What dishes to cook with an ulcer of the duodenum: salads, soups, cereals, pelmeni, borsch?

Conservative therapy of the digestive system is always accompanied by a diet.

Inflammation of the small intestine mucosa develops a duodenal ulcer, the treatment of which is also closely related to changes in the habitual dietary intake.

The patient is recommended a therapeutic diet consisting of dishes that are as gentle as possible for the digestive tract. Minimal stress on the intestines and a decrease in the aggressive action of hydrochloric acid contribute to a faster recovery.

Recommendations for cooking

In addition to properly selected dishes with duodenal ulcers, it is necessary to strictly follow the technology of cooking and observe the following rules:

1 . Due to the presence of ulcers on the walls of the digestive system, it is impossible to overload the intestines with fried,.To restore the functions of the digestive tract, boiled or steam recipes will do.

2 . Ingredients that are part of the dishes with a duodenal ulcer of the acute stage must be finely chopped, rubbed or passed through a meat grinder. During the remission period, gastroenterologists are allowed to eat in an ordinary, not a mushy manner, but chew them for a long time.

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3 . Soup with duodenal ulcer is cooked on water, secondary meat or vegetable broth, which is obtained after draining the water at the first boil. It is this basis that contains the minimum number of animals and plant extracts that can increase gastric acidity.

4 . Salads with duodenal ulcer during an exacerbation are considered to be a prohibited dietary dish.

When the disease recedes, it is not recommended to include only salads from fresh vegetables. Vegetable products rich in coarse fibers and fiber, without heat treatment, are too heavy for digestion. Mayonnaises and fatty sauces as salad dressing are replaced with olive or vegetable oil, sour cream.

5 . Cucumbers with duodenal ulcer are prepared using a large amount of water. Due to this, the porridges are cooked with a kneading, with a viscous consistency, which allows enveloping the damaged mucosa, creating additional protection on the small intestine canals.

6 . In general, the preparation of dishes with duodenal ulcer is reduced to a well-cooked or steamed food, chopped into small, friable pieces. This reduces the burden on the diseased organ.

7 . The food regime is divided into six meals, the difference between which is 2-3 hours. Serving size - no more than 300 g, larger volume can lead to stretching of the small intestine. Dinner should be held for a couple of hours before bedtime, before going to bed it is recommended to drink 250 ml of milk.

8 . Dishes on the table of a peanut are served warm, in avoidance of thermal irritation of the walls of the intestine.

9 . During the period of acute dyspnea ulcers, specialists prescribe patients with a table number 1a, when the disease subsides - 1b.

Pelmeni with duodenal ulcer

Most patients who do not imagine their life without meat are asked by specialists: "Can I afford pelmeni with duodenal ulcer?"

The answer to the question depends on the stage of the disease, the period of the disease and the composition of the dish.

There are pelmeni for exacerbation is strictly prohibited, it can provoke perforation of the ulcer. Particularly difficult for digestion are shop semi-finished products. Cooked with a large amount of pepper and fatty meat, they will disrupt digestion and cause pain.

During a stable remission every 2 weeks it is allowed to replace one meat dish with ravioli cooked at home. In this case, do not use pepper and prefer non-fat minced meat, for example chicken.

Borsch and duodenal ulcer incompatible

With ulcers, this is the favorite of many first course is prohibited.

Cooked using tomato paste, garlic and overcooked vegetables, it poses a huge danger to the intestinal mucosa. As an alternative to borscht gastroenterologists, vegetable soups are offered, with taste characteristics not inferior to the Ukrainian recipe.

Vegetable soup puree

  • Marrow;
  • Milk is a quarter cup;
  • Water is a glass;
  • Butter( cream), flour - one small spoon;
  • Egg;
  • Salt;
  • Cabbage( color) - a small head;

1. Cabbage to scald, disassemble. Zucchini finely chopped. Put everything in a saucepan, add water and oil, close the lid, stew.

2. In a frying pan dry the flour, dilute it with water, cook for 10 minutes.

3. Wipe the vegetables, add the floury broth, milk, warm a couple of minutes, salt.

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