Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis: symptoms and signs, stages of an attack, how long does it take, what to do?

Usually the stage of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis occurs if the patient has broken a diet and used fatty or fried foods, alcohol, fresh white bread, spicy or salty dish, that is, everything that he absolutely can not and is characterized by such a symptom as acute girdling pain inzone of epigastrium. Usually, an exacerbation does not require the beginning of surgical intervention in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis, but it is also not recommended to start the disease, since this can lead to complications that will interfere with the normal process of digestion and assimilation of substances by the body.

At a stage of an exacerbation of a chronic pancreatitis one of the basic factors promoting a convalescence, is a medical food. When choosing a diet they try to choose products that, during digestion, will have the most gentle chemical and mechanical effect on the gland, thus weakening the pain symptoms caused by the enzymes of the pancreas.

At the onset of the exacerbation of patients with a pronounced pain symptom recommend a state of complete rest. To disturb the patient with pancreatitis pancreatic is allowed only by mineral waters of Borjomi type, the gases from which must be released in advance, and the water itself can be warmed to room temperature. You can also use a warm, unsaturated broth from the dog rose, unsweetened and not strong tea.

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And only on the third day of pancreatitis, when the symptoms of an exacerbation come to naught, patients are prescribed sparing diets, gradually giving rubbed liquid cereal, mucous soups, jelly and vegetable purees. These and other dishes should be only in a liquid or semi-liquid state, be well wiped and cooked steamed or cooked. Dishes that can be consumed by a patient with chronic pancreatitis in the acute stage are very similar to a ration when an ulcer is exacerbated, but pancreatitis is not recommended for eating eggs, and milk intake is limited.

After a week from the beginning of the acute stage of the disease, food can be consumed not only in the form of rubbed, but also in finely chopped.

In order to exacerbate chronic pancreatitis did not show pain symptoms, it is important not only to adhere to the diet, but also to alternate periods of work with periods of adequate rest, as stresses, experiences and unrest are bad for the work of the entire digestive system.

Symptoms of an attack of chronic pancreatitis

  • are painful sensations that are localized in the left side of the ribs or in the upper abdomen. Often, they appear immediately after eating;
  • flatulence;
  • sharp decrease in body weight;
  • appearance on the mucosa of a whitish tongue;
  • nausea and vomiting.

The described symptoms can appear either one at a time or in combination, depending on the characteristics of the body, as well as the course of the disease.

However, it is impossible to diagnose an exacerbation of the disease solely by the named characteristics. Similar symptoms of an attack of chronic pancreatitis are also characteristic of many other diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to make a number of instrumental medical studies, including: blood and feces analyzes, ultrasound, computed tomography.

What should I do if I have an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis?

As experts say, this condition can arise at any time. It does not require a long time interval for its offensive. As a result of an exacerbation, various vital organs, for example, the kidneys or the heart, may suffer, because the toxins and enzymes released by the pancreas can enter the bloodstream. And in case of a hemorrhage, death may come. Therefore, an attack of chronic pancreatitis should immediately be stopped.

For this, first of all, you need to refuse to accept any food. Follow this recommendation for three days. Drinking is allowed in minimal amounts in the form of still water.

It is also necessary to provide peace to the patient. Ideally, you should keep bed rest. To minimize pain, it is recommended to apply a cold warmer to the pancreas.

As for medical treatment, it must necessarily appoint a competent doctor. Postpone the visit to a specialist is not worth it. After all, chronic pancreatitis is an insidious disease. Relief, as a rule, is temporary. By itself, the attack will by no means pass. And without proper medical care, soon the disease will again make itself felt. Moreover, with a new, even greater force.

How long does an attack of chronic pancreatitis last?

In each individual case, exacerbation of the disease can last for a different period of time. On average, the time interval is from one day to three.

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