Varicella in children and adults: symptoms, treatment, prevention

There are some diseases, to avoid which, few people succeed. These include chickenpox, which replenishes the list of childhood diseases. It will be useful to learn that there is already a way to prevent problems. Chicken pox in children and adults, its treatment and symptoms, prevention and photos of patients will be considered by us today.

Features of the disease

The disease initiates the third type of herpes virus( not to be confused with the usual and genital herpes, cytomegalovirus and the Epstein-Barr virus).Usually infection occurs in childhood.

The virus passes through the body an exacerbation cycle, called chicken pox. After recovery, the herpes virus does not die, but is in an inactive state in the nerve cells in the spinal ganglia.

Secondarily, the virus can manifest itself in the adult period in the form of a disease of herpes zoster. Rarely, in the case of a weak immune system, the herpes virus of this type can again cause chickenpox.

For the female body, infection with chickenpox during pregnancy is unacceptable.

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This situation can cause severe damage to the fetus.

About what a chickenpox is dangerous, this video will tell:

Stages and forms

Periods through which the disease progresses:

  • Incubation - this period denotes the time when the sick person is the spreader of the infection. It is about two weeks, if the patient is 30, then this period can last up to three weeks.
  • The prodromal period is greater in the adult population. The beginning of the period falls on two days before the appearance of skin rashes. Its signs:
    • fever,
    • headache,
    • sensation of painful discomfort in the lumbar region and sacrum.
  • Eruptions - the beginning of the process occurs without deterioration of health, and when there is a wave of mass appearance of the bubbles, then the manifestation of fever is possible. The period lasts 2 ÷ 8 days.

The appearance of crusts occurs in parallel to the rash process. The vesicles burst, healing, they become crusted, which also fall off. A new rash appears near the stage of the rash.

Causes of

The factor that can cause disease is contact with a person infected with chickenpox. Since the spread of the virus happens by airborne droplets, infection can occur during a conversation with a sick person or even simply, staying with him in a small area.

There is a possibility that a sick person may not know that he is infected, because rashes appear two days after he becomes an object of infection, dangerous to others. This period ends approximately two weeks after the appearance of the rash.


The following are the signs of the disease:

  • Febrile state - the temperature can rise to 390 ÷ 400.
  • The general condition is complicated by a headache.
  • Appear typical skin rashes. This factor is a vivid expression of the disease. The process takes place in several stages:
    • on the skin and mucous membranes, small bubbles are found with liquid inside,
    • pimples cause a feeling of itching;they are short-lived, burst, and on the skin appear sores;
    • , the last stage shows that there is a recovery: the sores are covered with crusts, which gradually disappear.


The disease has characteristics that immediately distinguish it from other health problems. The need to conduct research usually does not appear. It is possible to carry out the analysis: in the tissue culture, the determination of the location of the virus.


Methods for treating chickenpox have not been developed. This is due to the fact that the virus is not influenced, and ways to stop its action or destroy it inside the body have not yet been found.

Symptoms of the disease go away after 7 ÷ 10 days. Help with chicken pox is symptomatic.

Therapeutic way of the

The actions aimed at the result are carried out:

  • decrease in high temperature,
  • care for pimples, in order to prevent inflammation of the skin.

During the disease, hygiene procedures are shown, namely bathing. It is good to make a bath with a composition that disinfects and helps the wound healing on the skin, for example, in a solution of potassium permanganate of a weak consistency. Do not forget about proper nutrition.

Drug medication

If there is a need to temper the temperature( the patient has a temperature above 380), prescribe a fever antipyretic:

  • ibuprofen
  • or paracetamol.

When a patient experiences severe discomfort from skin itching, the doctor selects an antiallergic agent.

For the treatment of bubbles use:

  • solution of fucocine,
  • green,
  • solution of potassium permanganate.

On prevention, incl.vaccinations against chicken pox for children and adults, the following section will tell you about its price.

Doctor Komarovsky will describe the treatment of chickenpox in children in this video:

Prevention of the disease

General recommendations

The precautionary measures include avoiding the situation of contact with a sick person. The disease spreads by airborne droplets, so an infected person presents an acute danger to others. In the environment, the virus is not stored for a long time.

Chickenpox, as a rule, are sick in childhood and this is facilitated by being in groups:

  • in kindergarten,
  • school.


To date, there is a modern means of preventing the disease - vaccination. It is recommended to be carried out at any age for people who did not suffer from chickenpox. In childhood, vaccination is possible from 12 months.

Experience shows that the procedure protects the body from infection for at least 10 years. The vaccine is administered subcutaneously.


  • Children age 13 and older, and adults are to be vaccinated twice at intervals of 6 to 10 weeks,
  • Children under 13 years of age are given a one-time vaccination.

Procedure is not performed:

  • to people who are allergic to vaccination( if already conducted and revealed inadequate response of the body);
  • for immunocompromised patients( HIV infection);
  • if there is an exacerbation of chronic diseases, or a person at this time is infected with an acute infectious disease;in this case, they expect stabilization of the state.

Vaccination of such categories of people is mandatory:

  • for patients who need to undergo radiation therapy,
  • with acute leukemia;
  • in that they are preparing for organ transplantation;
  • people suffering from chronic diseases,
  • patients who are forced to take immunosuppressants.

The cost of the vaccine Varilrix is ​​5000 rubles.

Complications of chicken pox in a child and adult

One of the consequences of the disease can occur if the blisters are rinsed incorrectly. Because their presence causes itching, the patient has the prerequisites for combing them.

This can lead to the fact that after them there will be traces - scars. Recommendation regarding the elements of the rash - do not touch them, and the itching is removed with the help of medications.

In rare cases, chickenpox can occur in severe form with consequences in the form of lesions:

  • of internal organs,
  • of the brain.

Such complications occur in patients with very weak immunity.


The outlook for a disease with chickenpox infection is positive. Usually the virus passes through all stages during the illness and becomes inactive, continuing to be in the body.

In very rare cases, there are serious complications. Very rarely there can be a lethal outcome. Negative manifestations occur when the patient has very weakened immunity.

This video provides useful advice to parents in the fight against chickenpox:

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