How many people live with chronic pancreatitis, life expectancy forecast, how to live?

What should I do if I have been diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis? What are the predictions for sick people? How many live those people who suffer from this disease?

A well-known fact that chronic pancreatitis can manifest itself throughout life. This disease is characterized by symptoms such as digestive system disorders, intense pain and diarrhea. However, each person is able to alleviate the course of this terrible disease if he takes certain actions with respect to this disease.

To make the prognosis more favorable for a sick person, first of all, you need to immediately consult a doctor. Obligatory consultation of the attending physician will be required to compile an individual treatment program specifically for your case. Selected medications are prescribed for the purpose of arresting the pain syndrome.

How many people live with chronic pancreatitis, depends on how seriously they will approach this issue. The forecast can be both positive and unfavorable. Everything depends on what the actions of the sick person are aimed at.

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The most important measure is an absolute refusal of any alcoholic beverages. This measure is so significant that it can not only ease the pain syndrome, but also minimize the risk of death, that is, death.

Another important condition for survival in chronic pancreatitis is dietary nutrition. It should be eaten in small portions. The food should be warm( room temperature).Limit the consumption of fatty foods. Particular attention should be paid to carbohydrates contained in vegetables, legumes and grains. Do not forget to drink plenty of fluids, since a lack of fluid in the body helps to increase the pain syndrome.

Of course, the emotional mood and positive emotions - not the last thing that can affect the prognosis of the disease. Communicate with friends, more optimism and positive. This, of course, is not easy, but remember that people are able to control something in their body, in particular - their mood.

Many patients ask their doctors how much they can live with this disease. If to speak about statistics, according to the data from abroad, 10 years of survival is 70%;20 years - 45%.In addition, there is a huge risk of cancer of the pancreas. In this case, 20 years of survival is only 4%.

There are several factors influencing the outcome of this disease:

  1. Age of the sick person;
  2. Abuse of alcoholic beverages;
  3. Smoking Abuse;
  4. Cirrhosis in the patient.

By taking appropriate and timely measures against chronic pancreatitis, you yourself will contribute to a favorable outcome and reduce the risk of dying from this disease and increase life expectancy, you do not have to torment yourself with thoughts about how many other people live.

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