Chronic gastroduodenitis: symptoms( signs) and treatment

If a patient under examination reveals a structural rearrangement of the gastrointestinal mucosa, triggered by the inflammatory process, as well as impaired secretion and motor evacuation functions, the patient is diagnosed with chronic gastroduodenitis, his symptoms depend on the type of pathology. The disease can occur in the acute phase or go to a chronic stage. Each has its own characteristics. Let's talk in more detail about them.

The most striking symptoms are chronic gastroduodenitis in the acute stage, they depend on the form of lesion of the mucosa. There are several varieties of the disease:

  1. With ulcerative course.
  2. With a gastritic-like course.
  3. Pathology with increased secretion of hydrochloric acid.

Characteristic signs of chronic gastroduodenitis with ulcerous course are accompanied by pain, which is located in the solar plexus and around the navel. The nature of the pain is not vague, so the patient easily points to the sore spot. The pain is different, with fasting it only intensifies. Appetite at the same time is preserved, but after eating there is an eructation of air, overeating provokes vomiting. The person experiences strong weakness, the temperature rises slightly, so the body reacts to the presence of an inflammatory process.

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The easiest course can boast of only a gastritis-like hr.gastroduodenitis, symptoms and treatment are similar to those of ordinary gastritis. The pains do not have a clear boundary, the patient experiences aching pain around the stomach immediately after eating. They pass hour through one and a half, but there is a feeling of overfilling of the stomach. Appetite is greatly reduced, so a person gradually loses weight. Nausea and vomiting practically does not appear, but there is an eructation of air. The patient experiences weakness during exacerbation, he quickly becomes tired.

In chronic gastroduodenitis with increased secretion of hydrochloric acid similar symptoms, but, nevertheless, there are differences. Pain does not appear to the left, but to the right of the epigastric region. It occurs in the morning on an empty stomach. After a meal, everything passes, but if the patient is starving, the pain returns again. Appetite is increased, but a person easily refuses the food that brings the greatest discomfort( acute, sour, hot and cold).When overeating, nausea appears, releasing from it brings only vomiting. Emetic masses are given first by acid, and then bitterness occurs. If the acute phase is tightened, constipation appears.

Symptoms of chronic gastroduodenitis with remission of

If acute phases are replaced by remissions, and then return again, a diagnosis is made.gastroduodenitis. The picture of the disease during the remission is slightly erased, but the symptoms of chronic gastroduodenitis, nevertheless, are manifested.

Acute pain does not bother, but a feeling of fullness of the stomach arises every time after eating. From the mouth constantly there is an unpleasant smell, the tongue is always covered with white coating, in the mornings, brushing your teeth, you can see traces of teeth on it. The use of certain products leads to strong gas formation and flatulence. The patient complains of psychological instability. In children, it manifests itself most strongly.

Any of the symptoms described above should force to address to the gastroenterologist and undergo a full diagnostic examination. Chronic gastroduodenitis is considered a very dangerous disease, its symptoms will allow you to choose a treatment that will prevent the formation of peptic ulcer and oncology.

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