Mirror ulcer of the stomach - what is its peculiarity and complexity of treatment?

In most cases, when the mucous membrane and deep tissues of the stomach are damaged, a person suffers severe pain. And it hurts in a particular place, on the basis of which it is possible to determine not only the presence, but also the localization of pathology. But a mirror ulcer refers to those types of defects, in which there is no pronounced symptomatology. According to some experts, this is a consequence of a violation of innervation. That is, there is a failure of the connection of the nerve endings with the central nervous system. Hence the unclear character of the pain sensations in the mirror ulcer of the stomach, called the period of false well-being by specialists.

In fact, the mirror ulcer of the stomach is very dangerous, because it simultaneously affects the front and back walls of the muscle bag. In fact, a person with this diagnosis has at once two lesions that are opposite each other. At the same time, it does not heal very well, since the secretion of gastric juice is always at an excessively high level, as a result of which the patient needs a vagotomy. Often an open wound bleeds constantly and eventually completely destroys not only the mucous membrane, but also submucosal tissue. Thus, pathology takes a perforated form, which is treated solely through surgery.

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Complexity of treatment of a mirror ulcer of the stomach

For surgeons, bilateral lesions of the walls of the stomach is a rather serious problem. The reason is that sometimes only one of the holes formed is diagnosed during diagnosis, while its mirror analog remains unnoticed. The surgeon removes one focus, and the second continues to progress further.

There is also a different situation where perforation occurs in one place, and in the other - the integrity of the intestine is still preserved. After suturing the perforated ulcer, there is a high probability that the perforation of the defect will also occur on the opposite side. That is why when surgical treatment of a mirror ulcer doctors often resort to resection, that is, completely remove the part of the stomach on which bilateral lesions are revealed.

An important individual diet, which is developed by a gastroenterologist for every patient, plays a huge role in the treatment of the mirror ulcer of the stomach. Also, with mirror pathologies, anti-Helicobacter therapy is mandatory, which helps to avoid relapses.

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