The main symptoms and characteristics of the disease of the eye

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1 The essence of the problem

This vascular pathology of the retina and optic nerve is considered the most dangerous form of ischemic attacks and micro strokes.

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The disease is dangerous because it can leak unnoticed for a person. In this case, there is a rapid loss of vision, which is exacerbated with the development of pathology.

People at risk are over 60 years old. This is due to the fact that older patients usually do not give due importance to the first manifestations of the disease due to a small lesion.

Middle-aged people are also susceptible to eye strokes. The probability of the appearance of pathology increases with mental or physical fatigue, unbalanced diet and abuse of bad habits.

2 Clinical picture of the disease

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To determine the stroke of the eye by external hemorrhage or the formation of small hemorrhages. A characteristic sign is a strong widening or narrowing of the blood vessels. In addition, the disease manifests itself as follows:

  • a temporary or progressive impairment of visual function;
  • significant weakening of peripheral vision;
  • appearance of glare and opacity, the location of which is constantly changing;
  • fuzzy visual perception of objects;
  • the formation of "blind spots" - individual areas of the field of view, on which visibility disappears;
  • violation of color perception.

If there is any symptom from this list, you need to urgently go to the oculist or neurologist. Modern methods of diagnosing eye blood flow disorders can determine the nature of the disease and prescribe effective treatment. Therefore, in most cases, after a treatment course, patients completely or partially restore vision.

3 Manifestations of various forms of pathology

There are several pathologies that are suitable for the definition of "stroke of the eye":

  • occlusion of the artery and detachment of the retina;
  • retinal vein separation;
  • central occlusion of the artery.

Symptoms of these forms of eye stroke allow you to put a preliminary diagnosis.

Occlusion of the artery and detachment of the retina is a very dangerous disease, which is extremely difficult. In this case, patients lose peripheral vision without other symptoms. In some cases, with retinal detachment, spasms and narrowing of the carotid artery are observed.

The separation of retinal veins has the same clinical manifestations. But to their number are added the white spots reminding glare of light. This form of eye stroke very rarely affects both eyes. Unlike retinal detachment, separation of veins is subject to cure and in most cases has a positive prognosis.

Central artery occlusion appears suddenly, and develops very rapidly. This type of stroke of the eye is characterized by a one-sided loss of vision, as well as a deterioration in the perception of colors.

As a rule, such a stroke of the eye is not accompanied by a pain syndrome.

Earlier, central occlusion was considered incurable, but with the advent of laser technology, the prognosis may be positive.

Do not underestimate the importance of eye stroke diagnosis. A noticeable deterioration in vision and consultation with a doctor can completely reverse the course of the disease.

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