Recurrent pancreatitis, recurrent acute or chronic form, medical history

Recurrent pancreatitis is characterized by repeated attacks of the disease, that is, relapses, which in their gravity resemble an easy form. Recurrent pancreatitis can be divided into acute and chronic. However, such a separation will be very conditional, since the painful attack up to six months from the onset of the development of the disease will be referred to the first type, and after six months to the second. There is also some difference in the nature of the pain attack, which in the chronic form will have a character more girdling, while with acute - more stitching.

When radiographing a patient in 80% of cases, calcification is found in the pancreas, but rely only on this feature is not necessary, because their formation can occur as early as after 2 to 3 relapses, and after 8-10 years, during which they can happenhundreds.

Therefore, the most basic subjective feature, without which there is no attack of the disease, is pain with pungreatitis-specific acute forms of irradiation, but less force and not causing a shock. A painful attack in the initial stages of the disease can take only a few hours, but usually from the very beginning relapse worries a person for several days. The periods of exacerbation are accompanied by paroxysmal vomiting. Other symptoms, such as shock and fever, are peculiar only to relapses of the acute form of the disease. Over time, signs of pancreatic digestive failure may join the listed symptoms, as a result of the destruction of a significant part of the pancreas.

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Today in the gastroenterology of one of the most difficult differential diagnostics is the definition of recurrent pancreatitis. It is unambiguous to say that the cause of the emerging pain attacks was exactly this disease, it is possible only according to the results of laboratory studies. It should be borne in mind that in the first period of recurrent pancreatitis diastase changes will not be observed for more than 48 hours, so the study is tried twice a day to determine the top of the diastase content curve in urine and blood tests.

Complexity in diagnosis leads to the fact that it is not possible to unambiguously determine how often this type of pancreatitis occurs. In the opinion of some doctors, it is very common, and in confirmation they cite cases when the disease became known only during secretion or surgery. Others consider this disease rare and sweep away all arguments of opponents.

History of the disease recurrent pancreatitis

Based on the medical history, the patient who is subsequently diagnosed with recurrent pancreatitis( whether acute or chronic) is referred to a medical institution with traumatic pains in the left hypochondrium, with nausea and even vomiting.

The examination showed no pathological changes in the skin, musculoskeletal and respiratory system. There is no palpation of the lymph nodes. As for the intestines of the patient with recurrent pancreatitis, there is a possibility of complete obstruction, gastroenteritis or diverticulitis. Concomitant diseases may be leukemia, diabetes mellitus, hernia, pain, stomach ulcer, gastritis, tumors, pancreas cyst, kidney disease and others, which must be indicated in the medical history.

The patient has intense pain in the abdominal region( left or across the entire area), vomiting with an admixture of bile, increased concentration of lipase and amylase, acute vascular insufficiency, leukocystis.

In a medical institution, a patient is prescribed conservative treatment, which implies:

  • being in hospital;
  • adherence to a diet( complete rejection of fatty and fried foods and salt);
  • intramuscular injections of kontrikal and drotaverin( 1.0 in / m and 2.0 v / mtr every day, respectively);
  • intravenously: ciprofloxacin;
  • in the chronic form of recurrent pancreatitis is a powerful inhibitor of sandostatin 1.0 in / in thrice a day;
  • disinfection therapy( droppers);
  • pentoxifylline( for swelling).
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