Duodenal ulcer: symptoms, signs, causes, diagnosis, treatment, nutrition and diet

Duodenal ulcer , presented in the photo, is a common defeat of the mucosa of the PDC with the formation of open wounds( most often in the bulb), wounds, called ulcerative defects. This disease in humans occurs about three to four times more often than a stomach ulcer. Statistics say that about 10 - 12% of the adult population has this unpleasant disease. By the nature of manifestation, it is almost always chronic. Children are diagnosed very rarely, although recently there has been a significant rejuvenation of the disease. Cases of duodenal ulcer occur approximately at a frequency of 1 patient per 600 children. It often goes to people after 40, although many cases are among those who are in their teens or rather young ages 17 to 20 years and older. More common is the gastrointestinal malaise among the citizens who live in large metropolitan areas. Residents of villages, small towns are less prone to manifesting duodenal ulcer. Men given the diagnosis are much more likely than women. Appearing once, the disease duodenal ulcer most often remains for life, making itself felt during periods of exacerbation.

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Why this happens can be understood if you study the causes of the disease, but first you should see a video about the duodenum, in which the doctor talks about it clearly and even interestingly.

Causes of duodenal ulcers( PDK, LDPC)

Opinions of physicians regarding the causes of ulcer of duodenum are controversial. They consider this disease multifactorial, that is having not one, but at once several reasons of occurrence. Part of the medical luminaries tend to consider the main cause of the disease a dangerous bacterium Helicobacter pylori. This bacterium reduces the resistance of the mucosa and causes its inflammation. Settling on the mucosa of the DPC or its bulb( LDPK), it begins to intensively release gastrin. Its high level leads to excessive production of acid, which in turn damages the walls of the intestine or stomach. So ulcer defects are formed, the size of which can be in the diameter of 0.5 - 0.6 cm to 1.2 cm.

Another most significant cause of ulceration on 12-finger walls is the admission of certain groups of drugs by patients. The most dangerous for all gastrointestinal tract are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These drugs can influence the synthesis of certain enzymes. Helping us cope with the existing disease, they have an aggressive effect on the gastric mucosa and duodenum, since they block the work of the necessary enzymes. Especially dangerous are the consequences of taking NSAIDs when consumed without dosing, when treating these drugs in the elderly, with prolonged use of tablets.

Other factors and causes of duodenal ulcer are also called. Among them the most common are:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • frequent stress, depression and other psychological factors;
  • immune disorders;
  • insufficient night sleep, work on a shift schedule;
  • food not saturated with proteins;
  • bad habits;
  • drugs of some groups( steroids, potassium chloride, aspirin and others);
  • complication of existing chronic diseases( tuberculosis, diabetes, liver cirrhosis, hyperparathyroidism, hepatitis and a number of others).

Symptoms and signs of duodenal ulcer, photo

Depending on the size and location of the ulcerative defect, the symptoms of duodenal ulcers may manifest themselves in different ways. Its main symptom is pain in the upper abdomen. It can occur both before meals( on an empty stomach), and after eating and even at night. By nature, the pain can be acute or aching, dull. In some patients, it is localized in one place, while in others it disperses throughout the stomach, giving to the intestine. In addition to pain, other first signs of a duodenal ulcer can be noted:

  • eructation and heartburn, while in the mouth there may be a sour taste;
  • nausea, which is often supplemented by bloody vomiting;
  • flatulence;
  • bloating;
  • decrease in body weight;
  • decrease or lack of appetite.

Not all patients have ulcers expressing themselves with severe symptoms, as in photos and pictures. Sometimes it can be quiet for a while, hidden. This is an asymptomatic course of the disease.

There are extremely dangerous symptoms of duodenal ulcers that you need to know about in order to help the patient. Such signs include:

  • darkening of the color of the stool( it becomes practically black);
  • presence of blood or blood clots in stool;
  • severe vomiting with blood;
  • is a persistent acute pain in the abdomen.

Separately it is necessary to note symptoms of perforated ulcers, when in the place of formation of a ulcerative defect there is a rupture of the membranes. In this case, the following signs of the disease are found in patients:

  • acute pain, diverging from the left hypochondrium to the clavicle and neck;
  • strong vomiting, which abruptly begins and also ends quickly;
  • solid stomach;
  • blueing of the mucous membranes;
  • performs a cold sweat.

