Signs and treatment of catarrhal sinusitis

1 What leads to the development of the pathology

Catarrhal sinusitis is the initial stage of the disease. Viruses and bacteria that enter the mucosa of the nasal cavity begin to multiply actively there. If the patient does not immediately take active measures in the fight against these viruses, then he first develops sinusitis or rhinitis. Liquid mucous discharge from the nose, which will be abundant, require urgent treatment. If, in this case, patients neglect treatment, the pathogenic flora with lightning speed develops on the mucous membrane, damaging it.

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Gradually the maxillary sinuses become inflamed, and the patient already needs treatment of sinusitis. To treat this disease is easy, it is enough at the first symptoms to consult a specialist and perform all his prescriptions at home.

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If this form of maxillary sinusitis is not treated, it goes into purulent or chronic, which can lead to serious complications or consequences.

Catarrh of the maxillary sinusitis can cause such reasons:

  • transferred ARVI, influenza;
  • chronic or vasomotor rhinitis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • congenital or acquired curvature of the septum in the nasal cavity.

In order to properly assign treatment, a specialist must understand the true causes of the disease.

2 Symptomatic manifestations of

Most often, the first symptoms of the disease make themselves felt already on day 3.Among the most frequent can be identified the following:

  • disturbing sensations in the nasal cavity, which every day intensify and grow into painful;
  • mucus discharge from the nose is intensified, they become viscous, very quickly dry up and form crusts;
  • every day, nasal breathing becomes more difficult;
  • in patients develop weakness, lethargy and apathy;
  • showed slight increase in body temperature, up to 37.2-37.5 ° C;
  • inflammatory processes on the mucosa give an intoxication of the body;
  • headache, upper teeth can hurt.

Most often, catarrhal sinusitis has vivid manifestations, so it is possible to assume the development of this disease in yourself even at home.

Catarrhal sinusitis can develop in several forms: both bilateral and unilateral. In the second form, inflammatory processes occur only in one nasal passage. This part is laid, in it there are characteristic discharges. In the case when the disease is not treated, visually one can detect swelling of the soft tissues in this area.

Two-sided sinusitis is characterized by swelling of the lower eyelids. They blush, begin to ache, there is increased tearing, many patients indicate photophobia.

3 Treatment options

Symptoms and treatment of catarrhal sinusitis are closely related.

Doctors insist that at the initial stage the optimal option will be conservative treatment.

To remove unpleasant symptoms and treatment quickly brought the desired result, doctors prescribe washing the nose with saline solution. Features of this treatment consist in the correctness of the procedure performed. It is necessary to rinse each nostril with a special "pear", the mucus must come out of the nose by gravity. It is very important to wash each nasal passage, even if the doctor diagnosed a unilateral sinusitis. This will make it possible to exclude the development of infection in the second part of the nose.

Vasoconstrictive drops must become mandatory. They reduce puffiness on the mucosa with a simultaneous decrease in the production of mucus.

In order to restore the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses as quickly as possible and allow the mucus to freely go out, antihistamines may be prescribed.

For quick recovery, physiotherapeutic procedures may be prescribed for the patient. Warming with UHF, a quartz lamp makes it possible to stop the propagation of pathogenic microflora inside the nasal cavity.

It's important to know! For a quick and guaranteed recovery, it is extremely important to carry out complex treatment. All prescribed procedures should be performed in a strictly prescribed manner.


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4 Use of antibiotics in the treatment of

Such a drug, like an antibiotic, in catarrh of the genyantritis has its own nuances in the appointment. The attending physician, when examining the patient, analyzes all the symptoms and the likelihood of further progression of the disease and decides whether to take this medication.

The most frequent indicators for the use of an antibiotic are bilateral catarrhal sinusitis or discharge, in which small purulent inclusions are already noted.

If it is not possible to examine the mucus secretion on the bacteria or the patient has allergic reactions to the antibiotic, treatment should be carried out with drugs with a wide range of antimicrobial effects.

Also, a doctor can prescribe immunostimulants that help the body fight viruses. To do this, the best options will be various vitamin complexes, broths of dog rose, echinacea.

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In the case when the cause of the development of catarrhal sinusitis are physiological changes in the nasal cavity, the doctor may resort to surgery. It can be the removal of polyps or adenoids, which are greatly increased in size. This operation is performed under local anesthesia for several minutes. Also, surgical punctures are recommended in case when mucus at the initial stage does not depart independently. This helps prevent the development of a purulent form.

5 What consequences can occur if the problem of

is ignored? Basically, catarrh of the maxillary sinusitis is quick and easy to treat, it does not complicate if you contact your doctor in time and follow all of his prescriptions. But in the case when the patient does not attach importance to the symptoms, after the catarrhal form purulent develops.

The condition of such a patient deteriorates sharply, there is an intoxication of the body, which is manifested by high body temperature, weakness, drowsiness, mucous discharge with an unpleasant smell and inclusions of pus appear from the nasal passages.

This form already requires immediate treatment of an ENT doctor and proper treatment. Many specialists suggest puncturing the maxillary sinuses for the rapid removal of purulent masses outward. In their opinion, this makes it possible to more quickly cope with the infection inside and prevent its further multiplication. Patients who were forcibly taken out the accumulated mucus outward, immediately talk about relief: they have less pain, swelling.

It is worth remembering that the purulent form has serious complications up to meningitis or sepsis, which can lead to death.

It is also worth remembering that ignoring the treatment of the catarrhal form can lead to the development of a chronic type. With such a course of the disease, inflammatory processes will appear with a certain systematicity and require constant treatment and prevention.

Catarrhal sinusitis is the initial stage of the disease, only attentiveness to the condition of one's body, to the bright symptoms that characterize it, and fast medical help will help get rid of this disease forever.

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