Bulbitt, gastroduodenitis and duodeno-gastric reflux

Many are familiar with stomach problems. When a doctor diagnoses gastroduodenitis and bulbitis, a lot of questions arise. In this article we will try to understand all the details concerning this terrible problem.

Gastroduodenitis and bulbitis are diseases that affect the duodenum. These are infectious diseases, which are accompanied by inflammatory processes not only in the gut, but also in the stomach. There are gastroduodenitis and bulbitis for many reasons: this is the wrong diet, and bad habits, and constant stress. Bulbit can be acute and chronic.

The main symptoms and treatment of gastroduodenitis

Symptoms of this disease can be confused with problems in the digestive tract:

  • stomach pain after eating;
  • nausea;
  • when you press on the stomach, there is pain.

To cure gastroduodenitis, it is necessary to adhere to a strict diet. Immediately consult a doctor to prevent the disease in the early stages.

In this case the pain is localized in the epigastric region, as a rule, it is cramping senses. Sometimes he gives it to the navel. Treatment of the disease bulbit lasts a long time. Therapy includes a healthy lifestyle, avoiding smoking and alcohol, dieting.

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Duodeno-gastric reflux, bulbitis - compatible concepts

Duodeno-gastric reflux is the source that causes stomach diseases. The main symptoms include yellow plaque in the tongue, sharp and aching pain in the abdomen, constant heartburn and belching. It is possible to detect this disease only with a comprehensive examination. Self-treatment duodenal gastral reflux is not worth it, it's better to see a doctor right away. He will prescribe the right antibiotics. To prevent the appearance of the disease, you need to carefully monitor what you eat. The most important thing is to exclude tobacco smoking.

There is no specially developed diet yet, but there are well-known recommendations for the treatment and prevention of duodenal gastro-reflux and bulbitis. This frequent consumption of food in small portions, do not overeat, walk more in the fresh air, do not wear tight clothing( so that there is no pressure on the stomach cavity), abandon bad habits. If you do not treat it - there will be gastritis.

Remember the main rule - your health depends on how much you will follow it. It is necessary to fight not with the symptoms of the disease, but with its cause. Then everything will be fine for you.

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