Syndromes of peptic ulcer disease

In addition to the characteristic symptoms of peptic ulcer disease, ulcer syndromes are distinguished in patients:

  • visceral;
  • is a somatic;
  • is visceral-somatic.

Gastric pains usually appear at the top of the abdomen. This feature is due to the fact that inflammation increases the secretory function of the organ. In pain syndromes associated with increased secretion, patients often experience vomiting, which attacks occur at night. With an increase in motor function, another syndrome arises - an irritated stomach. At patients there is a burp, a burning sensation in an epigastrium, gravity, a heartburn. A clear characteristic of pain in an ulcer is caused by spasm and active peristalsis. This happens when the intragastric pressure rises, and the walls of the stomach become irritated during inflammation.

If the ulceration does not affect the deep layers, a moderate intensity syndrome is observed, which is manifested by periodic dull pain. Sometimes minor soreness can go unnoticed. As the deeper layers of the stomach are touched, patients notice dull almost constant pain, which is felt throughout the stomach.

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Syndromes of gastric ulcer of a somatic nature are manifested by reflected pain. The affected organ reflects pain and causes a protective muscle tension. Such a pathology occurs if the site of the peritoneum inflames, which has an increased sensory innervation. With ulcer, the invertebral muscles are involved. Even after relief of exacerbation, such pain can persist for a long time.

Pain can be given to the sternum, left side and scapula. Therefore, patients may have a cough with a stomach ulcer. In such situations, the symptomatology is very similar to the symptoms of myocardial infarction. In this case, additional examinations are carried out to rule out a formidable pathology. The disease can occur under the mask of such pathologies as osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia or spondylarthrosis. But unlike these diseases, pain is closely related to eating and is accompanied by dyspeptic disorders.

Syndromes of stomach ulcers can be permanent in nature with significant erosion of the organ wall. Upon examination, the doctor determines a clear muscular tension. With a deeper feeling of a strained wall, local pain in the projection of the stomach is determined. In order to exclude the pathology of the heart and nervous system, patients are assigned additional methods of investigation.

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