Tablets and injections of Relanium as a drug: properties, effect, overdose, addiction

There are many pharmacy drugs that exert narcotic effects, for example, benzodiazepine group agents. Some patients overdose with dosages and are completely dependent on the drug, others deliberately abuse these medications. Relanium also belongs to such drugs provoking serious drug addiction.

Relanium - narcotic

Relanium refers to preparations of a tranquilizer group with an anxiolytic effect. The medication is released in the injectable form as a colorless or yellowish solution in ampoules. Relanium is produced in tableted form.

Composition of

The chemical composition of the preparation is somewhat different in accordance with the form of release.

  • Relanium injections as the main active substance contain diazepam, which is supplemented with auxiliary components like ethanol, propylene glycol, benzyl alcohol and acetic acid, sodium benzoate and injectable water.
  • Relanium tablets also contain the active ingredient - diazepam and additional additives like lactose and corn starch, microcrystalline cellulose and talc, magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide.
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Mechanism of action

Relanium refers to anxiolytic tranquilizers of the benzodiazepine series. Diazepam has a depressing effect on the nervous system structures, in particular in the limbic system, hypothalamus and thalamus structures. In addition, diazepam enhances the action of the GABA inhibitor( gamma-aminobutyric acid).This substance is considered one of the most important mediators, which carry out neuro-impulse transmission in the nervous system structures.

Due to the activation of GABA, the excitability of the cerebral subcortical structures decreases, spinal reflexes are inhibited, etc. The anxiolytic effect is caused by the influence of the limbic system on the almond structures, which results in a significant decrease in fear, anxiety and psychoemotional stress, and anxiety.


Relanium has many therapeutic effects:

  • Sedative;
  • Sleeping Pills;
  • Miorelaxing;
  • Tranquilizing;
  • Anticonvulsant.


Relanium has a wide enough range of indications for use:

  1. With anxiety disorders, insomnia and dysphoria;
  2. In spastic conditions caused by brain damage such as tetanus, athetosis or cerebral palsy, with muscle spasms of traumatic etiology;
  3. With myositis, arthritis, bursitis, arthrosis and polyarthrosis, accompanied by overstrain of the muscular structures of the skeleton;
  4. With vertebral syndrome, tension headache, angina disorders;
  5. In the complex treatment of such pathologies as ulcerative processes in the duodenum or stomach, hypertension, psychosomatic disorders in the gynecological area, eczema, epilepsy;
  6. With alcohol withdrawal for the removal of tremors, anxiety, reactive states, emotional tension, delirium, etc.;
  7. For medical poisoning, Meniere's disease, as well as in preparation for anesthesia and surgical treatment to reduce unnecessary anxiety and anxiety of the patient. Relanium is combined with neurotropic drugs and analgesics in gynecology and obstetrics to suppress pain sensitivity and consciousness during diagnostic procedures like curettage, etc.

The effect of

Relanium, due to its therapeutic effect, is often used by drug addicts as an independent drug or to enhance the effect of other drugs.

After using Relanium, addicted people experience:

  • Carelessness;
  • Emotional recovery;
  • Poured over the body of a warm wave;
  • Humor and lightness;
  • Muffled color and sound perception;
  • Weakness of motor coordination.

Similar sensations are similar to narcotic euphoria, although it is impossible to compare their pleasure with opiates or various stimulants. However Relanium brings relief and prevents the emergence of narcotic withdrawal, which is especially important for addicts with experience. Some drug addicts and do take the drug intravenously in the hope of getting rid of addiction, however, in fact they fall under an even stronger relanium addiction.

Dependence development

With prolonged and uncontrolled use of the Relanium drug, a persistent dependence on the drug is formed, therefore Relanium is referred to the first category drugs.

Signs and symptoms of consumption

Intoxication due to abuse Relanium is very similar to alcoholic, however, the smell is absent.

The external effect of abuse of benzodiazepine tranquilizers is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Severe dryness in the oral cavity and drowsiness;
  2. Muscle weakness and lethargy;
  3. The patient's perception of the environment changes;
  4. Articulatory disorders;
  5. Moral and moral guidelines are lost;
  6. Skin, as a rule, pale, I can dilate the pupils, increases the pulse rate;
  7. Suicidal tendencies;
  8. Hallucinosis.

