Atrophic gastroduodenitis( subatrophic, non-atrophic, hypertrophic) chronic and focal, treatment and folk remedies

Atrophic gastroduodenitis is considered the most dangerous form of the disease, what it is - an experienced gastroenterologist can tell. Pathology forms the processes in which atrophy secretory glands responsible for the production of gastric juice. This leads to the degeneration of glands, instead of juice, they begin to produce mucus.

Most often, atrophic gastroduodenitis develops against a background of reduced acidity of the stomach. Modern medicine has learned to control the process and artificially increase the level of hydrochloric acid. But this does not save from the most dangerous complications that can occur with this disease. Often, chronic atrophic gastroduodenitis is a harbinger of oncology. To understand why this happens, the pathogenesis of the disease will help.

Two-stage pathogenesis of atrophic gastroduodenitis

The disease has a two-stage pathogenesis, what is it, you can understand by understanding the mechanisms of atrophy. At the first stage, acid-fast bacteria are included in the work. They play an important role in the digestion process. But when the bacterium Helicobacter pylori joins them, everything changes. Acidic medium loses its concentration, there is a large amount of mucus, which opens the door for the penetration of other dangerous infections. This process does not last long, from the stomach pathology quickly moves to the intestine, and therefore develops atrophic gastroduodenitis, treatment helps to stop the dystrophic processes and preserve the functions of both organs. Therefore, it is so important in time to seek help from specialists and not to use self-help funds in the treatment of the disease.

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In a healthy organism there is a cyclicity. Some cells are born. They develop swiftly, perform all their functions and die, opening the living space for new young cells. The gland cells that produce gastric juice work on the same principle.

When atrophic gastroduodenitis develops, the described mechanism is knocked down from its rhythm. Complex autoimmune processes are included. They suppress the "genetic memory" of immature young gland cells, so they "forget" about what they need to do. That is why the walls of the stomach and intestine gradually gradually atrophy, the food is not digested any more, it is not digested, the waste is not transported along the evacuation path. This leads to a catastrophe, which is extremely difficult to correct. Inclusion of autoimmune processes is the second stage of pathogenesis.

Existing subspecies of atrophic gastroduodenitis

Depending on the location, several types of the described disease are distinguished:

  • Acute gastroduodenitis, what is it endoscopy shows. It helps to see the presence of edema of the walls of the stomach and intestines, the fullness of the walls of the vessels, the penetration of leukocytes beyond the shell of the vessels, changes in the cover of the epithelium, and sometimes erosion. The acute phase is always the same: the patient opens up strong vomiting, the body temperature rises, the person constantly loses consciousness and even is able to fall into a coma, the intoxication of the organism gradually develops, which can lead to the death of the patient.
  • Today chronic atrofic gastroduodenitis is a separate disease, and not the continuation of the acute phase, as with other varieties of gastroduodenitis. Pathogenesis in the chronic form is the same, the difference is one, all pathological processes proceed very slowly. Pathology, though lasting, but constantly progressing, affecting first the secretory, then suction and motor functions of the stomach and duodenum. The disease is dangerous because in the process of destruction gradually involved organs adjacent( pancreas, liver, endocrine glands).The earlier treatment begins, the less damage the body receives.
  • Another type is focal atrophic gastroduodenitis. It is characterized by the fact that the lesion of the glands occurs in one place, without affecting other secretory organs. They, not involved in the pathological process, have time to compensate for the production of gastric juice. The focal variety has a subspecies - subatrophic gastroduodenitis. Symptoms of the subatrophic species are the intolerance of any one product, milk or fatty meat, for example. If the patient eats it, severe heartburn will begin, nausea will appear and vomiting will open.
  • If the clinical picture is not intensive, moderate gastroduodenitis develops. It is detected only with a histological examination. It shows a slight partial lesion of small areas of cells, which proceeds superficially, without penetrating to depth.
  • Superficial non-atrophic gastroduodenitis is a precursor of the disease. The lesions are minimal, the symptoms are not expressed, only the experienced gastroenterologist is able to detect the presence of non-atrophic pathology, after a complete examination.
  • Antral gastroduodenitis leads to the defeat of a small part of the gastrointestinal tract - a tube connecting the stomach and duodenum.
  • If there is a sharp hypertrophy of the mucosa, a diagnosis is made of hypertrophic gastroduodenitis. The walls of the stomach and duodenum are covered with a large number of adenomas and cysts. This happens most often with chronic intoxication of the body, with avitaminosis, against the background of the development of food allergies or abuse of cigarettes and alcohol.
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