Diet for reflux esophagitis: what can and can not be eaten, a weekly diet menu

If you experience heartburn or shortness of breath, this is symptomatic of esophagitis.

Regardless of the form and nature of the disease, diet plays a crucial role in the treatment and prevention. Almost all patients are assigned a dietary table number 1.

It is recommended for diseases of the digestive tract, including gastritis, peptic ulcer disease. The diet should be as gentle as possible to prevent mucosal damage.

Observe the rules of nutrition should be at least 3 months. The more time passes, the better the ulcers will heal and the damaged mucosa will be restored. Many people during this period lose weight, cleanse the skin of rashes. The therapeutic diet has a positive effect on the hair.

What can and can not be eat with reflux esophagitis?

All soft meals are allowed and without seasoning. It's best to stop picking on:

  • Mashed potatoes, green soft vegetables, bananas, apple sauce.
  • Porridge of white and brown rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, manki, pearl barley. Egg white, lean meat, chicken.
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  • Soups, broths, puddings, sweet juices.
  • Water, different grades of tea.

If it is difficult to swallow liquids, try to drink small sips. Eat often, but in small portions. It is enough to eat every 3-4 hours.

It is forbidden to eat hot or cold food, and avoid starvation. Especially with erosive form. When esophagitis should be discarded:

  • coffee and strong tea,
  • spices,
  • fatty broths,
  • alcohol,
  • chips,
  • sweets,
  • yeast baking.

Tomatoes and products based on them should also be excluded. This is due to the fact that acid reflux under their influence becomes more pronounced. Contaminated fried food. It contains many fats that relax the lower sphincter and irritate the mucous membrane.

If candidal esophagitis has been identified, the diet should not contain foods with sugar or carbohydrates. Refuse from pasta, sweets and cakes.

How does the diet menu for esophagitis for the week

Regardless of the form of esophagitis, there is enough food, from which you can prepare meals. Usually doctors offer the following menu:

Breakfast A glass of green or weak black tea, kefir. Porridge with fruit.
Lunch Vegetable broth. Baked fish or chicken breast with vegetables. Salad.
Snack Baked apple. Fresh cottage cheese with a small amount of sour cream. In the latter there should be a minimum amount of fat.
Dinner Puree from potatoes or cauliflower. Steam cutlet, baked vegetables.
The second dinner Banana, bread from bran, a glass of yogurt or warm milk.

If you want to diversify the menu, you can make chicken pate yourself. You will need white chicken meat, carrots, butter. The first two ingredients are boiled. Then they need to be ground on a blender or on a combine. Then add a piece of butter.

Another interesting and useful recipe is pumpkin porridge. To do this, take milk, pumpkin, butter. You can add a little raisins. Pumpkin is better to bake in the oven. Put it in the blender. Supplement with milk and raisins.

Mineral water

Nitric oxide is one of the main regulators of physiological processes in the body. It has a good effect on the central and peripheral nervous system, neuroendocrine regulation. This component regulates gastrointestinal motility and gastric secretion.

Research was conducted. Patients with esophagitis were given, in addition to classical therapy, mineral water three times a day in a glass.

During the research it was revealed that when the mineral water is taken, mucous cells are quickly restored.

It is recommended that gases be released from the mineral water before using it. The course of treatment should not exceed 6 weeks. You can repeat it in 2-3 months. Drink 150-200 ml should be slow. Before taking it, it is better to warm the water to room temperature.

Diet when exacerbating the disease

During the exacerbation of reflux esophagitis should drink a glass of clean water before eating. This will reduce the acidity of the stomach and prevent the throwing of food. Do not drink alcohol. To make the nutrients of their food digested to the fullest, eat a few slices of potatoes before eating. They can be replaced by two kernels of a walnut.

If an attack occurs with severe pain symptoms, it is best to eat in a standing position. Then another 2-3 hours you can not go to bed. You can walk or sit. This will ensure a quick hit eaten in the stomach.

It is recommended to give up honey during the acute period. It will lead to even more irritation of the mucosa. During the period of remission, it can be eaten in small amounts.

It's best to start the day with jelly. It envelops the stomach, reducing the likelihood of undesirable consequences.

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