Usually such addicts become unruly and aggressive after a dose, are prone to pugnaciousness and tactlessness, are characterized by unstable attention, they say indistinctly, because the tongue is braided.3-4 hours after the dose, they usually fall asleep, and sleep is short-only 2-3 hours, accompanied by snoring and anxiety. After awakening, such drug addicts behave sullenly and irritably, angrily and even aggressively.

The abstinence in these addicts is quite severe. It is accompanied by a strong and large tremor of the whole body, dizziness, insomnia and the fear of death. The addict is disturbed by lomiting and twisting joint pains, seizures with seizures similar to epileptic ones.

Side effects of

The drug, even with a dosed intake, can cause a lot of side reactions from various inorganic systems.

For example, often there are side effects like:

  • Excessive fatigue and ataxia;
  • Low concentration and poor motor coordination;
  • Disorientation and drowsiness;
  • Frequent dizziness and unsteadiness of gait;
  • Noticeable slowing of motor and mental reactions, lethargy and emotional dullness
  • Anterograde amnesia, confusion and euphoria;
  • Uncontrolled movements of the body and eyes;
  • Depression and depressive states;
  • Tremor, weakness, paradoxical reactions( for example, outbreaks of aggression and fear, confusion and suicidal thoughts, hallucinations and psychomotor overexcitation, etc.).

In the hematopoiesis system against the background of taking Relanium, conditions such as anemia or leukopenia, thrombocytopenia and agranulocytosis, neutropenia, etc., may occur. Digestive disorders such as hiccups and lack of appetite, heartburn and dry mouth, sickening symptoms and gastralgia, hepatic disordersfunctions, jaundice, etc.

Among the other side effects experts call the development of addiction and addiction, problems with vision and breathing, weight loss and bulimia.

When the patient abruptly stops taking the drug, he has symptoms of withdrawal syndrome:

  1. Headaches and excitement;
  2. Irritability and a sense of fear;
  3. Problems with sleeping and dysphoria;
  4. Increased anxiety and emotional arousal;
  5. Nervousness and muscle spasms;
  6. Dysphoric manifestations like lack of mood, gloominess, hostility to others, unreasonable aggression and affective outbursts.

Consequences of

With regular intake of large doses of the drug, the body undergoes severe disruptions such as:

  • Pronounced apathy;
  • Dysatria and speech slowness;
  • Depression;
  • Tremor of the hands;
  • Bezemotsionalnosti;
  • Amnestic memory disorders;
  • Violations of cardiovascular and genitourinary activities.

Abuse of the drug leads to the development of resistant sleep disorders, the patient can fall asleep only after a large dose of medication. If there is no regular dose, then the patient will not be able to feel full. Only treatment and rehabilitation will help fix the situation.

Overdose and poisoning of

In case of an overdose of benzodiazepines, there is a disturbance of the psyche, inhibition, miorelaxation, sleep disturbance, etc. Poisoning with such drugs is most often explained by attempted suicide. The difference between the therapeutic dose and the lethal is large enough. Even if you exceed the standard dosage by 10 times, then only moderate poisoning will occur. However, the toxic effect is greatly increased when combined with alcohol.

Poisoning Relanium is manifested by:

  1. Slurred speech;
  2. Low reflexes;
  3. With retardation;
  4. Lack of balance;
  5. Frequent heart beat;
  6. Low pressure;
  7. Low temperature, etc.

When poisoning with the drug, it is necessary to rinse the stomach, take activated charcoal, if necessary, provide the patient with artificial pulmonary ventilation. As an antidote, specialists use Flumazenil.

Treatment of dependence

Cure dependence on Relanium is rather difficult, because even with a slight decrease in dosage, the patient begins the strongest breakdown. In the state of abstinence, he may be disturbed by deep depression, acute psychosis and suicidal thoughts. Therefore, an incorrect approach to treatment is fraught with insanity or a fatal outcome for the patient.

Benzodiazepine dependence is primarily psychological, rather than physiological. Treatment is carried out in a psychiatric or narcological department. If the experience is short, then there is the option of a one-time withdrawal of the drug. If the dependence is rather long, the abstinence will be excruciating and strong, therefore the drug is canceled by a gradual decrease in the dosage or by substitution with another drug.

It is difficult to cure such a relationship, but it is quite feasible. The main thing is to contact experienced experts. Forecast therapy is favorable, however, in a small number of patients, the development of personality defects is likely. Although in general, the majority of people who have received treatment for benzodiazepine dependence, there is almost complete recovery.

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