Zinerit: instructions for use, composition, price, reviews, analogs

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As an effective drug widely used in the fight against acne, Zinerit has proven itself in the treatment of skin lesions in the form of acne and boils. In this case, the peculiarities of the composition make it possible to heal not only superficial point acne, but also to eliminate the causes of the appearance of deep inflammations. Skin cleansing, the acquisition of a smooth surface and a uniform structure - all these manifestations are observed in the complex treatment of acne with the help of Zinerit.

It's about him today that we'll talk. So, let's look at the details of the instructions for use and prices of Zinerit, its analogs and reviews of doctors and patients.

Features of the drug

Included in the preparation zinc provides rapid healing of the skin, because this is the most effective element for treating any skin disease, from acne to acne of any origin .Many drugs containing zinc in their composition, provide a rapid improvement of the general condition of the skin, up to the destruction of skin lesions.

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Zinerite among such medicines is considered the most effective;according to the majority of buyers, it is during its application that you can count on the prompt elimination of unpleasant manifestations of skin diseases, restore the skin smoothness and smoothness. Simplicity of application and method of use allows you to solve most of the skin problems on your own.

About what Zinerit represents, this video will tell:

Medicinal forms of

Zinerit is presented in the form of a solution, which is prepared from two fractions.

And how much is Zinerite in the pharmacy? The price of it can vary depending on the size of the trade margin: the price can be in the range from 200 to 330 rubles.

Composition of Zinerite

The peculiarity of this drug can be called the entry into its composition of two bottles having different composition. Bottle A contains active substances, which are presented in the form of a powder;in bottle B there is a solution that is required to dissolve the contents of vial A.

. The composition of the bottle A is as follows:

  • acetate zinc dihydrate;
  • erythromycin - 1.2 g.

These substances are active, and when they are dissolved in the attached solution, their activation occurs.

The following components are contained in vial B:

  • ethanol;
  • sebacate diisopropyl as an auxiliary.

When mixing the contents of two vials, a drug solution( per calculation, 1 ml of solution) is formed having the composition:

  • acetate zinc dihydrate( 0.25%);
  • erythromycin - 1.12 g;
  • ethanol - 0.58 g;
  • diisopropyl sebacate - 0.1 g.

The forms and price of Zinerite in pharmacies are discussed below.

Pharmacological action of

A feature of the drug should also be considered the possibility of its use in combination with other drugs that help in the treatment of acne. This is due to the almost total absence of adverse events, as well as the possibility of using Zineritis by any category of patients.


Providing a complex effect, the drug quickly blocks inflammation foci on the skin, while not injuring healthy areas. With the help of zinc, the process of sebum production is normalized, excessive fat content is eliminated. The process of exposure begins immediately after application.

Erythromycin can destroy the conditions necessary for the existence of bacteria that cause acne. Possessing bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, Zinerit copes even with the neglected condition and allows in a short time to return the skin to beauty and health.


Rapid absorption of the upper layer of the epidermis ensures the earliest absorption of the active substances of the drug by the skin. Affecting the affected cells, Zinerit helps normalize the regeneration process, eliminating inflammation, reducing the secretion of pores and stabilizing the formation of sebum, and also cleansing the pores of the skin.

The excretion of the decomposed products of Zinerite is carried out by the kidneys.

On whether zinerite helps with acne, see below.


Preparation Zinerit is recommended for use in skin lesions of various types. The most highly effective in the treatment and elimination of acne and acne, cleaning the skin and restoring the regeneration process. To the indications that are treated with the application of Zineritis, the following conditions should be attributed:

  • acne;
  • manifestations of acne;
  • pimples of different nature.

Modern and high-performance, Zinerit perfectly copes with skin lesions, it is used in complex therapy.

Instruction for use

Ease of use allows you to apply the drug in question yourself.

  • The contents of both vials should be mixed before use. After thoroughly mixing them with the applicator that comes with the purchase, the product is applied in a thin, even layer to the affected areas. It should be remembered that the product after its complete drying becomes completely colorless, which allows you to apply it before applying decorative cosmetics.
  • Treatment cycle depending on the severity of skin lesions can vary: from 8-10 days to two weeks. During this time, the drug is applied to the affected parts of the skin 2-3 times a day. If during the indicated period there is no noticeable improvement in the skin condition, then we can assume the addiction of the organism to the components of the drug. This means that the skin has ceased to feel the effects of active substances, and it is required to change the treatment regimen.
  • After the course, a one-week break is recommended, after which treatment can be repeated.

The video below will tell you how to use Zinerite:


Contraindications include increased sensitivity to the components of the remedy, the occurrence of an allergic reaction. During pregnancy, the drug can be used, because when the active substances are absorbed by the skin, they do not enter the bloodstream, the fetus does not feel the effects of the active substances.

Also carefully should be treated with severe dryness of the skin: the ethanol contained in the preparation dries very much the skin. For the same reason, it is recommended to use Zinerite pointwise, because alcohol destroys the fat layer on the skin surface and can promote the development of excessive dryness of the epidermis and its subsequent peeling.

Side effects of

Due to the content of a significant amount of alcohol in the preparation, it should be used carefully in the treatment of acne and acne on dry, flaky skin. It is also not recommended to use Zenerit in children under three years of age.

If burning, itching and active peeling of the upper layer of the epidermis occur, skin treatment with Zinerite should be discontinued and preparations having a similar effect should be used.

Specific instructions

  • Since the drug does not penetrate through the placenta tissue, during the gestation period of the baby, a pregnant woman can use Zenerit in the treatment of acne on the skin. However, one should be vigilant: any manifestations of allergic reactions require stopping the use of the drug and replacing it with a similar one with a similar effect.
  • Child age, according to medical data, is not the reason for refusing to use the drug in question. It should reduce the duration of its use, but the absence of negative consequences in the application allows you to treat skin lesions in this case.

Interaction with other medications

The drug Zenerit can be used with other medicines. Lack of interaction allows you to assign it in a complex therapy, getting the most pronounced results for a short time of use.


A high level of demand for this drug in the treatment of a variety of skin lesions is provided by a combination of the optimal composition and speed of the agent. Thanks to customers' reviews, one can get a general idea of ​​the breadth of application of Zinerite, as well as the specifics of its impact. The absence of a large number of adverse events and the possibility of using in combination with other medicinal products makes it possible to call Zinerit the most commonly used remedy for skin diseases and acne treatment.

Affordable cost is also noted by many buyers. And due to the high efficiency, the possibility of using the drug during pregnancy and childhood, as well as ease of use, it is Zinerit that has become especially in demand among similar drugs used in the treatment of acne and acne.

Both expensive and inexpensive Zinerit analogs are discussed below.


The following drugs, widely used in the treatment of acne, skin lesions, can be classified with Zinerite-like preparations:

  • Skinonorm;
  • Roaccutane;
  • erythromycin ointment;
  • Skinoren.

These drugs also affect the upper layer of the epidermis, regulating the sebum production process and help to quickly eliminate clogging of the pores of the skin. A lot of controversy is taking place among buyers and that is better, a basilon, skinoren or zinerit.but this is a private matter for everyone.

Elena Malysheva in this video will tell about Zinerite and other remedies for acne:

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