Causes, symptoms and treatment of hypertensive crisis: possible complications

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1 The main symptoms of

Hypertensive crisis, the symptoms of which are quite typical, require immediate medical treatment. In order to provide the proper help in the manifestation of hypertensive crisis in women or men, it is important to know which symptoms of the crisis are.

Signs of hypertensive crisis during the development of the disease have manifestations in the form:

  • the appearance of nervous excitation;
  • occurrence of feelings of anxiety and anxiety;
  • increased heart rate;
  • sensations of lack of air;
  • cold sweat;
  • appearance of "goosebumps";
  • of tremor of the hands;
  • redness of the face.

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The main sign that the hypertensive crisis has occurred is, first of all, a sharp jump in blood pressure. But even it does not always manifest itself. Sometimes it happens that the patient feels a throbbing pain, but at the same time he notices the appearance of asterisks before his eyes. Most often it occurs in people suffering from hypertension. So an uncomplicated crisis manifests itself. This may cause dizziness and vomiting.

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All this symptomatology is a consequence of the violation of the local circulation in the human brain. The causes, symptoms of the crisis cause the patient to panic and become more active. Further, for this reason, the development of sweat is activated, a feeling of heat arises. Following this, the patient begins to complain that his hands and feet begin to tremble, and he himself becomes terribly cold. Hypertensive crisis, in addition, has another very revealing symptom - goose bumps. It does not exclude the appearance of cold sweat.

In some cases, the patient can complain about the appearance of pain in the sternum and the development of dyspnea.

The surface of the body, not covered with clothing, turns red. Acceleration of cardiac contractions occurs. There is a significant increase in systolic pressure.

Hypertensive crisis is a condition in which the patient's state of health can sometimes worsen significantly, then it is already a question of complications of the hypertensive crisis.

Causes and symptoms of a crisis should not be ignored, especially when the crisis manifests itself in the form of a severe buzzing in the ears. This indicates a violation of blood circulation in the brain, up to the violation of the functioning of the senses and the fall of a person into a stupor or unconsciousness. It is clear that the consequences of the crisis can be deplorable.

2 Causes of the disease

When the hypertensive crisis occurs, treatment should be prescribed only by the doctor based on the general state of health, the variety, the causes that caused the development of this condition.

Among the reasons that can contribute to the development of hypertensive crisis, we can note a few particularly important, the impact of which should be taken into account:

  • hypertension;
  • consequences of diseases of the central nervous system or an earlier traumatic brain injury;
  • kidney disease;
  • thyroid disease;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Among the diseases of the central nervous system, the main cause is most commonly recognized as a stroke. If we talk about kidney diseases, the causes of hypertensive crisis are usually seen in the manifestations of pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, kidney failure and the formation of kidney stones.

Symptoms of hypertensive crisis - the consequences of endocrine causes, in particular diabetes, hyperthyroidism.

Hypertensive crisis, among other things, is a consequence of the impact on a person of a number of negative factors:

  • long or powerful stressful situations;
  • excessive consumption of table salt and salty foods;
  • excess weight;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • change in climatic conditions;
  • is a sudden and fast refusal to take certain medications.


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From all of the above, it becomes clear what is the hypertensive crisis, what are its causes and symptoms, but getting deeper into the question, it is necessary to understand what differences the degrees of development of the hypertensive crisis have, and what kind of first aid can be given to those close to the patient.

3 Types of hypertensive crisis

Physicians distinguish two types of disease. The hypertensive crisis can be of types I and II.Differences consist in the complexity of the course of the pathological state, in the time of its course, the consequences, respectively, also vary significantly.

Considering the hypertensive crisis of the first type, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the degree of its manifestation is considered relatively easy and short-term. To a greater extent, this current is fixed in young people, and the crisis occurs against a background of more or less stable physical condition. Deterioration of the state of health of a person, as a rule, occurs in 1,5-2 hours, the general situation can last about 3-4 hours. Hypertensive crisis of the first type causes a person to have a sharp headache, nausea, accelerated heartbeat. Such a patient often shows signs of nervous overexcitation, tremors and chills. In addition, doctors or relatives can pay attention to the appearance of characteristic red spots on the patient's skin, fever and excessive sweating. Analyzes conducted to establish a true diagnosis can show an increase in the level of sugar and adrenaline in the patient's blood, an increase in blood clotting. According to the available data, the necessary treatment is prescribed.

