Gastroduodenitis: medical history, etiology, pathogenesis, clinic

Medicine explains the importance of gastroduodenitis as a process of inflammation of the pyloric part of the stomach and mucous membrane of the duodenum. The disease is divided into endogenous and exogenous, as well as widespread and localized gastroduodenitis. The level of acidity of the disease can be with reduced, normal and high acidity. Clinic of the disease manifests itself in different ways, depending on the type of disease and the degree of its development.

Etiology of gastroduodenitis

The history of the disease necessarily indicates the etiology, which allows further selection of therapy by a doctor.

In the case of gastroduodenitis, the etiology is quite diverse and is characterized by multiple causes of formation:

  • Increased acid formation;
  • Small production of mucus;
  • Damage to the liver and biliary tract;
  • Pathology of gastric and endocrine system secretion.

The following causes of gastroduodenitis are often noted in the medical history:

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  • Infiltration of the organism Helicobacter pylori;
  • Drinking too hot and cold food;
  • Exposure to pesticides.

Pathogenesis of gastroduodenitis in medicine

Under the influence of etiological and pathological factors on the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum inflammation occurs. Often, this pathogenesis leads to the formation of mucosal atrophy and disruption of regeneration.

Pediatric specialists note that excessive formation of reactive oxygen species is a concomitant process for most chronic gastrointestinal ailments, therefore gastroduodenitis is no exception. In the history of the disease as a source of ROS indicate polymorphonuclear leukocytes.

Histories of gastroduodenitis in pediatrics

If the history of the disease under the aetiology indicates that the formation of the disease is due to external factors, doctors understand that the pathology occurs in the antral region of the stomach and duodenum. It is often noted that with gastroduodenitis, the clinic of the disease is characterized by symptoms of inflammation and erosion.

In medicine, it is also noted that there may be problems with secretory and motor gastric function. Specialists of pediatrics in the history of the disease often record the detection of nervousness and irritability in the child. To dyspeptic disorders in the form of heartburn and belching leads to a failure of the cardia.

Often, in the history of gastroduodenitis in pediatrics, complaints of thirst and pain are noted. Localization of pain is fixed in the epigastric region and the pyloric zone. In this case, the symptoms appear on an empty stomach and after eating. Clinic of this disease in children often become constipation.

In case of a prolonged course of the disease, a record appears in the medical history that the inflammation process affects the base area. This indicates the acquisition of a second form of ailment.

If the pediatrician starts to consider the etiology and pathogenesis of a child's gastroduodenitis, he will notice that the next stage is erosion of the middle third of the stomach. In this case, medicine is said to form a nosological form of the disease. The clinic of this disease manifests itself in a lower production of enzymes and reduced production of hydrochloric acid. At the same time in pediatrics note the child's lethargy and rapid fatigue.

Children develop nausea, a feeling of heaviness and a feeling of fullness of the stomach, which are noted in pathogenesis.

The treatment of gastroduodenitis in children in pediatrics is the same as with gastritis. Patients are recommended compliance with bed rest and switching to a diet, which is recorded in the medical history. After a crisis, doctors are advised to conduct physiotherapy and exercise therapy.

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