Chronic urticaria: classification, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

The appearance on the skin of peculiar blisters, similar to the consequences of a burn from nettles, can be a common disease - hives. You should consult a doctor to understand the cause that caused the rash, and if necessary, to carry out therapy. About the symptoms and treatment of chronic urticaria, her photo, we'll talk today.

Features of the disease

Urticaria is a disease that can originate from different causes. At the heart of his body's reaction to an allergen or other irritant. According to the duration of manifestations of the symptoms of the disease are distinguished:

  • acute form,
  • chronic form of the disease.

If the process of blistering on the body, which is diagnosed as urticaria, occurs for six months, then specialists determine that the patient suffers chronic urticaria. Both adults and children more often have this form of the disease. The chronic process can last up to five years.

  • Children are exposed to the disease more at an early age.
  • instagram viewer
  • Among adults with chronic urticaria, women suffer more often than the male part of the population.

Are they recruited into the army with chronic urticaria? For men, the diagnosis in the card about chronic urticaria with an explanation that lasts more than six months, is the reason for release from military service. What factors trigger this phenomenon, does not matter.

The following video will describe the chronic urticaria:

Classification of

The manifestations of urticaria are divided into groups of conditions according to pathogenetic mechanisms that provoke skin rash:

  • Idiopathic form is a manifestation of the disease characterizing chronic urticaria, but the causes that causedviolation, can not be determined.
  • Autoimmune form - the disease proceeds long and hard. The diagnosis is confirmed by the lack of response to antihistamines.
  • Papular form - rashes appear as the body's response to an insect bite.
  • Spontaneous form - the appearance of rashes without any connection with any reasons, the disease is also called ordinary urticaria( chronic);
  • Physical form:
    • cholinergic variety - rashes with signs of urticaria appear after rubbing of skin areas, physical contact;
    • cold variety - blisters appear due to a change in temperature( heat or cold);
    • psychogenic variety - skin reaction in the form of a coating of blisters initiates an emotional reaction to an event;
    • contact variety is the reaction of the body in the form of urticaria to contact with substances that are allergens to the patient.
  • Hereditary variety - the patient inherited a reaction to some factors( cold, insect bites, contact with certain substances) skin rashes with signs of chronic urticaria.

Chronic urticaria can have different forms of the process:

  • recurrent form - a cyclic course of chronic urticaria, when periods of exacerbation are replaced by short breaks( several days);
  • Persistent form - the rash throughout the disease is continuously updated.

Next, the causes of chronic urticaria in adults and children and its treatment are discussed.

Causes of

The factors that cause the disease are divided by their nature into two categories:

  • endogenous - causes associated with organ diseases:
    • inflammatory problems in the teeth, gums;
    • liver disease,
    • pancreatitis,
    • gastritis;
    • helminths.
  • exogenous - external factors influence the emergence of blisters:
    • chemical( reaction to certain substances),
    • temperature( heat, cold),
    • mechanical( friction, vibration).

Chronic inflammatory processes in the organs initiate bacterial infection. The response of the body can be chronic urticaria.

Symptoms of chronic urticaria

Symptoms of the disease are blisters on the skin of various sizes. The color of the rashes is reddish - it is brighter or paler.

Urticaria affects such areas:

  • surface of the trunk,
  • skin of the face,
  • of the limb,
  • of the sole,
  • of the palm.

Blisters cause discomfort, itching. To the listed symptoms, general condition disorders can be added:

  • dizziness,
  • vomiting,
  • fever,
  • stool disorder.


For the diagnosis, the following actions are performed:

  • Patient examination and analysis of all visible manifestations of the disease.
  • Collection of analyzes and laboratory tests:
    • physical samples that cause provocation by factors:
      • light,
      • cold,
      • heat,
      • dermograph,
      • pressure,
      • voltage;
    • study, which shows the reaction to the effect of:
      • herbs,
      • cat hair,
      • home dust,
      • ticks.
  • A study is being conducted to identify food allergens.
  • If specialists deem it necessary, then a skin biopsy is to be performed with samples immunofluorescent.
  • It is recommended to follow a basic diet to avoid allergy to food. The food is adjusted to the formula: tea-potatoes-rice.
  • Intensive examination provides:
    • detection of possible foci of infection,
    • test for the presence of Helicobacter pilori,
    • it is recommended to fill the food diary.

If there is a need to continue diagnostic studies, then conduct:

  • Elimination diet - from the diet make a consistent exclusion of products that are suspected as allergy provokers. Each time the patient is examined, determining his condition.
  • If the previous exercise did not clarify the picture, is prescribed provocative diet - the same as the elimination diet, but the products that can have allergens in this case are successively added. There is a reaction of the body.

The following is considered treatment of chronic, incl.idiopathic, urticaria in adults and children.

The diagnosis of chronic urticaria is described by the specialist in this video:

Treatment of

For different forms of the disease, several different methods of assistance are used. But there is a general approach: if an allergen has appeared - remove it from its own use, diet( depending on what kind of allergen).

Therapeutic way of

It is important that all inflammatory processes are treated. A diet is prescribed. If necessary, deworming is performed.

The following are considered preparations for the treatment of chronic urticaria.


Drug specialist appoints individually. Usually, drugs of this type are recommended:

  • desensitizing agents of calcium,
  • preparations, soothing nervous system, harmonizing mood( sedative),
  • antihistamines,
  • sodium hyposulphite,
  • magnesium sulfate.

Whether chronic urticaria can be treated with folk remedies, read below.

Folk methods

There are proven folk recipes that help with hives. It is undesirable to use them independently. It will be correct to get advice from a specialist.

  • Helps celery. The root is ground well and insisted for two hours in water. It is possible to use juice for treatment. Nastoj drink three times for a day for half an hour before meal on a third of a glass. The juice is taken in the same way, but in half a teaspoon.
  • You can use the root of aira. Take the folk remedy in powder form. Dose at the reception: half a teaspoon. Time: before bedtime.


When searching for the cause of the disease, a specialist can prescribe a special diet. This method is also used when it is known that the food allergen has caused the problem.

The diet can contain such dishes and products:

  • meat:
    • rabbit,
    • turkey;
  • sour-milk products:
    • homemade curds,
    • kefir;
  • vegetables:
    • potatoes are useful, but should be pre-soaked;
    • salad,
    • zucchini,
    • broccoli,
    • dill;
  • sugar: fructose,
  • porridge:
    • corn,
    • rice,
    • buckwheat;
  • bakery products:
    • hypoallergenic cookies,
    • unleached bread
  • oil( small amount):
    • creamy,
    • vegetable.

Prevention of the disease

To avoid pathology, one should strive to observe:

  • load mode - rest,
  • to develop a friendly view of the world, try to avoid stressful situations;
  • to consume natural products,
  • not to allow chronic inflammatory processes, to treat inflammations in time.

For an exacerbation and complication of chronic urticaria is told further.

Complications of

  • It is dangerous not to treat urticaria in young children. The disease can be initiated by an artificial mixture for nutrition.
  • Urticaria is often manifested by blisters on the face that can merge into one large blister that can develop in the Quincke's edema.

This situation creates a threat to the life of the child. Therefore, it is necessary to refuse in time the food, which is the allergic reaction, and to treat chronic urticaria.


Favorable resolution of the situation, if all the rules are met. This means that the factor that is indicated by the allergen, try to exclude, treat diseases and perform other doctor's advice.

You will find a lot of useful information about chronic urticaria in this video:

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