Erythematous gastroduodenitis

When an erythematous gastroduodenitis is diagnosed, it means that the inflammatory process affects only the superficial layers of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Endoscopy shows mild redness. They can spread throughout the tract, then we are talking about diffuse gastroduodenitis, they can be localized in one place and manifest as small oval spots - focal erythematous gastroduodenitis.

Most often the disease begins to develop in the pyloric stomach, which is responsible for the neutralization of hydrochloric acid. Weakening of the functions leads to the fact that the inflammatory process quickly moves to the duodenum and provokes the expansion of the vessels of its mucosa.

Symptoms of erythematous gastroduodenitis

As a rule, slight mild inflammatory processes occur asymptomatically. But if you carefully listen to your body, you can distinguish the characteristic signs of erythematous gastroduodenitis:

  • First, the appetite disappears.
  • Secondly, immediately after eating, discomfort appears in the abdomen( heaviness, rumbling, flatulence).
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  • Thirdly, due to disturbances in the digestive process, the stool becomes unstable.

Mild nausea, constant eructation, burning sensation in the stomach - even the presence of a single symptom should make each of us visit a gastroenterologist. Easy stages are easily given to treatment, unpleasant symptoms are eliminated by diet therapy.

Patients with erythematous gastroduodenitis are advised to abandon bad habits, adhere to the proper diet and try to avoid strong emotional stress loads. From the daily diet should be excluded products that can provoke the production of gastric juice, having a rough texture, as well as fried, spicy dishes, canned food, fatty meat and fish delicacies. The therapeutic menu should consist of warm dishes, cooked on steam or in the oven.

From medicamental preparations are selected only those that help restore the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is possible to eliminate symptoms and prevent the development of complications with the help of traditional medicine. Especially recommended are decoctions and infusions, brewed from chamomile, St. John's wort, millennial and mint. Much faster passes erythematous gastroduodenitis, if the patient takes oatmeal, potato juice, tea from the grass of flax.

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