Diet in pancreatitis in children( inflammation of the pancreas in a child), recipes than feed?

Inflammation of the pancreas in children under the age of 15 is an extremely rare disease, the occurrence of which specialists associate with a child suffering from complex infectious diseases or allergic conditions. In 79.6% of cases, the causes of pancreatitis in children remain unclear. But if you believe in medical statistics, then approximately 7.5-15% of children are clearly expressing the symptoms of the disease.

At an early age, getting rid of the inflammatory process developing in the pancreas is much easier and faster. In 96% of cases the success of treatment depends on proper nutrition. To save the baby from illness specialists assign a special diet to the patient.

What kind of diet is prescribed for children with inflammation of the pancreas?

Eliminate the aggravation of the process and conduct a therapeutic correction of the developed violations can be assigned to a child 5 or 5A diet. Their principle is that the patient follows a sparing diet. However, given the patient's age, features of the disease and physiology( active growth and development of the body), the goals of these diets in the pancreas in children should take into account not only the fight against the inflammatory process, but also the requirements for full physical development of the child. Therefore, a full and mechanically-sparing diet is offered to a patient with pancreatitis, which assumes:

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  • Consumption of proteins of various types( compulsory use of at least 60% of animal proteins).
  • Eating foods rich in carbohydrates, but not more than 400 grams per day( 80 grams of carbohydrates can be ingested via sugar).
  • Use of foods with a small amount of fat( only organic fats are allowed, 30% vegetable).
  • Limited use of salt - no more than 10 gr.
  • Mandatory consumption of at least 2 liters of water per day.
  • Complete elimination of food containing essential oils, cholesterol, nitrogen, oxalic acid and purines.

With pancreatic dysfunction in children, the daily amount of calories should not exceed 3000 kcal. In this case, both the 5 and 5A diet suggest regular and fractional meals. Portions should be small, and food intake should be at least 5-6 times a day. In addition to these conditions, the above mentioned treatment tables have different rules for pancreatitis:

  • Food is always taken in equal portions( it does not overload the pancreas) at the same time.
  • Do not eat cold or too hot food.
  • If food contains coarse fiber, then they must be pre-grinded or wiped.
  • The reception of fried, spicy, salty, peppery, smoked food is excluded. It is allowed to use only dishes cooked for steaming, cooked or baked.

In children chronic, like recurrent acute pancreatitis is diagnosed extremely rarely. Severe forms of the disease can be caused by frequent acute viral infections, mumps, abdominal injuries, drug damage( with prolonged diseases with complications) of the pancreas and other ailments. In these cases, doctors prescribe to the child diet No. 5P with a moderate increase( approximately 10-15%) of protein intake."P" version of the therapeutic diet also involves eating food that contains easily digestible fats - vegetable oil, cream, sour cream.

How to feed a child with pancreatitis?

The list of foods allowed for diets 5 and 5A is quite large. A kid can be pampered not only with useful, curative food, but also prepare delicious dishes for him. To exclude the possibility of using non-recommended products in a diet for children with pancreatitis, it is worth getting acquainted with their list:

  • Radish and radish, spinach and parsley, sorrel and garlic, cabbage and green onions, pickled vegetables and mushrooms.
  • Corn, bean, barley, millet and pearl barley.
  • Promotes flatulence, including those that are acidic.
  • Fish, mushroom and meat, including chicken, broths, and hence soups, borscht.
  • Fatty types of fish and meat.
  • Fatty dairy products.
  • Carbonated drinks and concentrated juices. Frozen and fresh pastry, baking.
  • Chocolate and sweet foods.
  • Spices, canned food and spices.
  • Walnuts.
  • Cocoa and strong tea.
  • If you do not feed a child suffering from pancreatitis, listed foods, then the disease is very easy to win.

Delicious recipes for pediatric pancreatitis

Therapeutic diets for children with pancreatitis suggest that the child will eat the first boiled meals on a daily basis. As his body develops and requires a large amount of vitamins, macro and trace elements, it is worthwhile to feed him with useful warm soups on vegetable broths. Recipes of first courses for children:

  • Vegetable soup with rice and sour cream. In salted boiling water throw finely chased onions and carrots. After 15 minutes, add a little potato - just one medium potato. After the potato is well boiled, a well-washed rice is added to the soup. The dish is served warm, adding a dessert spoon of sour cream to the plate. Buckwheat soup with vegetables. Vegetarian soup with zucchini. In salted boiling water alternately add onions, carrots, potatoes, green peas, zucchini and allowed greens. Soup can also be served with sour cream.

Diets in children's pancreatitis are also allowed to feed the child with various types of low-fat meat and fish. Using these products, it is possible to prepare small types of steamed meat for small patients. Do not be afraid to use fish for cooking meatballs. That they did not have a fishy smell and were more satisfying, you can add to the meat boiled cabbage and rice. When choosing recipes, do not forget about:

  • meat rolls with potatoes;
  • berry-curd and rice puddings;
  • baked with honey fruits;
  • vinaigrettes;
  • omelettes and other goodies.

Prevention of childhood pancreatitis, as well as its exacerbations, is to comply with the age-appropriate child nutrition. Parents should not forget about the correct way of life, about the prevention of injuries and infectious diseases.

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