Focal scleroderma: treatment with folk remedies, prognosis, diagnosis, symptoms

Autoimmune diseases can affect the tissues of any organs, including the skin. In dermatology, the autoimmune process can be represented in the form of focal scleroderma.

Features of the disease

Focal scleroderma is a dermatological pathology with a local( partial) lesion of the skin. Unlike the systemic form of the disease, which affects connective tissue throughout the body, focal scleroderma manifests exclusively on the skin. However, there are studies that prove that the focal form has the risk of developing into a systemic one.

According to statistics, women are sick more often than men, and children are more likely than adults. In general focal scleroderma can hardly be called a common disease.

This video will give an example of the appearance of focal scleroderma:

Classification and stages

Focal scleroderma can be divided into two types: linear and plaque.

The plaque form is found most often, with her on the body formed ring-shaped skin lesions, which change their appearance depending on the stage: stain, plaque and atrophy. There are at least 5 variants of manifestation of plaque scleroderma:

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  • generalized;
  • surface;
  • is a gallbladder;
  • knotty;
  • is atrophic.

The linear form is rare, skin lesions usually affect only the limbs and skin of the upper third of the face. The formations themselves can resemble tapes or sword strikes.

Against focal scleroderma, the following pathologies can be diagnosed:

  • white spot disease , in which white formations are present on the trunk, neck and genitals;
  • sclerotrophic lychen , in which white spots with a purple contour appear on the genitals of women;
  • Pazini-Pierini disease , in which the lesions on the skin are present exclusively on the back;
  • Parry-Romber disease , in which the symptoms are concentrated on the face.

Photo of focal scleroderma

Causes of

Focal scleroderma is an autoimmune disease, therefore it is difficult to talk about its etiology. In autoimmune processes, antibodies produced by the immune system to fight against antigens penetrating the body attack the tissues of the body, in this case the connective tissue of the skin.

There are many hypotheses that explain the causes of the development of such pathologies, but so far none of them is scientifically proven. It is known that a hereditary factor and an increased burden on the immune system play an important role, for example, the presence of chronic sources of infection has frequent colds.

Symptoms of focal scleroderma

The main symptom of focal scleroderma is the appearance on the skin of specific formations that first look like annular, round or linear bruises, then they become denser and yellow, and finally the skin on the affected areas whitens, the pores and hair disappear. There is also a list of nonspecific symptoms that are often observed in patients:

  • in the cold, the fingers become white;
  • in joints periodically there are pains;
  • on the cheeks shows couperose: vascular "stars";
  • palms palate.


During the diagnosis, the physician should differentiate the pathology from symptom-like ailments. Usually this is required only at the initial stages of the disease, since in the unfolded clinical picture all diseases differ from each other:

  • psoriasis;
  • vitiligo;
  • of Crown;
  • leprosy.

The most accurate way to diagnose is skin biopsy. Under local anesthesia, a small patch of skin is peeled, which is examined in the laboratory under a microscope.

It is also necessary to conduct a clinical blood test, an immunogram and a test for Wasserman's reaction.


Therapy for focal scleroderma is carried out according to an individual scheme, made directly for the patient by a dermatologist, based on the available symptoms and their severity and analysis.

Medication treatment

Focal scleroderma is treated with a complex of drugs.

  1. Antibiotics of the penicillin group: Amoxicillin;Ampicillin;Oxacillin.
  2. Enzymes that improve the permeability of tissues: Lydase, Aloe extract, Chymotrypsin.
  3. Calcium antagonists for improving blood circulation: Magne B6, Corinfar, Nifedipine.
  4. Vasodilators: Mildronate, Trental, nicotinic acid.
  5. Ointments to slow the process of atrophy of the affected skin: Solcoseryl, Retinol, Actovegin.

On average, drug treatment lasts about six months. But doctors rarely recommend the continuous use of medications, as long-term antibiotic treatment adversely affects immunity and digestion, and the continued use of vasodilator drugs damages the cardiovascular system. That is why it is important to contact a dermatologist for a therapy regimen without self-medication.

Therapeutic treatment

A good therapeutic effect is provided by physiotherapy. When the body reveals few lesions on the examination, the dermatologist can recommend starting therapy with physiotherapy, and only with its ineffectiveness to resort to medication.

Thus, with focal scleroderma used:

  • laser therapy;
  • electromagnetic therapy;
  • electrophoresis with application of ointments to affected areas;
  • phonophoresis with enzymes;
  • oxygen pressure chamber;
  • bath and mud treatment;
  • massage.

All described methods can be used against the backdrop of drug treatment, as well as after completion of the course for the prevention of relapse.

Folk treatment

You can use ointments and decoctions of medicinal herbs in scleroderma, but only after consulting a dermatologist. All described methods do not replace the main treatment, but can alleviate the symptoms and accelerate recovery.

Compresses made from aloe, boiled bulb or infusion of chamomile are very popular. On the affected skin is applied a compress or soaked with a decoction cotton pad, wrapped in polyethylene and left for 30-40 minutes.

As a natural ointment to improve the regenerative properties of the skin, you can use melted animal fat with wormwood juice.


There is no special diet for people suffering from focal scleroderma. But at the same time, it is known that a change in the diet has a positive effect on the therapy of autoimmune diseases.

To correct the food, the following rules should be adhered to:

  • consume more fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • obtain with food enough vitamins A, B, C, D and E;
  • give preference to foods high in fiber;
  • drink at least one and a half liters of liquids, if there is no contraindication from the endocrine and urinary systems.

Prevention of

disease There are no methods that can completely prevent the development of diseases with an autoimmune factor. But to prevent skin damage can be with timely access to a doctor, for example, if a person's heredity is burdened with scleroderma.

It is also necessary not to load immunity: avoid colds, perform hardening, eliminate all sources of chronic infection in the body, do not self-medicate, use products with a factor of protection from ultraviolet radiation.

Complications of

The main complication of focal scleroderma is the damage not only to skin tissues, but also to other organs. It is also known that with late treatment or incorrectly prescribed therapy, a person may experience hyperpigmentation of the skin, couperose, chronic inflammation of the nasopharynx and mucous eyes, Reynaud's syndrome.

Also pathological activity of the immune system is capable of disrupting the activity of all body systems, leading to diseases of the endocrine and nervous system.


With timely and correct treatment, the prognosis is usually favorable. It is very important to complete the course completely, do not stop it as the external symptoms of the disease disappear. In this case, the risk of relapse is almost minimal.

A woman shares her own experience of getting rid of such a disease:

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