Diagnosis of gastroduodenitis - differential diagnosis, examination, FGDS, blood tests, which method is more informative?

This inflammatory disease is often diagnosed when the mucous membrane of the pyloric gastric and duodenal ulcers is affected. The risk of the disease depends on age. For example, the detection of gastroduodenitis in patients under the age of twelve is about fifteen percent, and in adults this indicator is doubled. That is why if you suspect a diagnosis of gastroduodenitis, the examination should be carried out as early as possible, in particular, the GHF.

It should be noted that the diagnosis of gastroduodenitis means damage to the stomach and duodenum regardless of the causes that provoked the disease. As the development under the influence of negative factors, wounds on the shells of these organs are formed and erosions are formed. The main causes most often provoking the disease are divided into exogenous and endogenous.

The most informative methods for diagnosing gastroduodenitis

The main methods of differential diagnosis of gastroduodenitis include: FGD, blood tests, gastric motility tests:

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  • Endoscopy( FGDS) - this differential method makes it possible to assess the condition of the mucosa and duodenum using an endoscope. Simultaneously with it, a biopsy and other medical procedures are performed. During the session, you can take a picture. According to the results of the FGD survey, a specialist is able to draw a conclusion about the process of pathology and establish a diagnosis.
  • A study for histology - in order to perform a differential examination, it is necessary to obtain a biopsy of the mucosa, which is then studied under a microscope. This allows you to assess the degree of inflammation and dystrophy.
  • Gastric motility examination - peripheral electrogastrography is used for this purpose, which is a very important procedure for establishing an accurate diagnosis. With its help, a study is made of the reduction of the wall of the stomach. This method uses electrodes placed on the skin in the epigastric region and on the extremities. Next, the data is analyzed and displayed on the computer monitor. In addition, very informative is the way when catheters are inserted through the lower nasal passage and installed in different parts of the stomach under the control of the X-ray.
  • Diagnosis of gastric secretion - involves the use of two methods of examination for the establishment of gastroduodenitis. The first of these aspiration-probe means withdrawal of gastric juice by means of a probe, which is injected through the oral cavity. Then the diagnostics of its properties and parameters in the laboratory is carried out.

A more objective way to help establish gastroduodenitis is the pH-measurement of the stomach. Due to this process, it is possible to obtain differentiated information about the pH level in the stomach and to record the diagnostic data for a long time. In addition, in parallel with this, it is possible to carry out pharmacosecretory assays.

Differential diagnosis of gastroduodenitis

Therapy of gastroduodenitis presupposes a differential approach, including the use of antacids in case of a diagnosis with high acidity, as well as adsorbents and antibacterial medications in the presence of infection in the blood and stomach.

Establishing a diagnosis of gastroduodenitis involves the implementation of FGDs, studies of duodenal contents of the stomach and juice. Important in addition to FGDS are allocated excretion of the pathogen by PCR, as well as blood tests.

In the course of the analysis of blood with gastroduodenitis specialists are studying the hemoglobin, leukocyte and erythrocyte index. Also determine the pepsinogen in the blood, the lack of which indicates the atrophy or formation of a malignant tumor. With the help of serum analysis, autoimmune pathologies can be identified.

In addition to the above studies, differential diagnosis involves the examination of biomaterial from the stomach. Sometimes to establish the diagnosis of gastroduodenitis, doctors take the plaque material from the teeth. Among the rare types of testing for the purpose of establishing a diagnosis, ammonia and isotopic respiratory tests are isolated. To detect the bacterium Helicobacter, it is advisable to undergo at least two different studies.

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