What are the consequences of prolonged smoking marijuana: early, late, harm to the body and the psyche

Often acquaintance of modern youth with drugs begins with smoking marijuana. In most countries, such a product is considered an easy narcotic substance, but in our country, grass is prohibited. Many believe that if they wish they can at any time refuse such a "harmless" hobby, but they are very mistaken.

Effects of smoking marijuana

Over the past decades, scientists have been thoroughly studying the effects of smoking marijuana. The results of the research already obtained are far from optimistic, because the effect of cannabinoids present in the herb yields a stable dependence.

The products of cannabinoid metabolism when smoking marijuana accumulate in brain and fat cells structures, remaining in them for a long time. That's why even temporary "pampering" with herbs is fraught with serious addiction, which then is quite difficult to cope with.

Not all people when using marijuana feel its effect, so the effect of the drug on different people will be different, as well as the consequences, which are divided into early and late. The early ones appear immediately after the smoking of marijuana, and the latter arise after all the life.

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To the early consequences of the use of the experts refer:

  • Lack of air and dizziness;
  • Increased pulse and blood pressure;
  • Uncovering sensation within the body;
  • Beginners may experience a sense of panic horror, but with the subsequent use of the herb, such manifestations disappear, ie, the body gets used to marijuana;
  • If an overdose of the herb is observed, the addict may start uncontrollable vomiting, it becomes unconscious, however, there have been no deaths from the grass yet;
  • Soon after smoking a cigarette, a euphoric mood begins, the addict "sees" pseudo-hallucinogenic pictures, which even a smoker is regarded as unreal.

What other consequences can there be? The smoker starts to have problems with short-term memory, and in the first minutes of intoxication the smoker is often unable to remember his thoughts. He lost the sense of real time so that five minutes may seem like an eternity to him, and an hour - five minutes.


The effects of late smoking are as follows:

  • When the narcotic effect recedes, the smoker has a wild appetite that causes him to absorb an incredible amount of food that can lead to digestive upset;
  • When alcohol and marijuana are combined, intoxication may be weak, but intoxication remains the same. A person does not get drunk, so he can drink too much, which can lead to severe alcohol poisoning.

At first, when accustomed to withdrawal symptoms are absent, the smoker feels great without grass. Some people after a single smoking of marijuana for a few more days may have typical hallucinogenic manifestations, some phobias or unreasonable fears like drowning, strangulation, etc.

Similar conditions are similar to a panic attack and last about 5 minutes. With the development of addiction, such attacks become frequent up to repeated everyday cases. Particularly susceptible to these conditions are people who have a hereditary predisposition to mental illness.
Effects of marijuana on the human brain:

Exposure to the body

Marijuana adversely affects the body. Particularly prone to harmful effects:

  • Brain. It is proved that the brain suffers quite strongly from the effects of herbs. Regular smoking leads to the development of violations in the processes of thinking and understanding. The smoker becomes incapable of abstract thinking, difficult to learn. With the long-term use of marijuana, persistent memory impairments develop, often panic conditions disturb.
  • Light. Toxic effects affect the breathing system. Against the background of the use of marijuana, smokers are at increased risk of developing pharyngitis and bronchitis, chronic pathologies and cancerous processes in bronchopulmonary structures. This effect is due to the fact that in the process of burning grass, carcinogenic resinous substances are released.
  • Heart. Since under the influence of herbs there is a pronounced increase in heart rate and pulse, and the pressure rises sharply, the probability of occurrence of pathologies of cardiovascular nature sharply increases.
  • Reproductive structures. Herbs strongly affect the reproductive system of smokers of both sexes. In men, it leads to a deficiency of testosterone. Long-term smoking can significantly change the hormonal status, which causes a serious violation in sexual development in adolescents. In adult men under the influence of grass, the quality of sperm deteriorates - the total number of spermatozoa decreases, their motor activity decreases, and a significant part of the ejaculate is an abnormal spermatozoon. Gradually there is a decrease in sexual desire and develops erectile dysfunction. In women, marijuana may reduce fertility, i.e., the chances of becoming pregnant with the abuse of the herb become minimal. If the pregnant woman is involved in smoking, the probability of the birth of a premature baby is significantly increased. A large percentage of such children are born with significant deviations, retarded development and die in early childhood.

In addition, prolonged( many years) smoking marijuana can adversely affect the coordination of movements, disrupts the smoker's reaction to natural sound and light stimuli.
On the video on the effects of smoking marijuana for the body:

The impact on the psyche

Under the influence of marijuana in the body there are significant changes, especially on the brain and psyche of the smoker. After the grass, there is a euphoric state, hallucinations, relaxation and loss of reality, problems are removed and become insignificant. That's why smokers are increasingly using marijuana to try all of the above again.

Some have uncontrolled attacks of aggression, hallucinations and panic attacks. The onset of such conditions is inevitable, because it has been scientifically proven that people who systematically smear marijuana are more than 5 times more likely to be schizophrenic than others.

With the development of dependence on the grass, gradual degradation of the personality takes place. Smoking is no longer interested in traditional human values ​​like family, love, career, etc. Gradually, marijuana ceases to meet the needs of the smoker, and after the grass, he begins to search for more serious drugs.

Smoking in figures

The use of marijuana spread among the population in the 1960s. Mass use of this drug began in European and American countries. A great contribution to the development of such addiction has been made by the hippy culture. In a decade, more than half of the students have tried marijuana more than once, and a fifth of them have been using it regularly - three times a week.

Especially dangerous is the use of marijuana by adolescents. First, they are violating the processes of puberty, and secondly, the relative majority subsequently switches to "serious" drugs like amphetamine and its derivatives( Mescaline, LSD, etc.).

In recent years, the use of marijuana in older people has increased significantly, and among adolescents this indicator has significantly decreased. So, for the period of 2002-2010, cases of smoking marijuana in 12-17-year-old people fell by half, but the number of daily users of herbs among people over the age of 20 increased by 11%.The number of daily marijuana smokers among adolescents tends to decrease, which can not but rejoice.

Polydrug addiction

There is a myth according to which smoking herbs refers to safe hobbies. This is categorically not so. The systematic use of marijuana causes a strong dependence on the smoker. Gradually develops resistance to the drug, why the addict ceases to receive the former satisfaction from marijuana: he does not experience relaxation and euphoria. This situation pushes the addict to look for a stronger drug, and he does not even think about the consequences of such a substitution.

Undoubtedly, the grass itself can not make a smoker go to a stronger drug. Just organic systems adapt to the constant receipt of certain doses of marijuana and ceases to respond to them with the state of drug intoxication. A drug addict of this feeling lacks, and he independently decides to test other sources of such pleasure after giving up grass.

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