Varicose veins of the pelvis - symptoms and treatment in women

Varicose veins of small pelvis in women are provoked by such a phenomenon as a reverse transfer of blood to the ovarian vein that occurs when the vessels are squeezed.

The starting mechanism of the development of a disease is pregnancy, namely the hormonal changes observed during this period and the growing pressure of the uterus on the vessels of the small pelvis.

This type of varicose is manifested by prolonged and intense pain in the lower abdomen, usually appearing after persistent heavy physical exertion or before monthly.

Reasons for

Why does varicose veins of the small pelvis occur and what is it? In most cases, this disease is diagnosed in women, and most often this ailment is found in patients aged 25 to 45 years. Very often, such patients try to cure varicose veins themselves first - folk remedies that are used without prescription and specialist advice can lead to undesirable side effects, so you still have to contact a phlebologist.

To factors, provoking the development of this disease , include:

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  1. A sedentary lifestyle.
  2. Unbearable physical activity.
  3. Hormonal problems.
  4. Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.
  5. Congenital pathologies of vascular walls - underdevelopment, aplasticity, weakness.
  6. Sexual problems - anorgasmia, pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse, having a psychological origin, often practiced interrupted sexual intercourse.

Varicose veins of the small pelvis are very similar to the condition of varicose veins on the legs. In both cases, valves in the veins suffer, which help the blood flow to the heart. The function of valves is disrupted to prevent reverse blood flow. When the valves collapse, blood stasis stays in the veins of the blood. The veins, which are filled with blood, stretch and intensify even more stagnant phenomena. Pelvic syndrome of venous overload develops mainly near the uterus, fallopian tubes, vulva and even the vagina.

Symptoms of varicose veins of the small pelvis

The presence of varicose veins in women can be indicative of a number of symptoms. The most important of them are uncaused pains in the lower abdomen, a zone of the small pelvis, often they are given to the lumbar region or to the crotch of the .Also, a woman can be bored by mucous discharge in abundant form from the genitals, especially in the second half of the menstrual cycle.

In addition to the basic, there are also other, no less important symptoms of small-pelvis varicosity in women:

  1. Dysmenorrhea. The appearance of pain during menstruation.
  2. In some cases, the birth function is impaired.
  3. Painful irradiation in the areas of the sacrum and waist, and also in the groin area.
  4. Sensible course of so-called premenstrual syndromes.
  5. Appearance of a painful crisis( as a result of psychoemotional stress, physical overstrain, hypothermia).
  6. The phenomenon of dyspareunia( the appearance of discomfort in the vulva or in the vagina, both during intimacy and at its end).
  7. The appearance of pain in the abdomen after prolonged loads( both static and dynamic).

Faced with these symptoms, you should immediately contact a specialist. Since this disease can have a lot of unpleasant consequences of :

  • disrupts the activity of organs of the reproductive system;
  • varicose can become a contraindication to natural childbirth;
  • a feeling of anxiety and irritability;
  • appears fear of sexual relations.

It is also worth noting that the above symptoms can be expressed in different ways( weaker or stronger), some women have all the signs of the disease, and someone has 1-2 of them.


For a correct diagnosis the woman undergoes a comprehensive examination.

When a patient complains of pain, arising for an unclear reason, the doctor first determines all the factors that caused the onset of the pain syndrome. Carefully examine the patient's legs. So you can detect the appearance of varicose veins. In special cases, consult a vascular doctor.

Diagnostic methods:

  1. Laparoscopy .Identify varicose veins in the ovaries.
  2. ultrasound of the vein system .The study allows you to see the expansion of the veins, their tortuosity.
  3. Doppler examination of .It reveals a decrease in systolic velocity in the veins of the uterus and ovaries.
  4. Selective ovary scan .The most accurate study. It is performed by the method of introducing contrast through the femoral and subclavian veins.
  5. Computed tomography .It allows to exclude pathologies, to reveal varicose veins in the uterus and ovaries, to show their crimp and widening on the screen.

The use of such methods makes it possible to more accurately determine the symptoms of the disease.


To standardize the diagnosis and attempt to differential treatment AE Volkov classified varicose veins of the small pelvis, depending on the diameter of the dilated vessels and the location of venous ectasia.

There are 3 degrees of this disease:

  • 1 degree - vein diameter up to 5 mm( any venous plexus of small pelvis), "corkscrew" course of the vessel;
  • 2 degree - diameter of the vein 6-10 mm with total type of varicose, loose ectasia of the ovarian plexus( pl.pampiniformis ovarii), VR parametral veins( pl.uterovaginalis), VR of arches of the arcuate plexus of the uterus;
  • 3 degree - vein diameter> 10 mm with total BP type or main type of parametric localization.

