Burdock root with pancreatitis

Along with traditional drugs in the treatment of pancreatitis, use and so-called phytotherapy. Simply put, treat various diseases with the help of herbs and plants. One of the most popular and effective means, rightly considered burdock. It has a powerful choleretic property, as well as the ability to exert an anti-inflammatory effect. Typically, for treatment, as well as the prevention of pancreatitis, take tinctures, as well as decoctions cooked from burdock.

There are many formulations for the manufacture of these drugs from pancreatitis. One of the most popular, this method is considered. It is necessary to take two large spoons of chopped mug. After that, pour the raw material with 200 ml of water. Put on a slow fire and bring to a boil. To cool. Take such a decoction three times a day for 0, 5 glasses. This tool is recommended to use the course, the duration of which is 4 weeks.

Effective for pancreatitis and tincture of burdock. Prepare it is quite simple. Raw materials should be crushed as much as possible. Then pour the vodka. The proportions of the ingredients should be 1: 1.Insist such a remedy for two weeks. The maximum benefit will bring tincture, if you take it three times a day after eating. The maximum single dose is a teaspoonful.

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Burdock root with pancreatitis

At least, as a base for cooking tinctures and decoctions from pancreatitis, use the root of burdock. It has the same powerful healing properties. However, it should be noted that the remedy is effective, it should be prepared from the root of the plant, which was collected, exclusively, in the autumn or early spring, before the appearance of leaves.

The tincture is prepared this way. A small spoon of ground raw material is poured into 500 ml of steep boiling water. The liquid is poured into a thermos bottle and left to infuse for 12 hours. Take the drug throughout the day in equal portions. As a rule, such a tincture is prescribed by the course, which should last at least 12 days.

To remove pain and inflammation in pancreatitis attacks, a decoction from the root of burdock will help. To do this, take the following components: purified water - 250 ml, raw materials - 2 large spoons. These ingredients are combined and left to stand for four hours in a dark and dry place. After the specified time, the liquid is placed on a small fire, brought to a boil, and cooked for at least 15 minutes. Use a decoction in the amount of 50 ml three times a day.

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