-term use of these drugs can lead to the onset of atrophic gastritis. This is extremely undesirable, because it is fraught with the risk of manifestations of oncological diseases of the digestive tract.

It should be remembered that only the doctor can determine exactly what to treat a stomach ulcer;he will prescribe drugs that will effectively eliminate the disease and do no harm to health.

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