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Symptoms and treatment of hypertensive crisis of the second type differ slightly from the previous one. First, the crisis is noted in older people who have a significant "experience" of the disease, as well as in the late stages of hypertension. The development of hypertensive crisis of the second degree, usually occurs within a few days. This type of crisis is somewhat similar in character to the crisis of the first type, the only difference is that in the second case there is a staggering when walking, there is a slowness of actions and thoughts, a weakness in the muscles. In the case of medical diagnosis there is an increase in the level of norepinephrine and the absence of a difference between the upper and lower indices of blood pressure.

4 First aid during an attack of

If someone from nearby people has suspicions of hypertensive crisis, you can provide first aid, which will largely depend on the patient's future condition, and maybe even his life. But it should be understood that first aid is not a substitute for professional treatment.

Knowledge of the algorithm for providing first aid, appropriate skills can determine the outcome of the disease. If a situation arises when the hypertensive crisis develops, a certain sequence of actions should be followed.

First, it is necessary irrespective of the patient's desire and state of health to call the emergency team. After this, you should try to calm the person, should lay him down or provide a "half-sitting" position. Such actions will not allow the arterial pressure to rise. Then it is important to adjust the patient's breathing, it must be even and deep. You can apply a cool compress to your head.

At the same time it is important to ensure unobstructed penetration of oxygen into the room, open the window and unfasten the buttons on the patient's clothing.

In this case, you can give a drug to lower blood pressure, but only one that was previously taken by the patient himself. In the event that such medicines have not been taken, medicines can be used from the following list:

  • Captopril;
  • Kapoten;
  • Corinthar;
  • Nifediline;
  • Cordaflex.

Any of these remedies can be taken repeatedly if there are no noticeable improvements, but in general, the drug should not be taken more than twice before the ambulance arrives. In addition, the patient can give a tincture of motherwort and valerian or Corvalol.

If there is a feeling of chill, you can apply a warm water bottle to the patient's legs.

If the patient complains of the occurrence of pain in the chest area, you can give a tablet of nitroglycerin.

Further assistance should be provided by qualified physicians. In some cases, medical care can be so timely and sufficient that hospitalization may not be required. But it should be understood that if a paramedic offers to undergo treatment in a hospital, it is better not to abandon it.

5 Folk remedies

Sometimes it can happen that the house does not have the necessary medicine;How then to help the patient? In this case, you can turn to the recipes for traditional medicine.

To relieve the patient's condition, foot baths can be added with the addition of mustard or the use of mustard plaques, which should be applied to the nape, calves, or in the region of the heart.

The juice, jam or compote made from chokeberry can reduce the pressure. You can also eat a few berries.

An excellent tool for fighting hypertensive crisis is aromatherapy. The procedure for such treatment should be as follows: the patient needs to lie down so that his face is immersed in a pillow, people nearby should place the patient with ice in the region of cervical vertebrae. Keep ice until it disappears completely. On a still damp skin surface, apply a small amount of any oil:

  • juniper;
  • of lemon;
  • ylang-ylang;
  • lemon balm;
  • geranium.

Reduce blood pressure, increased due to stress, you can take three times a day for 50 ml of decoction of valerian and motherwort. For its preparation, take one tablespoon of a mixture of these herbs and pour it with a glass of warm water. An hour later, the broth is ready for use.

Treatment with traditional medicine will be effective if the patient will follow preventive measures, and around will reign atmosphere of tranquility.

6 Methods of preventing the disease

Despite the fact that the treatment of hypertensive crisis provides for the provision of professional medical care, allows the use of traditional medicine, it is important for a patient to follow preventive measures. In particular, this concerns the refusal to drink caffeinated beverages, refraining from drinking alcohol and smoking.

In addition, exercise should be reduced. Of course, they should not be canceled at all, it is better to replace serious loads on the body with lighter ones, which, by the way, will have a beneficial effect on the body condition. According to doctors, cycling or hiking, holding morning exercises, swimming can be an excellent alternative.

Ideally, you should avoid stressful situations, but this, alas, is impossible, so you should learn to react neutrally to their occurrence.

It is important to observe the regime of the day, the normalization of the diet.

It should be remembered that in no case at your own will it is impossible to interrupt the treatment previously prescribed by the doctor. In addition, after the first manifestation of the hypertensive crisis, prophylaxis is important, constant monitoring of the indications of blood pressure in humans.

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