Bulbit stomach - symptoms, treatment, diet, what is it, how to treat folk remedies?

Very many doctors today diagnose bulbit stomach, what is it, could tell in detail an experienced gastroenterologist. This disease is associated with inflammation of the mucous membrane of a bulb - a small organ that is located between the stomach and duodenum. Most pathology can directly be associated with gastritis, often it is its consequence. But there are other reasons that are capable of provoking characteristic symptoms.

Who gets the bulbite?

There are several reasons for the occurrence of bulbitis of the stomach - treatment is prescribed with their account:

  • The main culprit for the destruction of the mucous bulb is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. It settles on the mucosa, actively multiplies and because of the products of the life of microorganisms, inflammation develops.
  • Second place in the prevalence is the violation of intestinal motility. As a result of a malfunction in the duodenum, the gastric juice is discharged along with the mucus consisting of food debris and enzymes. Such a mixture causes damage to the mucosa, a bulbit arises, the photo clearly shows how the healthy organ changes.
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  • In third place, doctors put a deterioration in the emotional state of a person. It is proved that prolonged stresses, malnutrition, chronic overfatigue provoke a spasm of the intestinal vessels. As a result, the tissues lack the necessary nutrition, so they begin to gradually die off. There is a bulbitis of the stomach, the treatment of which will be very long.
  • Lesion of the mucous bulb can cause parasites that have settled in the intestine. From them, today no one is immune. In lamblias or ascarids, a stomach bulb often develops, which is what a few know, patients who experience malaise rarely consult a doctor, as a consequence - the disease passes into a chronic stage, difficult to diagnose, requiring an integrated approach to treatment.
  • Moderate manifestations of the described disease appear in those who take large doses of alcohol, those who smoke a large number of cigarettes a day, those who love excessively spicy and salty foods. Excess fried foods in the daily diet, a large number of chemical flavors, dyes, canned food, also causes the disease, its symptoms are well studied. Let us denote the most characteristic of them.

What does the patient feel like a bulbit stomach?

How to distinguish the disease from other diseases, what symptoms accompany it? About two hours after eating, the patient begins to experience discomfort in the solar plexus. There is a cutting pain, reflected on the right side of the navel and under the ribs. In the period of exacerbation, it becomes acute.

Violation of the intestinal peristalsis leads to the formation of eructations, a bitter taste appears in the mouth, which can provoke a vomiting attack. All these symptoms are accompanied by dizziness, there is a strong weakness, a person can shiver, and then sharply throw in sweat. In the acute course of the disease, the described manifestations proceed brightly, the one with a chronic bulbitis of the stomach, the symptoms are slightly erased.

Diagnostic methods

It is very difficult to recognize bulbot stomach.that this such, visually can show only gastroduodenoskopija. It reveals the characteristic redness of the mucosa, the bulb extension, reveals the stagnation of food in it. To confirm the diagnosis, X-rays are often additionally transmitted using X-ray contrast material. With this study, all of the above symptoms are also clearly visible. The doctor additionally produces the epigastric region palpation. When examining it with the help of the hands, the patient feels a sharp pain in the peripodal region.

Types of stomach bulbit

When answering the question how to treat bulbitta of the stomach, it is important to identify the root cause of the disease and determine the severity of the disease.

If the disease affects only the upper mucous layer of the bulb, a surface bulbite is diagnosed, treatment of it is led to the use of a special diet. The patient is recommended to give up bad habits, he is recommended to completely exclude fried foods, sharp and salty dishes from the diet. The clinic is obvious: the symptoms described above are slightly erased, the pain passes after eating or when using mucus-coated medicines and folk remedies.

Pathology can be acute, or wear a protracted character, which goes to the stage of a chronic disease. A prolonged inflammatory process indicates the presence of catarrhal bulbitis of the stomach, the diet in this case is prescribed the same as with peptic ulcer.

When the inflammation of the mucosa leads to tissue death, an erosive bulbitis of the stomach arises, what is it, we will tell in a separate article. We note only one thing: the final stage of this stage of pathology leads to the formation of ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.

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