Diet and nutrition with diverticulitis sigmoid, colon, an approximate menu for a week, with exacerbation, can you eat Jerusalem artichoke?

Every fourth person of our planet faces such a disease as diverticulitis. The disease is expressed in the inflammation of the hernial sacs on the walls of the intestine. As soon as the symptoms appear, you need to go to the doctor so that he can confirm or deny the alleged disease.

When the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment is prescribed according to the degree of the disease development. As an additional treatment will be prescribed a diet with diverticulitis, since a correct and moderate diet will allow you to recover faster.

When creating a diet menu with diverticulitis, it is necessary to take into account the fact that some products should be strictly excluded from the diet. A patient suffering from inflammation of pathological formation experiences a disorder of the stool, which can be expressed in diarrhea or constipation.

Prohibited in the diet with diverticulitis products

When preparing a diet for diverticulitis of the sigmoid colon, one must remember the products that are detrimental to health.

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It is necessary to exclude from the diet, the following ingredients:

  • to Strawberries;
  • Malina;
  • Garlic;
  • Sunflower seeds;
  • Grapes;
  • Fatty foods;
  • Mushrooms, since it is heavy food;
  • Steamed porridge;
  • Alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • Fresh white bread;
  • Smoked meat.

All of the above ingredients, detrimental to the performance of the gastrointestinal tract. When the inflammation started, and the intestinal diverticulitis appeared, the diet will reduce the load on the digestive organs.

Products containing bran can not quickly digest by the body, in this regard, appears in the patient, constipation may develop. Also, a diet for sigmoid colon diverticulitis is necessary. Without proper diet, treatment will not be effective.

Salted and spicy food removes most of the moisture from the intestines. Hardened food hardly passes through the bowels, causing the patient pain. It is also recommended to abandon chips and popcorn.

If the diet will consist only of the right food, you can hope that the disease will soon be cured.

Recommended food for diverticulitis

If there is a diverticulitis of the colon, a diet is simply necessary. With the development of this disease in the daily diet of the patient must necessarily include fruits and berries.

The disease needs treatment, it is also important diet with exacerbation of diverticulitis to alleviate the condition of the patient. In the diet menu when exacerbated can include:

  • Cucumbers;
  • Courgettes;
  • Eggplant;
  • Fermented milk products;
  • Legumes;
  • Beets;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Bran bread;
  • Sea kale.

In any quantity and in any form you can eat bananas, apples, oranges and kiwi. Do not forget about the large amount of liquid. Thanks to the abundant drink, the feces become softer and, passing through the intestines, does not cause pain.

The diet should be frequent, but in small portions. Some patients are interested in whether it is possible to eat Jerusalem artichoke with diverticulitis? To increase the level of fiber, you can eat Jerusalem artichoke. The only thing to remember is that you should not overuse this plant.

After identifying with the ingredients, you should make an approximate diet menu for the treatment of diverticulitis. Thus, it will not be necessary to think every day what to cook.

Sample menu for diverticulitis

Doctors advise patients to use separate food. Thanks to this eating, the body receives a large number of nutrients, and also facilitates the digestion process. The condition of all organs is greatly improved. The patient's diet should consist of:

  • Breakfast. It is best to eat calm food. Ideally suited cottage cheese with sour cream or fruit salad. You can add a little boiled meat or fish. Drink food can be flavored cocoa;
  • Lunch. Any first course is recommended. Liquid soups or borsch, favorably affect the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Dinner. For dinner, food should also be gentle. Best if it's carrots, porridge or beets. You can also eat a little meat. Suitable bird or low-fat beef.

If necessary, you can create an approximate menu for diverticulitis for a week. The schedule might look like this:

  • Monday. The first day of the diet should consist of soups and rice broth. You can drink sweet tea;
  • Tuesday. Just like on the first day, it's better to feed vegetarian soups and fruits;
  • Wednesday. On this day, you can arrange an apple diet. In a day you need to consume at least 2 kilograms of apples. As a liquid, fruit juice or tea is suitable.
  • Thursday. Fruit soup or fish broth will become a wonderful dish of the day;
  • Friday. On this day it is better to eat dishes from a pumpkin;
  • Saturday. Protein omelet and vegetarian borsch will please any patient. Milk with honey and tea can be used as a liquid;
  • Sunday. The week can be completed with boiled meat and white sauce, as well as a light soup from vegetables.

The correct diet menu for diverticulitis will be useful for all patients.

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