Adhesive otitis media: causes, symptoms, treatment methods and prevention

Adhesive otitis is a complex inflammatory disease that can cause hearing loss.

A distinctive feature of the ailment is the formation of adhesions and strands that disrupt the mobility of the auditory ossicles and the permeability of the canal. All this leads to serious problems and complications.

Therefore, when the first manifestations of the pathology should refer to the otolaryngologist.

Adhesive otitis ICD

According to ICD-10, this disease is coded under the code H74.1 "Adhesive disease of the middle ear."By this term we understand inflammatory pathology, which is the result of prolonged fluid retention in the middle ear.

With the development of pathology, the patency of the tubes that connect the nasal cavity with the middle ear is violated. As a consequence, adhesive changes are formed, dense sections of connective tissue, adhesions. All this makes the auditory ossicles less mobile and reduces the conductivity of sounds.

Causes of

In most cases, the adhesive form of the disease develops as a result of catarrhal or exudative otitis media. Also, chronic tubo-otitis can lead to the disease. After these pathologies, adhesive otitis can develop if antibiotics are not used correctly.

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When the inflammation progresses, the exudate accumulates in the tympanic cavity, which leads to a violation of patency. This process is accompanied by the appearance of scarring, fibrin threads, adhesions.

Sometimes this form of otitis develops as an independent pathology. In this case, the provoking factors are as follows:

  • chronic form of tonsillitis;
  • adenoid proliferation;
  • acute pathology of the respiratory system - for example, pharyngitis or tracheitis;
  • hypertrophy of the inferior nasal concha;
  • curvature of the septum of the nose;
  • chronic inflammation of the nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses - they include sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • tumor lesions of the nasopharynx.

Diagram of a human hearing aid in the

section Symptoms, Diagnosis

To treat the adhesive otitis yielded the desired results, it is very important to make an accurate diagnosis in a timely manner. To do this, the doctor must analyze the clinical picture and conduct special studies.

In adults

Adhesive otitis is not characterized by pronounced symptoms, because patients rarely have pain in the ear or discharge from the auditory canal. The general condition usually also remains unchanged.

To diagnose pathology, the ENT should conduct a patient interview and find out whether it has had acute or chronic otitis media in the past. Then the specialist conducts the otoscopy. During examination of the tympanic membrane, it is necessary to evaluate its retraction, deformation, scar processes.

The preservation of the tympanic membrane allows evaluation of tympanometry. Also of great diagnostic value are the Valsalva and Siegle funnels. In the case of a running process, the membrane loses its mobility.

With the help of tympanometry, the work of the joints located between the bones is evaluated. With adhesive otitis occurs ankylosis, which manifests itself in the form of lack of mobility. These changes lead to deafness.

To assess the degree of hearing loss, perform special tests - audiometry, tests with a tuning fork. In order to identify the adhesion process, it is possible to perform purging. In the absence of air in the tympanum, it is a complete fusion of the tube.

To determine the severity of the disease, computer or magnetic resonance imaging of the temporal bone is performed. With the help of these studies, it is possible to consider inaccessible ear structures.

Right-sided and left-side adhesive otitis

Signs of the child

The main manifestation of adhesive otitis in children is an increased hearing impairment that can affect one or both of the ears. Also the baby has a noise in his ears.

At first, the child develops symptoms of intoxication. The baby can become sluggish, capricious and irritable. He has decreased attention, fatigue increases and loss of appetite is observed. Quite often, children refuse meat dishes.

In some cases, the temperature increases to 39 degrees. In this case, the child is disturbed by sleep and there is increased sweating. In the morning, the temperature may drop to 37 degrees.

Catarrhal symptoms are manifested in the form of nasal congestion, pain in the throat, sneezing. Older children often complain of headaches and discomfort inside the ear.


The disease can have a different course. In this case, each phase of adhesive otitis is accompanied by characteristic manifestations.


In acute otitis media, inflammation occurs in the tympanic cavity, which is accompanied by a weakening of ventilation and outflow of fluid. Over time, the exudate becomes denser and forms dense strands. They braid the auditory ossicles, disrupting their mobility.


If the treatment is not started on time, the mucous membrane undergoes major changes. In this case, its surface is formed by scars and adhesions. As a consequence, there is a violation of the mechanism of sound, which leads to loss of hearing. This pathology is characterized by the appearance of low-frequency noise and increasing hearing impairment.

How to treat

In order for the treatment to be most effective, it must be started at the initial stage of the development of the disease.

For this, the following measures are performed:

  • sanation of the nasopharynx and sinuses of the nose;
  • adenotomy - relevant in childhood;
  • recovery of nasal breathing - may require measures to eliminate curvature of the septum of the nose.

Good results with this form of otitis allow bleeding through the Politzer. To make them more effective, perform also pneumomassage of the tympanic membrane.


After performing the first aid activities through a special catheter, the following medicines are administered:

  • hydrocortisone;
  • fluimycil;
  • chymotrypsin.

To strengthen immunity, patients are prescribed vitamin preparations, ATP, etc. Often there is a need for the use of antihistamines. To increase the effectiveness of drug therapy, the following procedures are performed:

  • microwave effect;
  • UHF;
  • massage with ultrasound;
  • mud treatment.

Sometimes conservative measures do not work. In this situation, an operative intervention is indicated. Due to the performance of tympanometry, the mobility of the bones is restored and the adhesions are dissected.

But usually this procedure gives only a temporary result. In such cases, replace the affected pits with artificial ones. If a bilateral form of adhesive otitis is accompanied by rapid hearing loss, hearing aid is indicated.

Eardrum before and after shunting

Folk remedies

It is impossible to cope with adhesive otitis folk remedies. Such measures can give results in the treatment of acute otitis media. Due to this it will be possible to prevent the appearance of a more severe pathology.

To do this, it is possible to wash the nose with decoctions of herbs or saline.

Consequences of

If you do not start treatment in time, there is a risk of negative consequences. The prognosis of the disease is affected by the severity of fibrinous-cicatricial changes that occur in the middle ear.

Such processes are irreversible, and therefore doctors can only stop their progression. The sooner this is done, however, the loss of hearing will be pronounced.


To prevent the development of abnormal processes in the tympanum, one needs to treat otitis media of the middle ear in time. Preventive measures include the following components:

  1. Do not tighten the catarrhal form of the disease to the stage of fluid accumulation.
  2. With the development of purulent otitis, you must clearly adhere to all medical recommendations - take antibacterial drugs, undergo preventive examinations.
  3. For chronic purulent otitis, surgical sanitation of the affected area is mandatory.

See in our video how to do a pneumomassage of the tympanic membrane at home:

Profile clinics

To cope with adhesive otitis media, you should immediately contact a qualified otolaryngologist. For you can visit one of the specialized clinics in Moscow:

  1. Family clinic "Miracle Doctor".
  2. Network "Family Doctor".
  3. International center "MEDLYUX".
  4. "Family Clinic" in the Kashirskaya metro station.
  5. Multipurpose Medical Center "In Marino".

Double-sided adhesive otitis is a rather complex pathology that can lead to complete hearing loss. To prevent this from happening, it is important to consult a doctor right away. After a thorough diagnosis, the otolaryngologist will select an appropriate treatment that will help stop the abnormal process.

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