Gastritis in pregnancy in women - signs( symptoms), treatment, medication, diet, how and what to treat, what to do?

Pregnancy is a happy period of expectation of the birth of a child. But it can very easily become one of the most difficult stages in life because of problems with the state of the woman's body. What can I do to prevent this?

One of the most common problems that women face in pregnancy is gastritis. In the vast majority of cases, this is an exacerbation of chronic gastritis, which was before. Of course, this is not the most serious illness and, fortunately, it does not have a direct effect on the development of the fetus, but its symptoms cause certain discomfort and needs treatment.

What are the signs of gastritis in pregnancy? What can I do to solve this problem safely for both my mother and the child in a way? Than to treat, what medicines and methods are not contraindicated?

Causes of gastritis in pregnant women

According to statistics, about 75% of women during pregnancy experience symptoms of gastritis if they have had this disease before. Why is this happening?

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In addition to the causes that cause gastritis and others( Helicobacter pylori infection, eating disorders, stress) during pregnancy, there are some additional factors:

  • , as the fetus grows, the organs in the abdominal cavity slightly change their position, which prevents them from functioning as before, increasesprobability of malfunction. Often even in women who did not have stomach problems, during pregnancy there is reflux and vomiting;
  • changes the hormonal background and immune status, which increases the likelihood of autoimmune aggression of the organism in relation to the glands of the stomach, changes the body's structure for damage and inflammation;
  • during pregnancy, the load on the endocrine system increases, so if there are even the slightest problems in the glands work earlier, at this time, a more vivid manifestation of the malfunction can be expected;
  • during the period of gestation, the body becomes more susceptible to stress factors, and, as is known, they can also provoke an exacerbation of gastritis.

Signs of gastritis in a pregnant woman

One of the characteristic signs of the presence of chronic gastritis and the need for treatment is the high probability of early toxicosis, even with a favorable pregnancy. Its symptoms are manifested by dizziness, nausea, vomiting before 14-17 weeks. Then there may come a relief.

If the escalation of gastritis develops, a woman may have such symptoms:

  • pulling or sharp pain in the epigastric region;
  • feeling of fullness of the stomach, heaviness in it;
  • appetite is often reduced, as it constantly vomits, vomiting may be present;
  • burp "rotten egg";The
  • language is overlaid with a touch of grayish color;
  • heartburn;
  • stool disorders;
  • may increase body temperature to subfebrile values ​​(37-38 ° C);
  • presence of bad breath;
  • exacerbation by symptom after taking something salty, fried, fatty or sour.

In addition to the exacerbation of a chronic disease, acute gastritis is also possible. It is very similar in symptoms to acute poisoning and manifests itself by the sharp appearance of severe dizziness, blanching, the skin becomes dry, after a short period of time, diarrhea joins to these symptoms. These signs indicate the need for urgent medical intervention, since extremely severe conditions can be a threat, both for mother and for the life of the child. What if you notice them?

How to treat gastritis in pregnancy

Treatment of gastritis in pregnancy has many specific features related to what and how to treat. This is due to the fact that it is impossible to completely exclude the influence of drugs and methods on the fetus - the decision as to what to treat is especially important. Therefore, the treatment of gastritis during pregnancy is more aimed at creating the optimal regime, diet, strengthening the body.

The mode should be semi-large. It is necessary to exclude any factors that interfere with full sleep, rest, prevent stressful situations - this is what relatives can do.

Of great importance is a special diet - this is the basis for the treatment of gastritis in pregnancy. The basic principles of how to get rid of gastritis with diet:

  • the maximum exclusion of foods that have irritating effect on the stomach and have sokochnymi properties. These include table salt, spices, especially spicy, various marinades and saturated broths;
  • restriction of the use of light carbohydrates. If the acidity of the gastric juice is higher than normal, this item is one of the most important in the diet, since light carbohydrates increase acidity;
  • food products should be cooked, stewed or cooked for a couple. Fried and smoked is strictly prohibited;
  • recommend eating mucous soups( cooked on the basis of cereals) or dairy, some fruits, a vegetable stew;
  • you need to eat often, but in small portions;
  • at appearance of signs of improvement it is necessary to avoid sharp transitions to the usual ration - the diet needs to be expanded gradually and very carefully.

Drugs for gastritis during pregnancy can also be prescribed. But than to treat, choose from those groups of drugs that can not greatly affect the fetus and are prescribed only when absolutely necessary. If there are indications that the condition is very severe, the doctor can prescribe strong drugs, but only after a thorough investigation and with the assurance that the risks to the health of the mother without treatment exceed the risks of the consequence of taking these medicines for the child.

There is also such an option as treatment with herbal remedies. Such drugs can improve the condition and help fight the disease, provided that when deciding how and what to treat, methods and plants that are approved by official medicine will be used and that they will be applied strictly according to the method.

Is it necessary to treat gastritis during pregnancy?

It may seem that medications are too dangerous for a future child to treat gastritis during pregnancy, and it is better to wait. What can I do to get the best result? Indeed, caution should not be forgotten, but it needs to be used, deciding how to treat, and not deciding to give up treatment.

Refusal of treatment increases the risk of development of malignant lesions of the digestive system in the future, but in the present can increase the manifestation of symptoms of the disease, worsen the general condition, which can lead even to problems with pregnancy.

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