Infiltration of the pancreas( fluid, infiltrate) and related complications

What is infiltration? If it is a question of fatty infiltration, this pathology occurs in obese people, patients with diabetes mellitus, and steatosis of the liver. Fatty infiltration of the pancreas is usually associated with the same changes in the liver, so it is detected by the characteristic changes in this organ.

Is this condition harmless, or can it lead to pancreatitis? Fatty infiltration of the pancreas, like any other organ, disrupts its work. Fat inclusions accumulate in cells, displacing both normal structures and disorganizing them. Such a degeneration of the body is a reflection of metabolic disorders in the body.

Why obesity causes metabolic disorders and leads to fatty degeneration of the pancreas? With the systematic use of fatty foods, there is an excessive production of hormones to stimulate the production by the gland of enzymes necessary for digestion. This leads to a thickening of the pancreatic juice, the formation of "protein stoppers" in small ducts. As a consequence - a violation of the outflow of secretion and pancreatitis. Foods high in cholesterol supersaturate bile and lead to the formation of stones in the gallbladder. Standing out in the bile ducts, they increase the pressure in them, which provokes inflammation of the pancreas and diabetes mellitus.

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But one of the most severe pathologies of the abdominal cavity organs is pancreonecrosis, which develops as a result of pancreatitis. This disease is very dangerous, as it involves self-digestion of pancreatic tissue and necrosis( necrosis) of its individual areas. Such a state can lead to disruption of the work of other organs.

If treatment begins in the phase of toxemia - at the first stage of the disease, then with proper therapy the patient can be cured of pancreatic necrosis. But there are cases when the patient develops a stage of infiltration in the pancreas, and purulent complications arise in her.

If the patient is ill, ultrasound or computed tomography is performed, and if a fluid with a blood impurity is found in the abdominal cavity of the patient, laparoscopic dialysis is prescribed-pumping out the infiltrate and administering the solution with novocaine, antibiotics and sodium chloride. Laparoscopic dialysis is stopped as soon as the evacuated liquid becomes clear and the level of amylase decreases.

Pancreatic fluid

The accumulation of fluid in the pancreas is one of the main causes of an attack of acute pancreatitis accompanied by severe pain. Stimulation of its secretion and entry from the duodenum into the pancreatic tissue is provided by gallstones. In addition, sometimes enzymatic clusters are formed under the influence of excessive amounts of alcohol.

As a result of a large accumulation of fluid, a false cyst is formed. Unlike the cyst true, it does not have an envelope, which can lead to a sharp deterioration in the patient's pancreatitis due to her falling into the internal organs. This development of clinical events, often requires surgical intervention in the human body and subsequent treatment in the hospital.

The composition of the cystic fluid includes necrotic cells of pancreatic tissue, some leukocytes and enzymes of the digestive tract. To eliminate its accumulation and prevent the formation of false cysts on the pancreas, it is necessary to conduct a regular medical examination with a gastroenterologist and try to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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