Folk remedies for the treatment of duodenal ulcers

In the treatment of duodenal ulcers, folk remedies have proven themselves as adjuvant therapy.

The drug course and folk treatment is the most effective scheme, ensuring fast healing of the mucosa without complications of the disease.

Chronic form of leaks, a tendency to relapse, painful symptoms - this is how the duodenal ulcer behaves.

Folk medicine - the best preventive method, which allows to avoid exacerbation of the disease in the autumn-spring period. This statement is unanimously supported by many gastroenterologists, adherents of the classical traditional medical school.

Traditional recipes for duodenal ulcer

Before turning to folk medicine, you need to talk about the basic principles of treatment with folk remedies:

  • Treatment with folk methods can not completely eliminate the disease. Natural recipes of healers supplement the drug therapy and are applied after consultation with a doctor;
  • Folk treatment is a long process, requiring repeated courses.
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  • The course should never be interrupted at the first sign of health improvement, otherwise the expected effect does not come, and unpleasant symptoms return again.
  • Do not neglect the doses and methods of preparation of the medicinal drug specified in the prescription. Insufficient amount of medication will be ineffective in treating intestinal ailment, and an overabundance can negatively affect the entire body, lead to intoxication and other serious problems.
  • Treatment with folk methods will not be effective if the patient abuses alcohol, smokes and does not follow a diet;

Treatment of duodenal ulcers with alcohol

To treat ulcers with alcohol, the relationship is ambiguous. In patients, the folk method is popular, and gastroenterologists categorically reject this non-traditional remedy.

Doctors do not disprove the opinion of traditional healers: alcohol, getting on a duodenal ulcer, cauterizes it, destroying pathogens. But thus the mucous a stomach and an intestine receives a chemical burn, in addition being irritated. The side effect does not justify the therapeutic effect.

There are cases when patients perceive a folk prescription as a guide to consuming strong alcohol before each meal. This misconception is dangerous and can lead to perforation of the ulcer.

Treatment of duodenal ulcers with alcohol is carried out for one and a half weeks. Ten days every morning the patient takes a small spoon of pure alcohol on an empty stomach, after five minutes, eats a small piece of butter, which can be replaced with a glass of juice from white cabbage or potatoes.

Sea buckthorn oil

Duodenal ulcer requires rapid healing. Indeed, elimination of a defect in the intestinal mucosa is the main goal of treatment.

Oil, squeezed from sea buckthorn berries, is exactly what is needed in this case, because it is endowed with granulating, epithelizing and analgesic properties.

Folk treatment of duodenal ulcer suggests:

  • Sea buckthorn oil is drunk on the dining room( or dessert spoon) half an hour before eating.
  • In the morning, eat on an empty stomach a large spoonful of honey, without washing it down. After a couple of hours, take the oil. Half an hour later, start breakfast. Repeat the same procedure in the evening. At the beginning of treatment, the dose of the received oil will not exceed seven drops. After ten days, the volume of oil can be increased by drop, until you bring it to a small spoon.
  • Soda with duodenal ulcer is used with sea buckthorn oil( 2% soda solution 50 ml and a small spoonful of oil) three times a day before meals. The recipe in practice has proved its positive therapeutic effect without side effects in the form of heartburn and acidic eructation.

Ginger and oats with duodenal ulcer

Ginger, having medicinal properties, has a beneficial effect on the whole digestive system and serves as an excellent prophylaxis of peptic ulcer, as it can suppress the bacteria causing it.

But ginger with ulcer of the duodenum is categorically contraindicated. Fresh ginger root or cooked in marinade or sugar syrup is able to cause the strongest irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, strengthening the inflammation and slowing the scarring of the defect.

Oats with duodenal ulcer are used to treat gastrointestinal tract in the form of broths and kissels. Mucous drink, creating additional protection for the damaged intestine, contributes to its speedy recovery.

  • Recipe for broth

Whole grains( 2 cups) are poured with hot pasteurized milk( 6 glasses), cook for no more than two minutes, insist for half an hour, filter. Decoction take sixty days, one glass for 30 minutes before you sit at the table to eat.

  • Kissel from sprouted oats

Wash the oats and leave in a warm place for a day, grind with sprouts. Then take the flour, dilute it with a little water until a uniform consistency, add the boiling water and cook for a couple of minutes. Insist a quarter of an hour, a healing ointment from oats from a duodenal ulcer is ready. The drink is not prepared for future use.

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