In the presence of any of the symptoms, as indicated above, and demonstrated in the photo, it is necessary to immediately start diagnosing and undergo a full course of treatment, otherwise the disease will become chronic and cause a lot of trouble.

Diagnosis of duodenal ulcer

Diagnosis of duodenal ulcer is usually diagnosed by a gastroenterologist. If there is no such specialist in a small polyclinic, the examination is recommended to be done by the therapist. Diagnosis of an ulcer of the duodenal ulcer begins with a doctor's anamnesis. It includes the elucidation of the nature of pain, the presence of a hereditary predisposition, the establishment of periods of exacerbation of the disease and remission. Some of this information, of course, is not enough for an accurate diagnosis, so the next stage of the examination is palpation of the abdomen. With ulcers of the 12-intestine, patients may have a painful compaction in the abdominal region, muscle tension.

Further diagnosis of duodenal ulcer( photo near) includes instrumental and laboratory examination.

The most common method of diagnosing ulcerative defects of the duodenum is gastroduodenoscopy. It allows not only to determine the presence of defects, but also to reveal the size of the wound, its depth, to conduct a biopsy.

Less common methods of testing for this diagnosis are X-ray and ultrasound. To identify complications, studies of other organs that are involved in the disease process can be assigned.

Patients are most often assigned laboratory tests:

  • blood test( for the detection of inflammatory processes and the presence or absence of anemia);
  • intragastric pH meter;
  • blood test for the detection of antibodies against the bacterium Helicobacter pylori;
  • feces analysis for detecting occult blood;
  • microscopic examination of a biopsy biopsy specimen.

Treatment of duodenal ulcer, prevention of

disease. For medical attention, if there is a suspicion of ulcerative defects in the bowel, you should immediately go to a medical facility. Treatment of duodenal ulcers is carried out according to certain schemes. Correct reception of preparations does not allow to appear to relapses and exacerbations. Only the attending physician can prescribe medications that will have the right effect on the diseased organ. The course of therapy is usually two weeks.

For the complete disposal of the ulcer, the following groups of drugs are prescribed:

  • anesthetics;
  • inhibitors to reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid;
  • antacids;
  • antibiotics for the control of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

Less and less often, surgical intervention is used to treat ulcer of the duodenal ulcer. If earlier the operation was considered almost the most effective way to completely get rid of the pain and troubles that the disease brings, now such treatment is resorted only to internal bleeding or when detecting perforated ulcers.

Many people are helped by folk treatment of ulcers of the duodenum and stomach. Choosing recipes for healers, you should not abandon the appointment of a doctor. Caution should be applied to the use of plants. In case of peptic ulcer, the herbal medicines, which include chamomile, calendula, celandine, are effective helpers. You can take a course of therapy with the use of sea buckthorn oil, chaga mushroom, eucalyptus leaves, potato juice, burdock leaves.

It is not enough to cure a duodenal ulcer. In order not to exacerbate, it is necessary to remember about prevention. Forever you have to forget about smoking, do not provoke yourself with alcohol. Particular attention should be paid to nutrition and diet, as will be discussed later.

Nutrition and diet for duodenal ulcer

Since one of the most significant causes of peptic ulcer disease is malnutrition, every patient should be aware of what a diet should be for a duodenal ulcer. If the patient takes into account the basic requirements for catering, the disease will not only be cured, but in the future it will be possible to avoid complications and constant relapses.

The digestive system of people suffering from any gastrointestinal disease must work together. To achieve this effect, you can, if you take food in accordance with a strictly prescribed schedule in small portions. In this case, the intervals between meals should not exceed 3 to 4 hours in the daytime. To exclude irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, one should not eat very hot or, on the contrary, too cold food. Every piece of food that gets into your mouth must be thoroughly chewed. In a diet it is necessary to enter more dishes having pasty, mushy consistence. Steam food is also well absorbed and does not cause irritation.

From some products, patients will have to refuse altogether, as they cause increased secretion of juice, which leads to exacerbations of the disease. Among the products prohibited for the ulcer are:

  • fat;
  • strong coffee and tea;
  • fried fish and meat;
  • black bread( rye);
  • canned food, marinades, spicy sauces;
  • cakes.

The use of salt is restricted.

Do not think that there are no products left, in order to diversify the patient's menu with a plague. In the diet must be all kinds of porridge, boiled fish, steamed lean meat, rabbit meat, beef. Vegetable, cereal and milk soups will be useful. Black bread can be replaced with bread crumbs.

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