Fermented milk products with gastric ulcer: milk, kefir, yoghurt, cheese, sour cream, butter

Can milk with a stomach ulcer, will this product cause bloating, diarrhea, harming a person?

Gastroenterologists are sure that with a stomach ulcer, milk and sour-milk products can be provided. After all, they contain amino acids, water and fat-soluble vitamins, enzymes, minerals, macro elements. Therefore, these products have such a high biological nutritional value for the body.

Dairy products with gastric ulcer are taken as a basis for a therapeutic diet, since they do not excite the digestive glands, causing a weak secretion, which helps the body to work better, relieving painful symptoms and speeding up recovery.

With a strict diet in the phase of exacerbation and less sparing diet, milk with a stomach ulcer must be present on the patient's table every day.

Milk and sour-milk products with an ulcer can supply the body with the necessary set of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. This delicious wholesome drink contains a full-fledged animal protein, which is quickly and easily digested. For example, drinking a glass of milk at night, you provide the body with the necessary supply of calcium and phosphorus.

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Dairy soups with cereals, noodles, vegetables, cereals in milk, curd soufflé, casseroles, sour cream sauces - the basis of the therapeutic nutrition of the peptic ulcer.

Nutritionists specify that it is allowed to include pasteurized low-fat cow and goat milk into the therapeutic diet without additional heat treatment( boiling).But goat's milk with gastric ulcer is recommended to be half diluted with pure water, reducing its high fat content.

Sour-milk products with ulcer

Nutritionists insist that people with stomach disease in the daily diet must include lactic acid products that help the secretion, facilitate the course of the disease and reduce the painful symptoms. The most popular and useful products are:

Kefir and ryazhenka

Kefir, which has a high biological value, is made from milk and kefir fungus, which causes alcoholic lactic fermentation.

Distinctive features of the product is its quick digestibility. Kefir is absorbed by the body three times faster than the milk from which it was made.

Kefir daily freshness weakens, strengthening intestinal peristalsis. Drink, stored for a longer time, strengthens.

Can I have kefir with an ulcer? The answer will not be unambiguous. With a stomach ulcer, you can drink kefir with persistent remission, observing the following rules:

  • The drink should be chosen fresh and not very sour;
  • Kefir with gastric ulcer should be at room temperature. But the drink should not be heated, it will be better if it heats up on its own, gradually acquiring room temperature. For this purpose it is necessary to get kefir in advance from the refrigerator;
  • Do not abuse the drink and mix it with other products. One glass of a wave is enough in the daily menu of the patient. You can use yogurt as a day snack or late dinner before going to bed;
  • If the disease in the acute phase and exacerbation last less than five days, kefir with an ulcer is prohibited. Sour milk drink, irritating the damaged mucous membrane, can cause discomfort and acute pain.
  • Unlike kefir, a fermented woman with a stomach ulcer is not prohibited when exacerbating and observing one condition - the drink must be fresh and low-fat.

How to prepare yogurt at home?

To prepare a fresh drink, you will need:

  • 2 small spoons of kefir for sourdough;
  • 1 liter of boiled and cooled milk to 25 ° C;

Mix all the ingredients and put for ripening in a warm place for 4 hours. The resulting kefir must be drunk during the day. The remaining drink, aged for three days at a temperature of 8 ° C, can later be used as a starter.


A product made from milk by fermenting with a Bulgarian stick and lactic acid streptococcal strains. Preparation involves the use of skimmed milk powder, which increases the protein content in its composition by 5%.

Helicobacter pylori is a spiral microorganism that causes a stomach ulcer. Live yogurt with stomach ulcer is able to influence it, suppressing development.

When choosing yogurt, it is better to give preference to natural low-fat fruit-berry samples with minimal or no sugar content.

Curd and sour cream

Curd for ulcer is a product with high biological value, which is widely used in therapeutic dietary nutrition.

Curd - curdled protein( casein), separated from whey. The product is rich in salts of phosphorus and calcium, vitamins B, PP, A, p-carotene.

Cottage cheese with gastric ulcer is served on the table, mixing with sugar, milk or with low-fat sour cream, used to make soufflé, casseroles, curd cakes, sweet curd desserts.

For the diet menu it is better to use a low-fat cottage cheese.

Curd mass and sweet cottage cheese curds have no place in the diet of the peanut. They contain a lot of fat and are difficult to digest.

Sour cream is a sour-milk fatty perishable product. The percentage of fat content is indicated on the package. Sour cream with gastric ulcer is added to soups, it is used in the preparation of milk sauces and desserts. When choosing sour cream for a diet table, it is worth giving preference to the product 10% or 15% fat content.

How to cook low-fat cottage cheese yourself?

Recipe №1

You will need:

  • 1 liter of low-fat( 2.5%) milk;
  • 3 large spoons of any sour-milk drink( kefir, yogurt, sour cream);

Boil the boiled milk to 30 ° C, then add the ferment, mix and remove into heat. After eight hours, fermented milk should be thrown to a colander, covered with gauze, or poured into a tissue bag, and then hung over the container to allow the serum to separate.

Recipe №2

Litre kefir pour into enameled dishes and, stirring constantly, cook on a water bath until it curdles. It is important not to overheat the drink, so the water for the sauna should be boiled on low heat. Then kefir can be thrown away for the separation of whey as in the previous recipe. Cottage cheese with an ulcer, cooked alone, can be served on a table with jam or sour cream.


Is it possible with ulcers cheese? Despite the high calorific value, cheese with gastric ulcer is considered one of the most useful products, which is easily digested and contains a lot of protein. Proteins are rapidly digested, because in the process of making cheese amino acids are split.

Cheese in the ulcer is included in the diet when the patient does not have an exacerbation.


This is the only fat-containing product of animal origin allowed by the diet. The fat concentrate contained in milk is characterized by the fractional structure of the fat balls. This explains the fact that the product is quickly and easily digested.

Butter for gastric ulcer is allowed to use only fresh, adding it to ready-made soups, cereals, sauces. At thermal processing oil loses the valuable qualities and can do much harm to health.

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