Depending on the severity of the pathological process in the small pelvis, it is possible to use conservative methods of treatment and surgical interventions.

Treatment of varicose veins of the small pelvis

If a woman has been diagnosed with varicose veins of the small pelvis, the treatment is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  1. Termination of the reverse flow of blood through the veins of the ovaries.
  2. Normalization of the veins tone, improvement of blood supply of tissues.
  3. Withdrawal of symptoms: pain, bleeding and so on.

Therapy of BPCM includes two main components of :

  1. Exchange rate of medication for exacerbation.
  2. Continuous use of curative physical education for the prevention of relapse.

In varicose veins of the pelvis 1 or 2 degrees of the pelvis, as a rule, conservative methods of treatment are used( venotonics, nonspecific anti-inflammatory drugs, therapeutic exercise).Conservative treatment for pelvic venous congenital syndrome is symptomatic, including normalization of working and rest conditions with the exception of significant physical exertion and prolonged stay in an upright position.

It is worthwhile to understand that even the most qualitative treatment does not allow to completely cure varicose veins of the pelvis. But, nevertheless, adequate therapy allows you to get rid of most of the clinical manifestations and significantly improve the patient's condition.

Conservative treatment

Because of the internal location of the diseased veins, medicines are given orally, it is not possible to use venous gels and ointments. The following tools are used:

  1. Diosmin( detralex, phlebodia) - to eliminate the increased elasticity of blood vessels, reduce their permeability, prevent brittleness;
  2. Horse chestnut extract( escusin) - for swelling and inflammation;
  3. Troxerutin( troxevasin) - to improve the outflow of blood from damaged vessels, improve the tone of the veins, reduce swelling and inflammation;
  4. Vitamin C( Ascorutin) - to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Specialists recommend combining medical therapy with exercise therapy and wearing special compression underwear. A special need for compression linen occurs during pregnancy.

Surgical intervention

Surgery is an extreme measure that is used in cases when the disease is very neglected and there is a predisposition to BP veins. Surgery is selected depending on the location of the main disorders, and provides for such procedures:

  • ovarian vein ligation;
  • ligation of the genital vein( often in combination with the perineal miniblebotomy);
  • operation of Troyanov-Trendelenburg( crossectomy) - in case of defeat, also the veins of the lower extremities.

In case of need for surgical intervention, the selection of appropriate actions is very individual, as everything depends on the localization of varicose veins.


Therapeutic exercises for small pelvis varicose consists of such exercises:

  1. From standing position, with parallel standing feet, rise to the toes and descend. Repeat up to 30 times. From the standing position, the heels are combined, the socks apart. Go up and down 30 times.
  2. Stand straight, dilute the heel apart, combining socks. Up to socks up to 30 times.
  3. Make a "bike" and "birch", watching for full leg straightening.

Exercises can be performed anywhere. If you want, you can replace, add or remove any exercises, most importantly, make sure that the body does not overexert. Physiotherapy exercises should be combined with the wearing of compression knitwear.

Folk remedies

The most popular and famous folk remedies:

  1. Tea mushroom infusion( chaga).
  2. Tincture of horse chestnut fruit for ingestion.
  3. Treatment with leeches, which are placed on the area of ​​the sacrum and coccyx.
  4. Infusion from the root of a dandelion or herbal collection based on the root of a dandelion. It has a venotonic effect.

Considerable role in the treatment of varicose veins is played by diet - nutrition should be balanced and contain a sufficient number of animal proteins and vegetable fiber.


Also follow a few simple recommendations that will not only prevent BPCM, but also improve the general condition of the body:

  1. Wear special medical tights.
  2. Daily exercise respiratory gymnastics.
  3. Take a contrast shower, focusing on the hips, perineum, lower abdomen.
  4. During a sedentary or standing work, take breaks, walk 5-10 minutes every 1-2 hours.
  5. Add to the diet more vegetables containing vegetable fiber, and vegetable oil. Avoid sharp, salty, and also foods that can cause constipation.

Consequences of

The most common complications of this disease are:

  • diseases of the uterus and inflammatory adnexa;
  • of bladder disease;
  • uterine bleeding.

In conditions of impaired venous outflow, there is a risk of developing pelvic vein thrombosis. But the frequency of this type of complications does not exceed 3-5%.

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