Pancreatic disorder in pancreatitis

Pancreatic disorder is accompanied by pains of a different nature and dyspeptic disorder( digestive disorders).Localization of pain is in the abdomen. Pain can be given to the heart, sternum, or back, taking a girdling character. In this case, it can be permanent or paroxysmal. Increases after drinking drinks containing alcohol, fatty and heavy food.

In pancreatitis, the pancreas becomes inflamed, paroxysmal pain occurs, belching begins and bloating occurs. The disorder in pancreatitis has two stages: acute and chronic. In either case, the symptomatology of the disease may be the same. The difference can only be in the nature of pain.

Chronic pancreatitis causes severe pain, which after some time passes, with acute disorder, the intensity of pain, can cause pain and even death, with untimely help, a fatal outcome.

The acute stage of the disease attracts attention, and the patient resorts to treatment immediately. Chronic pancreatitis is more cunning. Because the sluggish form of the disease is of little concern to the patient, and he most often does not even attach special importance to the symptoms. Such neglect can lead to the development of diabetes, because the pancreas is responsible for producing the necessary insulin.

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What should I do if I have a pancreatic disorder?

Every person who has encountered this pathology, asks, what to do in case of a pancreatic disorder?

In this case, it is necessary to undergo mandatory consultation with a gastroenterologist. The doctor will give all the necessary recommendations on nutrition and, if necessary, will prescribe surgical treatment.

The faster the patient to seek qualified medical care, the more chances he has to preserve the function of the pancreas, which is directly related to the quality of life of a person.

In case of exacerbation of the disorder, food intake is excluded. The patient is injected with an isotonic solution of sodium chloride, as well as glucose. To quench your thirst, 1% solution of drinking soda is used. Approximately from the fourth day, it is allowed to eat food, but in small portions. From the diet it is necessary to remove: alcoholic and carbonated drinks, mushrooms, coffee, strong tea, smoked products, canned goods, sour fruits and juices.

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